How to play Egizia Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Game Rules for Egizia!

Hey there! I’m here to guide you through the exciting world of Egizia. This ancient Egyptian-themed game will take you on a thrilling journey back in time. So, are you ready to dive in?

What Is Egizia?

Egizia is a fantastic strategy board game that brings the Nile River to life right at your tabletop. In this game, you’ll be playing the role of an ancient Egyptian architect, and your goal is to help build the most magnificent monuments along the Nile.

How Does Egizia Work?

Here’s how the game works. You and your fellow players will take turns performing actions, such as gathering resources, hiring workers, and constructing buildings. The key to success is careful planning and making strategic choices.

The Nile: Your Source of Power

Having a good understanding of the Nile River is essential in Egizia. It is not just a beautiful landmark but also the lifeblood of ancient Egypt. The Nile dictates the availability of resources, and you must harness its power to build your empire.

Flowing Through the Phases

The game is divided into five phases, each representing a historical period in ancient Egypt. In each phase, you’ll face different challenges and opportunities. Stay adaptable to maximize your chances of success.

Planning and Strategy

To succeed in Egizia, you must plan ahead and strategize your moves. Keep an eye on your opponents’ actions, as it may impact your decisions. And remember, the choices you make will ultimately shape the destiny of your civilization.


Now that you have an overview of the game, it’s time to grab your fellow architects and start building your legacy along the Nile! Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Egizia and enjoy the challenges it presents. Have a blast!

In your quest to understand the game of Queens, there are a few key elements you need to take into account. I’ll guide you through the setup process step by step, highlighting the important elements and terminology along the way. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

The Game Components

Before diving into the rules, let’s familiarize ourselves with the components included in the game. Here’s what you can expect to find in the box:

  • 1 game board
  • 4 player tableaus
  • 32 ships (4 colors)
  • 96 stones (4 colors)
  • 16 construction crew tiles (4 colors)
  • 4 quarry start cards
  • 4 grain start cards
  • 56 Nile cards
  • 29 Sphinx cards
  • 20 grave tiles
  • 4 player sequence number tiles
  • 1 water ring
  • 4 Skarabaus tiles
  • 1 game rules

Now that we’ve got an overview of the game components, let’s move on to setting up the game board.


1. To begin, place the game board right in the middle of the table. This will serve as the centerpiece for all the action that is to come.

2. Every player will need a player sequence number tile. To determine who goes first, shuffle these tiles secretly, and each player chooses one tile which they will place in their play area.

It is worth noting that if you have fewer than 4 players, simply return the unused tiles back to the box. This ensures everyone has a fair and balanced experience.

Hey there! Let me break down the rules for you:

First things first, we all get to pick a color for our play area. You go ahead and choose the one you like best. Once you’ve made your selection, grab a player tableau of that color and put it right in front of you on the table.

Now, here’s where things get interesting. You take the four construction crew tiles in your chosen color and carefully place them on your player tableau. These tiles are going to be super important as we start playing.

Make sure you’ve got everything set up correctly, and we’re ready to go!

So, here’s what I do: I take the Joker tile and put it on space 2 of the bottom row. Then, I grab the other 3 tiles and place them on space 1 of the top row.

Next, it’s ship time! I grab 8 ships in my color and put them in my play area. They’re all mine!

Now, for the stones. I grab 24 stones in my color and put them in my play area. But I only need 4 of them for now. One stone goes on the scoring track.

Okay, this part’s interesting. The player with the 1-Token puts their stone on the last place. Then, the next player does the same, and so on. It’s like a little race!

But wait, there’s more! I also put 1 stone on the top-most space of the stone market and another on the top-most space of the grain market. The order doesn’t matter here, so I’m free to choose!

Last but not least, I take my fourth stone and make it the stone marker. I place it on the stone table of my player tableau, just like this:

When the game begins, everyone will receive a quarry start card and a grain start card. These cards will be placed face-up next to each player’s table. If there are less than four players,

Alright, here’s what we need to do. First, let’s shuffle the sphinx cards. Don’t peek! Take one and keep it face-down in your area. We’ll also shuffle the sets of cards with numbers 1/2, 3/4, and 5 on the back. These go face-down next to the game board.

Here’s what you need to do:

First, put the water ring in the middle of the 3 spaces for irrigation on the game board.

Next, take the 20 grave tiles and mix them up. Put them face-down on the 12 spaces for graves. Put the remaining 8 tiles back in the box. Then, turn over the first 4 grave tiles.

Finally, put the 4 Scarab tiles next to the game board. Whenever you move your scoring marker past 50, take a Scarab tile as a reminder.

How to Play the Game

Let me show you how to play Egizia. It’s a fun game that will take you on a journey through ancient Egypt.

Egizia is played over 5 rounds. Each round, you have the chance to strengthen your construction crews, add quarries and fields, collect Nile and sphinx cards, and work together to build impressive structures like king’s graves, obelisks, pyramids, and temples.

Your goal in Egizia is to collect as many points as possible. You can earn points during the game by constructing buildings, and you can also earn points at the end of the game from sphinx cards.

Now, let’s talk about how a typical game turn works. Each round in Egizia has 7 phases. After completing these phases, the next round begins.

  1. Lay out Nile cards Place ships along the Nile
  2. Feed construction crews
  3. Produce stones
  4. Build
  5. Bonus for co-operation in building
  6. Determine player sequence for the next round

1. Laying Out Nile Cards

Every round starts with each player drawing 10 Nile cards from the supply. These cards are then placed face-up on the 10 card spaces by the Nile, starting from the source. It’s important to note that in the first two rounds, players draw from half the supply, while in the third and fourth rounds, they draw from three-quarters of the supply. For the fifth and final round, they draw from the full supply. Unused cards from the previous supply are returned to the box at the end of rounds 2, 4, and 5.

2. Placing Ships Along The Nile

Let’s get started with the game. The player who has the number #image.jpg goes first. They can choose any spot on the Nile to place one of their ships. After that, it’s the turn of the player with the number #image.jpg, followed by the player with the #image.jpg, and finally the player with the #image.jpg.

Now, let’s continue with the next round. The player with the number #image.jpg places their second ship, and so on. Remember, each space on the Nile can only have one ship at a time.

Here’s an important rule: when placing a new ship, always choose a spot that is further down-river from your existing ships.

When you play the game Egizia, you have the ability to choose from three different types of spaces to place your ship:

  1. #image.jpgA space with a Nile card: First, I take the Nile card and then I place one of my ships on the newly empty space. Afterward, I can either perform the action on the card or add it to my play area. (For more information about the Nile cards, refer to pages 10 and 11).
  2. #image.jpgRound space: This type of space is located next to the Nile. I can place one of my ships on a round space and execute the action associated with it. (For more information about the round spaces, refer to page 9).
  3. #image.jpgHarbour space: Lastly, I have the option to place one of my ships in a harbour space. Similar to the previous options, I will perform the indicated action. (For more information about the harbour spaces, refer to page 10).

By strategically choosing which type of space to place your ship in, you can maximize your chances of success in the game. Good luck!

#image.jpgBuilding Space: Here’s how it works: I choose an empty building space to place one of my ships. But here’s the catch – I can only put one ship on each site, like the sphinx, the obelisk/graves, and the temples/pyramid. If all three spaces at a site are already occupied, I can put my ship next to one of them and hope that in phase 5, at least one of the players there won’t be able to build there. It’s a bit of a gamble, but it’s worth the risk!

Now, if no one else wants to or can place another ship, the phase comes to an end. We’ll then take back our ships to our play areas, except for the ones in the building sites. Those stay on the game board for now.

3. Feed Construction Crews

Let’s start with the player who has their stone in front on the scoring track. Each player will check if they can feed their construction crews.

To do that, you need to compare the strength of your construction crews with how much grain you have. This includes the grain start card, the grain spaces, and the Nile cards.

If you have at least as much grain as the strength of your construction crews, nothing happens. But if you have less grain, you will lose points on the scoring track. Your score may even go below zero.

The number of points you lose depends on where your stone is on the grain market. Each not nourished construction crew member will cost you 1-3 spaces.

Now, let’s get a better understanding of feeding by looking at some examples that involve the water ring. The location of the water ring determines which grain fields are watered and, therefore, how much grain is available to feed the crews:

4. Crafting Gemstones

So you want to create your own collection of beautiful gemstones? It’s a fascinating craft that combines artistry and skill. Let me guide you through the process!

First, you need to gather the right materials and tools. This includes gemstone roughs, which are the raw stones you’ll be working with. Choose a variety of colors and shapes to add diversity to your collection. You’ll also need a set of jeweler’s tools, such as carving knives, files, and sandpaper, to shape the gemstones to your desired form.

Once you have everything you need, it’s time to start crafting! Begin by examining each gemstone rough and envisioning its potential. Is it suited for a faceted gem or a smooth cabochon? This is where your creativity comes into play. Imagine the possibilities and pick a design that speaks to you.

With your design in mind, it’s time to shape the gemstone. Use the carving knife to carefully remove any excess material, following the contours of your chosen design. Be patient and work slowly to avoid any mistakes. You can always remove more material, but you can’t put it back!

Once you’re done shaping, it’s time to refine the gemstone. Start with a coarse-grit file and gradually move to finer grits. This will smooth out any rough surfaces and bring out the gemstone’s natural luster. Be gentle and take your time – this part requires precision and attention to detail.

After filing, it’s time to polish the gemstone. Wrap a piece of sandpaper around a wooden dowel and begin rubbing it against the stone. Move from coarse to fine grits, making sure to cover the entire surface. This will give your gemstone a glossy finish and enhance its beauty.

Voila! You’ve just crafted your very own gemstone. Admire its unique shape and vibrant colors. You can use it in jewelry-making projects or simply display it as a stunning work of art. The possibilities are endless!

Remember, crafting gemstones is a skill that takes time and practice to perfect. Have fun with it, experiment with different techniques, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Each gemstone you create is a testament to your creativity and dedication. Happy crafting!

Starting with me, the player with number 1, I need to move my stone marker on my player tableau forward by the number of stones I receive from my quarries. If I end up with more than 25 stones, any extra stones I have will be wasted.


Let’s take an example: Red has a stone at the beginning of the 4th phase. He has 2 quarries, and they produce 5 stones in total each round. Red moves his marking stone to space 6.

Step 5: Construction

Now it’s time to build! We will start at the top and work our way down, building at the three different locations: the sphinx, the obelisk/graves, and finally the temple/pyramid.

Building 101: A Guide to Constructing Your Empire

When it comes to building structures, there are a few key rules you need to keep in mind to ensure success. Let’s dive into the world of construction and learn the ins and outs of creating your very own empire.

General rules for building:

  • Building is all about placing stones on empty spaces of the obelisk, the pyramid, and the temple. It’s also about drawing cards from the sphinx supply or taking grave tiles.
  • For each building site, you’ll need at least 1 construction crew and 1 or more stones.
  • When drawing sphinx cards or adding stones to a building, you must use the same number of stones that you take off your tableau. The value of the space or tile determines how many stones you need.
  • Keep in mind that you can only use each construction crew once per round.
  • Once you’ve used a construction crew, flip its tile over and turn it back at the beginning of the next round. Construction crews are not consumed; they can be used multiple times.

Now that you understand the basic rules of building, it’s time to unleash your creativity and construct the empire of your dreams. Happy building!

Let’s talk about some important rules in the game. So, first things first, you can never use the Joker construction crew alone. You have to team it up with another construction crew, and you can only use it once per round. After using it, you’ll have to turn it over.

Now, let’s say you decide not to build anything. In that case, you take your ship back from the building site and put it back into your play area. This frees up the space in the building site for another player who has their ship there “on speculation”.

Moving on, let’s discuss the Sphinx. When you encounter the Sphinx, you have the option to take some cards. You can keep one card for yourself, and if you return any other cards, you’ll earn points for them.

Remember, these rules are important to understanding the game. By following them, you’ll have a better chance at victory.

As I begin the game, the player whose ship is closest to the Nile gets to start. They have a few choices to make. First, they can select one construction crew, and if they have it, they can also add their Joker construction crew. Then, they draw a number of sphinx cards equal to the strength of their construction crew, up to a maximum of 5 cards.

Now comes the decision-making part. The player chooses one card from the ones they drew and places it face-down in their play area. The rest of the cards go face-down under the sphinx card supply. But here’s the twist – they can also choose to keep no card at all. For each card they decide not to keep, they immediately score one point and record it on the scoring track.

With that done, the player reduces the number of stones on their tableau by the number of cards they drew and turns over the used crew or crews.

It’s important to note that all sphinx cards only count during the final scoring phase.

Now it’s the next player’s turn, the one who is closest to the Nile after the first player. They follow the same steps, making their choices and progressing the game.

And so the game continues, with each player taking turns and making their moves, until the game reaches its conclusion.

B. Obelisk and graves – score points and improve grain or stone markets

I want to talk about two important elements of the game: obelisks and graves. These elements can help you score points and also improve the grain or stone markets.

First, let’s talk about obelisks. These towering structures are not just decorative; they serve a practical purpose too. When you build an obelisk, you score points. The higher the obelisk, the more points you earn. So, if you want to boost your score, building tall obelisks is the way to go.

But it’s not just about scoring points. Obelisks also play a role in improving the grain market. When you have an obelisk in your city, it attracts traders and boosts the grain production. This means you’ll have more grain to work with and can make better use of it in your strategies. So, don’t underestimate the power of obelisks when it comes to improving your grain market.

Now, let’s move on to graves. Graves have their own benefits and can help you in different ways. When you construct a grave, you also score points. Similar to obelisks, the more graves you build, the more points you earn. So, if you’re looking for ways to increase your score, building graves is definitely a good option.

But graves have another advantage. They can improve the stone market. When you have graves in your city, they attract stone traders and enhance the stone production. This means you’ll have a greater supply of stones, which can be crucial for your constructions and other game strategies. So, don’t overlook the significance of graves when it comes to improving your stone market.

In conclusion, obelisks and graves are not just decorative elements; they have practical benefits as well. They can help you score points and improve your grain or stone markets. So, when you’re playing the game, remember to focus on building obelisks and graves to elevate your score and regenerate a more efficient response from the grain and stone markets.

  • Let’s start the game by determining who should go first. The player whose boat is closest to the Nile river will begin:
  • Now, I need to choose my construction crew. I can pick 1 construction crew, and if I have it, my Joker construction crew. But be careful, the total strength of my crew must be equal to or greater than the value of the spaces I want to build.
  • After choosing my crew, I can place 1 or more stones on the obelisk. I can also take 1 or more grave tiles, and if I do, I need to place my stones on the spaces left empty by those tiles.
  • I’ll turn over the crew members I used and remove the number of stones I used from my tableau.
  • Now, I’ll record my points on the scoring track and move one of my marker stones down 1 field on either the stone market or the grain market.
  • Finally, it’s the next player’s turn. This will be the player who is closest to the Nile river after me.

General Rules:

When I’m building the Obelisk, I have to start from the bottom and work my way up. I need to fill in all the lower numbers before I can move on to the higher spaces.

When it comes to the Graves, I have to take the tiles in order. I can’t skip any tiles. Once I take a tile, I reveal the next one so there are always 4 face-up tiles until all 12 are turned up.

I. Pyramid and Temple – scoring points


  • The player with the ship closest to the Nile goes first:
  • I select 1 construction crew and, if I have enough total strength, my Joker construction crew for my building project.
  • I place 1 or more stones on the pyramid and/or the temple.


When I play Egizia, there are a few things I need to remember. First, I have to turn over the crew I used and take away those stones from my tableau. Then, I have to record my points on the scoring track. It’s important for me to keep track of how well I’m doing in the game.

Another rule is that when I complete a row of the pyramid, I have a chance to earn bonus points. The player who built the most in that row gets the bonus. It’s a great opportunity to earn some extra points and get ahead in the game. After that, it’s the next player’s turn to play.

Here are some general rules for playing Egizia:

When I’m designing the temple, I have to start by building stones from the bottom to the top.

I start with the two columns on the left and right, and they have to be built separately. I need to fill in the lower numbers before I can move on to the higher spaces.

Once I have completed the columns on both sides, I can move on to the two middle columns. Each of these columns requires just one stone. Finally, I can place the stones on the top.

Now let’s talk about the pyramid. Here’s how I build it:

I start by placing the first stone in each row on the left side. Then, without leaving any gaps, I continue building the row to the right.

Once a row is complete, I score points based on the number of stones I have in that row. If there’s a tie, the player with the stone furthest left in the row gets the points.

6. Bonus for Working Together to Build

Hey there! I wanted to talk about something really cool that happens when we all work together on building something. See, when we build, we have a chance to earn some extra points! And who doesn’t love earning points?

So here’s the deal: if you use at least one of your stones from your own collection to get cards, tiles, or help in building the buildings, you’re considered an active participant. It’s like being on a team!

Now, let’s talk about ships. We count how many ships we have on the building sites – and we’re not counting the ones we’re still thinking about. Starting with the player whose scoring stone is up front, we all get points based on this table:

  • 1 ship: You get 1 point
  • 2 ships: You get 3 points
  • 3 ships: You get 6 points

After we calculate our points, we take our ships back and put them in our own play areas. Easy peasy!

Rules for Scoring Points:

When it’s time to tally up bonus points and determine the final score, we start with the player who has traveled the farthest along the scoring track. Then we move on to the next player in line, and so on.

As for scoring points for constructions, a player earns them in real-time as they build.

Here’s how players score in both cases:

When I play the game, I start by using the red stone, which helps me build and earn 5 points. My red stone moves forward 5 spaces on the scoring track, boosting my progress. Next, it’s your turn with the blue stone! You also build and earn points, but this time you get 3 points. You move your blue stone 3 spaces and land on the same space where my red stone is.

Now comes the interesting part. Instead of displacing or bumping my stone, you simply place your blue stone behind mine. It’s like we’re sharing the space. This sets the stage for the next round, as the order on the scoring track determines who goes first.

7. Deciding Who Goes First in the Next Round

When it’s time to determine the next player in Egizia, the one with the fewest points on the scoring track gets the player sequence tile with the lower number, while the player with the second fewest points takes the tile with the next higher number, and so on.

If multiple players are on the same space, the player who arrived last takes the player sequence tile with the lower number.

Once that’s settled, the next round begins by laying out the Nile cards.

Now, let’s talk about the Stone Market and the Grain Market.

In the Stone Market, nothing happens on the upper spaces. However, when a player’s marker reaches the lowest space during the game, they get to add 3 stones to their tableau.

That’s all you need to know to get started with Egizia!

When a marker is already on the lowest space and needs to move further downward, it stays there. I get 3 extra stones if that happens to me. If my stone is on the last space, I have to pay 1 victory point for each crew member I didn’t feed in phase 3.

When the game is over, if my marker is on the bottom or second to the bottom space of the stone market, I can turn my remaining stones into points. For every 2 stones, I get 1 point.

The grain market: This is where I find out how many points I lose if I can’t fully feed my construction crews. The number of points lost goes down as I move my marker lower. When I reach the lowest space, I immediately score 2 points.

Here’s how it works: if a marker is already on the lowest space and would be moved further downward, it stays there and I score 2 points.

The end of the game

The game is over after the 5th round. Then it’s time to tally up the final scores and determine the player sequence.

First, I start and follow these 3 steps. Then the next player goes, and so on.

In the game, there are a few key things to know. First, if my marker is on one of the bottom two spots of the stone market, I have the option to sell any leftover stones I have. For every 2 stones I sell, I earn 1 point. It’s pretty simple, right?

Next, I need to calculate my points based on the values of the grave tiles I have. Here’s a table to help determine how many points I’ll earn:

Value of the grave tiles Points
1-10 2
11-20 5
21 or more 9

Now, here’s the most exciting part! The player with the highest number of points is declared the winner. It’s as simple as that. But what if there’s a tie? Well, in that case, the winner is determined by whose stone is in front on the space of the scoring track. So keep an eye on that!

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