How to play FATAL Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

FATAL Game Rules

Welcome to the world of FATAL, a game that challenges your imagination and strategic thinking while offering an exhilarating gaming experience. Here, I’ll guide you through the essential rules you need to know to dive into this captivating world. So, let’s get started!


Character Creation

Creating your character in FATAL sets the stage for your adventures. You’ll have the freedom to customize every aspect, from their appearance to their abilities. Immerse yourself in the world of FATAL and let your imagination run wild.


Skills and Abilities

In FATAL, your character’s skills and abilities shape their capabilities and determine how they navigate challenges. From combat prowess to magical aptitude, each decision you make will have an impact on your character’s journey. Remember, strategic thinking and adaptability are key.


Combat System

Engaging in combat is an exhilarating part of FATAL’s gameplay. With its unique combat system, you’ll need to carefully consider your actions, anticipate your opponent’s moves, and make tactical decisions. The outcome of the battle depends on your choices and how well you employ your character’s skills.


Magic and Spells

Magic is an integral part of the FATAL world. As a player, you’ll have the opportunity to harness the power of spells and wield extraordinary abilities. But be mindful, for the use of magic often comes with consequences. Choose your spells wisely and be prepared to face the repercussions.


Exploration and Quests

FATAL offers a rich and immersive world filled with thrilling quests and hidden treasures. Embark on epic adventures, explore mysterious locations, interact with diverse characters, and unravel captivating storylines. The choices you make will shape the outcome of your journey.


Role-playing and Interactions

One of the most exciting aspects of FATAL is its emphasis on role-playing and interactions. As you navigate the game, you’ll encounter a variety of characters and communities. Engage in meaningful conversations, form alliances, make tough decisions, and let your character’s personality shine through.


Risk and Consequences

FATAL brings a sense of risk and consequences to the table. Your decisions can impact the course of the game, shaping both your character’s story and the world around them. Be prepared to face challenges, make sacrifices, and embrace the unexpected twists that await you.

In conclusion, FATAL is a game that offers a unique and immersive gaming experience. By diving into its rich world, customizing your character, and embracing the challenges that come your way, you’ll embark on a thrilling journey like no other. So, are you ready to unleash your imagination and test your strategic thinking? Prepare yourself for the exhilarating world of FATAL!

Today is the summer solstice, and I find myself wandering through the enchanted forest in search of hidden treasures. It’s an exciting quest as each of us enchanter wants to collect the treasures that are linked to our birth-sign. But it’s not just about finding these treasures; we also have to be careful not to let the enchanter from the opposing sign hinder our progress.

The enchanter who manages to bring the most fame to their own birth-sign will be crowned the victor by the enchantress queen herself! It’s a thrilling competition that tests our skills and cunning.



There are several components in the game:

  • 12 characters with different abilities
  • 25 treasures to collect
  • The Enchantress Queen
  • 52 vision cards
  • 18 enchantment cards to enhance your magic
  • Instructions to guide you

Object of the Game

In this game, you become a mysterious “techno-enchanter incognito” connected to one of five fairy birth-signs: Flambeaux, Lichtenborn, Angbat, Aquate, or Terranova.

Your goal is to use your magic wisely to gather the most valuable treasures while stopping others from doing the same. The winner is the enchanter who has the most valuable treasures or the first player to eliminate an enchanter from the opposing birth-sign!

To create faerie magic, you need to play vision cards. These cards are arranged in two rows. When a row has three cards, it becomes a powerful trimagic!

When it comes to the trimagic symbols, their combination determines what happens during a vision. They can have different effects, like giving you more vision cards or even taking away another enchanter’s treasures!

When you play vision cards, you place them face up in front of you, like this:

  • The first card in a vision is played right side up
  • The second card is played upside down
  • The third card is turned to one side

Getting Ready

The person who owns the game picks a starting player, or you can choose randomly.

Take the set of character cards that matches the number of players (on the back). Mix up those cards and give one, with the face down, to each player. You can look at your own character at any time, but you should keep it a secret from everyone else.

Your character card shows your birth-sign’s color and the treasures you want to find. It also shows the color of the birth-sign you are up against.

Here’s how we can get started:

First, I want to talk about the different birth-signs and colors in the game. For example, let’s say I have the red birth-sign called Flambeaux, and my opposite sign is yellow, called Lichtenborn.

Now, it’s time to gather the treasures that match the colors of the players in the game. If there are 3 players, we’ll need 15 treasures. With 4 players, it’s 20 treasures, and with 5 players, it’s 25 treasures.

After gathering the treasures, we’ll shuffle them together and deal four face-down. Next, we’ll grab the Enchantress Queen and shuffle her with the four treasures. To finish the setup, we’ll take the remaining deck of treasure cards and place it on top of these five cards. This stack will be our treasure deck. We’ll turn over the top three cards from the treasure deck and place them in a row next to the deck.

Okay, now it’s time to deal out the playing deck. We’ll shuffle it and deal four cards to each player. The rest of the cards will make up the draw pile. Before we start playing, make sure you have a way to keep score handy, like a pen and paper.

Let the Game Begin!

In this game, we take turns playing in a clockwise order. The game consists of two rounds, and each round comes to an end when the Enchantress Queen card is drawn.

During your turn, you will need to follow these actions in the given order:

  1. First, you are allowed to play one enchantment card.
  2. Next, you have the option to steal one vision card.
  3. Finally, you can play one or two vision cards from your hand.

Whenever you play a card, make sure to draw one card from the top of the draw pile and place it face down near your vision cards.

At the end of your turn, there are a couple of actions you need to take:

  1. If the vision cards in your possession display 3 or more stars, you have the opportunity to choose one of the three face-up treasures.
  2. If any of your visions contain 3 vision cards, you can cast the trimagic and discard all the cards in that particular row.

I’m going to walk you through the steps of a turn in the game. Here’s what you need to do:

1. First, you can add any cards that you set aside earlier in the turn to your hand. You can have up to six cards in your hand at a time.

Now, let’s break down your turn into more detail:

1. Play One Enchantment: You have the option to play one enchantment from your hand. Enchantments take effect right away. If an enchantment goes against the rules of the game, it overrides those rules.

2. After the effect of the enchantment ends, you discard the card. But don’t worry, because after you play an enchantment, you draw a card from the draw pile and set it aside until the end of your turn.

That’s it! Those are the key steps to remember for your turn. Have fun playing the game!


Hey there! Did you know that you can use the “Elemental Shield” enchantment even when it’s not your turn? This magical ability lets you cancel the effect of a trimagic that targets you. Cool, right?

Let me explain it with an example. Imagine Andrew playing a trimagic that lets him draw a random card from another player’s hand and then draw another random card from a second player’s hand. Andrew tries to draw his first card from Bea, but she’s got the “Elemental Shield” enchantment up her sleeve, and she cancels this effect like a pro! Little Andrew isn’t disheartened, though, and proceeds to draw his second card from Carl.

Now, here’s something special:

Instead of playing an enchantment, you have the option to exchange up to four cards from your hand. But here’s what you have to do first: discard one of your treasures valued “1”, “2”, or “3” to the bottom of the deck. It’s like making a trade, but with cards! Pretty neat, huh?

Let me show you how to use this card effectively. I’ll guide you through the steps:

  1. First, take a look at your hand and decide which cards you want to get rid of. You can discard up to four cards.
  2. After discarding, you’ll need to draw four new cards from the deck. Even if you discarded fewer than four cards, you still get to draw four.
  3. Now, it’s time to add some cards back to your hand. You can choose as many cards as you discarded earlier. The rest will go to the discard pile.

Let me give you an example to help you understand better. Imagine you have five cards in your hand, and you decide not to play an enchantment. Instead, you discard a green “1” treasure to exchange three of your cards.

In this example, you discard three cards from your hand. Next, you draw four cards from the deck. Finally, you get to choose three of those cards to add to your hand, while the remaining one goes to the discard pile.

2. Steal One Vision

If you want to steal a vision card from another player and add it to one of your vision rows, there are two conditions you need to meet:

    Let me explain a cool game strategy to win at “Vision Stealer”! Here are the rules you need to keep in mind:

    1. First, check if you have a vision card at the end of one of your rows. It’s important that this card has a symbol that beats the symbol of the vision card you want to steal. Remember, the magic stone symbol beats multiblade, multiblades beat parchment, and parchment beats the magic stone.

    2. If you have the right card, you can steal the vision card you want. You can add the stolen vision card to one of your rows, without changing its orientation. But be careful! You can only steal cards that have a symbol. Cards without a symbol cannot be stolen, and you can’t use them to steal other visions.

    By following these simple steps, you’ll have a better chance of winning the game. You’ll need to think strategically and choose the right vision cards to steal. Good luck and have fun playing “Vision Stealer”!

    Example: I gotta tell you about Andrew – this guy has some serious vision. With a magic stone in his possession, he’s able to swipe Bea’s multiblade vision card and kickstart a whole new row of visions. Talk about a power move!

    But get this – Andrew can also snatch Carl’s reversed multiblade vision card and plop it right into his vision row using that magic stone. Why reversed, you ask? Well, the stone demands it, that’s why.

    Now, there are some limitations to Andrew’s powers. He can’t nab Bea’s vision parchment because, you know, he doesn’t have a multiblade vision card. And that card in Carl’s second vision row? It’s symbol-less, so Andrew can’t touch it. Tough luck, bud.

    3. Add some visions from your hand – 1 or 2, your call

    You’ve got the green light to play one or two vision cards from your hand, slotting them right into your very own vision rows. Pro tip: for every card you play, grab another from your deck and set it aside – it’s like a little prize for your effort!

    That about wraps it up for your turn. But before you go, you’ve gotta follow these next steps:

    A. If you’re seeing 3 stars or more in your visions:

    If you see 3 or more stars in the cards in the rows you’re looking at, you can choose one of the three treasures that are face-up.

    You can keep the treasure for yourself or give it to another player of your choice (they have to take it).

    Then, you replace the chosen treasure with a new one from the deck, which is turned face-up.

    Always keep your treasures face-down in front of you. You can look at your own treasures whenever you want.

    If any of the rows have three vision cards:

    When a row has three vision cards, it creates a trimagic. What happens depends on the visions:

    1. The first vision card determines the type of trimagic:

      I’m going to give you a step-by-step guide on how to play the game Fatal, so let’s get started!

      First, you’ll need a deck of cards to play. Take turns drawing cards from the deck and adding them to anyone’s hand, including your own. This will give you more options and strategies to choose from.

      Next, you can take treasures from the ones on display and add them to the stack of any player, again including yourself. This will give you an advantage in the game and help you gather valuable resources.

      Another move you can make is to steal treasures randomly from another player’s collection and add them to your own. This can be a strategic move to disrupt your opponent’s plans and strengthen your own position.

      If you want to shake things up even more, you can draw cards randomly from another player’s hand and discard them. This can be a powerful move to weaken your opponent’s hand and limit their options.

      Now, let’s talk about the visions in the game. The 2nd and 3rd visions determine if the trimagic involves another player, and whether it affects 1 or 2 cards. These visions play a crucial role in determining the course of the game and can greatly impact your strategies.

      So, there you have it – a guide to playing Fatal. I hope these instructions help you navigate the game and succeed in your quest for victory. Good luck and enjoy the game!

      In the game, there’s a special ability called trimagic that has a unique impact on the players. When I use trimagic, it affects not just me, but also another player who I choose. It’s like casting a spell that reaches out to them.

      • #image.jpgThere’s something special about trimagic – it affects both me and someone else, chosen by me. I’m able to touch them with my magical powers.
      • #image.jpgWhen trimagic comes into play, it impacts both players involved – that’s either one or two players depending on the situation – and the number of cards affected depends on the number of stars displayed. Now, keep in mind that when it’s the third time I get a vision, I count the stars only at the end of the triangle! Note: This rule is specifically for the third vision – it’s important to pay attention to the stars.

      Once the trimagic has been activated and all its effects are resolved, the vision cards that were involved are discarded. The interesting thing is that I can use trimagic twice in a single turn, so I have the chance to experience its power even more!

      Example 1: I’ll draw 1 card from the playing deck, take a look at it, and then add it to the hand of any player. After that, I’ll repeat this process, but this time, I’ll give the card to a different player.

      I draw a Magical Swap card and decide to keep it for myself.

      Next, I draw a vision card and give it to Frensisca, who only has one card left in her hand. This will make it harder for her to achieve a special victory.

      Example 2: I pick two treasures from the display and put them on top of any player’s stack.

      Albert decides to give his opponent a yellow “-1” and draws a new card from the deck to replace it.

      The replacement card is a green “-1”. Albert then selects the green “-1” as his second treasure and gives it to the same opponent.

      C. Add any cards you set aside to your hand:

      Finally, you can add cards to your hand. The cards you previously drew and set aside during your turn are now available to you. Remember, you can’t have more than six cards in your hand when your turn ends.

      Draw cards from the set aside pile until you have six cards in your hand. If you already have more than six cards, you must discard cards down to six (this can only happen if you used the special ability “draw from the deck” to add cards to your hand).

      If you forget to draw cards when you’re supposed to, tough luck! You can’t go back and draw them until your turn ends!

      Once you’ve drawn your cards, your turn is finished, and it’s the next player’s turn. If the draw pile runs out, shuffle the discard pile to make a new deck to draw from.

      End of the Round

      The first round ends immediately (even if it’s in the middle of someone’s turn!) when the Enchantress Queen is revealed.

      Everyone reveals their treasures, and we tally up the scores for the first round. You get points equal to the value of all your treasures (the number in the corner of the cards). Write down this value on your score pad.

      So, here’s the deal: once the points are tallied, you get to make a choice. You can choose to reveal your birth sign and score a bonus! Pretty cool, right?

      Revealing Your Character

      After we’re done figuring out the scores, it’s decision time. You can choose to reveal your character and get a bonus. Now, we all have to make this decision at the same time.

      Get your character card and put it face up on the table if you want to reveal your sign or face down if you want to stay hidden. Cover your card with your hand. When everyone is ready, we all lift our hands at the same time.

      If you chose to reveal your character:

      • Your character stays face up for the rest of the game.
      • Take a card from the deck and add it to your hand.

      Treasure of Birth

      Let me tell you about a game I know of, called “Treasure of Birth.” It’s a game that revolves around your birth sign and the treasures you possess. In this game, players have the chance to reveal their birth sign and earn bonuses, but they also risk being attacked by opposing birth signs. Sounds exciting, right?

      So here’s how it works:

      • If you have any treasures of your birth sign, you can choose to display one of them in front of you. But, you must discard all your other treasures.
      • If you decide not to reveal your character, you won’t get any bonus, but your birth sign will still remain hidden. In this case, you need to discard all the treasures you have.

      Now, pay attention to this: if you choose to reveal your character, you’ll receive a bonus, but you’ll also be vulnerable to attacks from players with opposing birth signs.

      The Second Round

      After the first round, gather all the treasures that haven’t been set aside by players who revealed their character. This includes the ones that were still in the deck. Shuffle these cards and rebuild the treasure deck, just like in the beginning of the game. Don’t forget to add the Enchantress Queen!

      Next, turn over the top three treasures and place them on display. Now, the second round begins from where the game left off when the Queen was revealed.

      If you showed your character at the end of the first round, you get to keep any treasures you find that match your color. Put them face up in front of you and they’re safe from being stolen!

      Having face up treasures of your own color will give you extra points when it’s time to count them up. But if you kept your character hidden, all your treasures stay face down, just like in the first round.

      Getting rid of your opponent’s Birth-sign

      If you manage to get rid of all the cards in another player’s hand, something special happens:

      • If it’s still the first round, that player has to draw one card from the deck and add it to their hand. Then the game keeps going.
      • But if it’s the second round, that player is out! They have to show everyone their character card. If it turns out to be the sign that’s opposite to yours, then you win right away!

      For example: If the yellow player ends up with zero cards in hand, the red player wins the game.

      The Game’s End

      As soon as the Enchantress Queen is revealed for the second time, the game comes to an immediate end, even if it is in the middle of a turn. Now it’s time to tally up your score and determine the victorious player!

        If you revealed yourself at the end of the first round and your character is face up, you will score your treasures based on the following chart:

      # of treasures 1 2 3 4 5
      Points 1 3 6 10 15

      Add your score from the first round to your score from the second round. The player with the highest combined score wins the game!

      If two or more players end the game with the same score, the player who has collected the most treasures that match their color will be declared the winner. In the event that there is still a tie, the player with the highest total value of treasures, considering only treasures of their color, will emerge victorious.

      But wait! There’s an exciting twist! You can secure a special victory by eliminating the enchanter who possesses the opposing birth sign. Achieve this, and you instantly win the game!

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