How to play Dragonrealm Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Dragonrealm!

Hey there! I’m here to guide you through the fantastic world of Dragonrealm. It’s an action-packed game that will transport you to a realm filled with dragons, magic, and adventure. Ready to begin your journey? Let’s dive into the rules!


First things first – to win Dragonrealm, you need to collect the most treasure. Sounds exciting, right? Throughout the game, you’ll explore different locations, encounter dragons, and take risks to grab those precious valuables!

Exploring Locations

Alright, let’s talk about how we navigate this world. You’ll start by exploring one of the various locations, like a dark cave or a mysterious forest. Each location has its own set of treasure and challenges. It’s up to you to decide which one to visit and in what order, but remember, fortune favors the brave!

Encountering Dragons

Dragons are majestic creatures, but they can be quite mischievous. During your exploration, you may come across one. Don’t panic! Dragons can be either a friend or a foe. Some offer you valuable items, while others might require you to complete a challenge or trade with them.

Taking Risks

Now, here’s where things get thrilling! In Dragonrealm, you have the option to take risks. When exploring a location, you can roll a set of adventurer dice. Different combinations will allow you to claim treasure, defeat dragons, or even gain special abilities. But beware, taking risks can also come with consequences!

Strategy and Luck

Dragonrealm is a game of strategy and luck. You’ll need to make wise decisions about where to explore, whether to take risks, and how to use the treasure you collect. Remember, luck may play a role, but a clever strategy can greatly enhance your chances of winning.


So there you have it, the rules of Dragonrealm! Get ready to unleash your inner adventurer and embark on an epic quest. Just remember, the key to victory lies in your bravery, decision-making, and a dash of luck. Have a blast and enjoy the magic of the Dragonrealm!

How to play Dragonrealm Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there, get ready to embark on an incredible journey through Dragonrealm! Don’t forget to bring your lucky socks for good fortune! We’ll be sneaking into the Witch’s Cabin, exploring the Ogres’ Treehouse, and even daring to storm the fearsome Dragon’s Lair.

At each location, we’ll be adding adventurous souls, hoping to claim the most valuable treasure. But beware of those mischievous goblins who are always lurking, ready to snatch the loot before we do! As the game progresses, we’ll discover who among us managed to amass the greatest wealth and become the ultimate champion.

Before We Begin

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  1. First, I want you to place the Adventurer’s Academy/Alley Location card in the middle of the playing area. Make sure it’s face-up. When you start, use the Academy side, okay?
  2. Next, we’ll take the remaining 20 Location cards and separate them into four piles based on color. Shuffle each pile individually. Now, let’s create the Location deck. Start by placing one random Dragon location (Green) face-down on the table. Then, stack six more locations on top of it, alternating between Purple (I), Orange (II), and Blue (III) cards. After that, you can put the leftover Location cards back in the game box. Finally, reveal the first three locations by placing them face-up in a row above the Adventurer’s location.

Hey, I have something to point out: If you’re playing with just two players, we won’t need the Halfling Hideout (blue) and Crystal Mountain (orange) locations. Also, instead of revealing six additional locations, let’s stop at five, so we have a total of six.

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How to play Dragonrealm Official Rules UltraFoodMess

You know the drill – first things first, shuffle the Enhancement deck like there’s no tomorrow. Once you’ve done that, deal out 3 cards to each player. Take a good look at those cards and savor the various powers they hold. Now, here’s where the fun begins – you get to choose! Keep either two Level 1 enhancements or go big with one Level 2 enhancement. Just make sure to keep your choice a secret by placing the cards face-down in front of you. Don’t want those opponents getting any ideas, right? As for the cards you didn’t pick, give them a one-way ticket to the bottom of the Enhancement deck. Farewell, unwanted cards!

Sidenote: If you happen to be playing with the Adventurer’s Academy, it’s time to bid the Enhancement deck adieu and tuck it away in its box. But if you’re not, just place it to the side within easy reach of everyone. Safety first!

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Here’s what you need to know about setting up and playing Dragonrealm:

  • First, choose a color and collect the 8 adventurer meeples of that color.
  • Next, set aside the 6 goblin meeples.

Some important notes to keep in mind:

  • If anyone gets a Goblins! or Rockslide! card during setup or if one appears face-up, shuffle it back into the deck and deal a replacement card.
  • In a game with 4 players, randomly remove 2 Goblins! cards from the Adventurer deck.

Location Cards

The location cards are the central element of Dragonrealm. Each card includes the following:

How to play Dragonrealm Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to Play the Game

Hey there! So, you’re ready to embark on an epic adventure in Dragonrealm? Awesome! Let me guide you through the basics of the game.

Step 1: Let’s Get Started!

Now, before we dive into the action, we need to determine who goes first. Simple enough, right? Whoever traveled the furthest from home gets the honor of taking the first turn. Then, we’ll continue clockwise, just to keep things fair.

Step 2: It’s Your Turn!

Finally, it’s your moment to shine! During your turn, you have two options: Rest or Explore. Let’s break them down:

A. Rest

Who doesn’t need a break now and then, am I right? If you choose to Rest, simply announce it to the group. This allows you to draw 2 Adventurer cards, one at a time. You can either draw them from the face-up cards or the face-down deck. Feeling lucky? Grab one from each! Now, if you drew a face-up card, make sure to replace it with a fresh one from the deck. We always want to have 2 face-up cards available for everyone.

Hold on, there’s something you should know. Your hand has a maximum size limit of 9 cards. If, by some stroke of luck or bad luck, your hand exceeds this limit, don’t worry! Just discard the excess cards until you’re back to 9. We wouldn’t want anyone to have an unfair advantage, right?

Oh, and one more thing – if the Adventurer deck ever runs out of cards, don’t panic! Simply shuffle the discard pile to form a brand-new deck. Fresh challenges await!

B. Explore

Ready to put your adventurers to the test? Great! When you choose to Explore, you get the chance to place one of your adventurers on a location. Exciting, huh?

Remember, you’ll need to follow the specific rules for placing adventurers correctly. Each location has its own requirements, so be sure to read the cards carefully!

There you have it, my friend! You’re all set to venture into the mythical lands of Dragonrealm. Now that you know the basics, go out there and conquer! Have a blast!

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Watch Out for Those Mischievous Goblins!

Oh no! Goblins have arrived, and they’re scheming to snatch the treasure right from under your nose!

Whenever you come across a Goblins! card, it will show you a Location card (left, middle, or right).

Put one of those sneaky goblin meeples in an open spot at that location, and then get rid of the Goblins! card. But don’t worry, you’ll draw a replacement card right away.

Just a heads-up: Even when there are only 2 locations left, left/right Goblins! cards still matter. If the card says “middle,” put the goblin on the non-Dragon location. (Remember, goblins never go on a Dragon location or the Adventurer’s Academy/Alley.)

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Uh-oh, there’s been a rockslide and now the adventurer parties are all mixed up!

When you draw or reveal a Rockslide! card, discard it right away. Then, all players have to pass two cards to the person on their left, or one card to the person on their right, depending on the card that was drawn.

After that, draw a new card to replace the one you discarded.

Remember: If the person passing cards to you doesn’t have enough, you can make up the difference by drawing from the top of the deck.

II. Explore

It’s time to embark on an adventure! You can explore one of the face-up locations using one of three actions: Sneak, Search, or Storm. To explore, play one to six cards from your hand face-up and let everyone know which location you’re exploring and what action you’re taking.

For example, you could say: “I’m gonna storm the Dungeon of Despair!”

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When you play cards to explore a location, you need to roll a die for each card played. Let’s say you played a Storm card with a value of 4. In this case, you would roll 4 dice. Next, compare the total value rolled against the value on the location you’re exploring.

If the total value rolled is equal to or greater than the listed amount for the action you chose, congratulations! Your explore succeeds. But if the total value is less, unfortunately, your explore fails.

If your explore succeeds: Great job! Place 1 of your adventurer meeples on an open space on the location. And if that explore type has a gold circle around it, you get to place 2 meeples instead.

Afterwards, discard the cards you used and draw a new card from the face-down deck. Just keep in mind that if you draw a Goblins! or Rockslide! card, you need to resolve it right away and then draw a replacement card.

Hey there! I have an important piece of information that I’d love to share with you. So, imagine you’re playing a game and you come across a location with only 1 open space left. Don’t worry! You still have a chance to place 2 adventurers in that spot. How, you ask? Well, it’s simple. All you need to do is successfully complete an Explore action that has a gold circle. That extra adventurer you get from completing the Explore action counts towards determining the majority. Pretty cool, right? This little trick can really give you an edge in the game. So, keep it in mind the next time you’re strategizing. Happy gaming!

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Discover Your Mistakes: Bring back the cards you previously used and add them to your hand. Don’t pick a new card; instead, send one adventurer to the Adventurer’s location.

Join the Adventurer’s Academy

If your exploration attempt fails, visit the Academy to enhance your adventure skills. This will benefit you in future explorations! From now on, you can take away one of your adventurers from here after rolling the dice to increase the result by 1.

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Keep in mind: if you eliminate multiple adventurers at once, each one counts as +1.

If there is still an adventurer at the Adventurer’s location at the end of the game, it counts as 1 Dragonstone, but no more than 3.

How to Use Enhancements

Enhancements give special benefits to the ones who possess them while exploring Dragonrealm. You can use one or more enhancement cards at any time, and they do not count towards your hand size. Just let us know if you are using any one-time enhancements before you roll the dice.

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When you play an Enhancement card, you need to reveal it. After using a one-time enhancement during an Explore action, discard it. Otherwise, keep it face-up.

How to Score a Location

A Location card is considered complete when the total number of adventurers and/or goblins on it is equal to or greater than the number of spaces on the card. As soon as this happens, score the card immediately.

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How to play Dragonrealm Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I want to tell you about how adventurers in a game can win treasure coins. It’s really exciting! When we’re playing, the player who has the most adventurers on a location gets treasure coins that match the value on the left side of the shield. That player is the winner of the location! The player with the second-most adventurers gets treasure coins that match the value on the right side of the shield. But what about the players who have adventurers on the location but didn’t win? Well, they still get 1 coin. That’s pretty cool, right? Now, something important to know is that Goblins also count as a player when we’re deciding who has the majority of adventurers. But if Goblins win any treasure, they lose it right away. So that’s a little tricky. To make things even more exciting, you have to keep your coins face-down during the game. That way, your opponents can’t see how many you have. But don’t worry, you can always take a peek if you want to know. Lastly, I want to mention some special cases. If there’s only one player on a completed location, that player gets both the first place and second place treasure. So they get double the coins! Isn’t that awesome?

If a tie occurs in the first place position, I’ll add up the values of their treasures and divide the total by the number of players who tied. Each tied player will receive the resulting number of coins, rounding down if necessary. But don’t worry, if you didn’t come in first, you’ll still get 1 coin for being part of the completed location.

Now, let’s say there’s a tie for second place. In this case, I’ll only divide the second place reward by the number of tied players and give each of them that number of coins, rounding down as well. Don’t worry about missing out on any coins, I’ll make sure everyone gets what they deserve.

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When I win a location, I also take the Location card and put it face-down in front of me. This card has a Dragonstone value that I need to keep in mind.

(By the end of the game, the player with the most Dragonstones gets a 5-coin bonus).

If there is a tie for first place on a Location card or if the goblins win the location all by themselves, we have to discard the card. However, if I tie with the goblins, I still get to keep the Location card – the goblins don’t care about Dragonstones.

Once a location is finished, I have to replace it with the top card from the Location deck. If there are no more face-down locations, we just continue playing with the remaining ones. I have to return all my adventurers and the goblins.

Example: So, here’s the situation. I have two adventurers on the Halfling Hideout, while Caroline and Lauren each have one. Oh, and there are also two goblins lurking about. Now, it’s Lauren’s turn, and she decides to go for a daring move. She plays a 5, 6, and 7 card from her hand, aiming to execute a “Sneak” action.

With bated breath, she rolls three dice, and what do you know? She gets a 4, a 2, and another 2, adding up to a grand total of 8. Since 8 is equal to or greater than 7, her Sneak action is a success! Now, because Sneak has a shiny gold circle around it, Lauren triumphantly places two more adventurers on the card. And just like that, all the spots are filled up, triggering an immediate score:

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When it’s my turn, I have the most adventurers, so I’m rewarded with 6 coins. I’m also lucky enough to collect the Location card, which comes with 4 Dragonstones as a bonus. To top it off, I get to draw an Adventurer card as a reward for my successful Explore attempt.

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So, get this – Mitchell and the goblins were neck and neck for second place. Can you believe it? Well, since they were tied, they had to share the spoils. They divided up the second place reward, but there was a catch – they rounded down. Mitchell ended up with 2 coins. Oh, and just to clarify, any coins that the goblins had won went straight into the bank.

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When I compete and come in third place, I receive 1 coin as a reward. It’s exciting to be recognized for my efforts and walk away with a token of achievement.

After the competition, everyone retrieves their adventurers, bringing closure to the game. The Halfling Hideout is then replaced with a new location from the deck, keeping the game dynamic and fresh.

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Location Card Details

Adventurer’s Alley: This place is like an alternate version of the Adventurer’s Academy. When I go on an Explore mission and fail, instead of going back to the Academy, I come here. It’s kind of like a backup plan.

But there’s a catch – the Alley doesn’t change how good or bad my Explore attempts are. It doesn’t give me any extra powers or anything. Instead, I can use the adventurers I brought back from my failed mission to buy a special card called an Enhancement.

To get an Enhancement, I just remove 2 of my adventurers from the Alley and pay the cost. The cost can be different depending on what level of Enhancement I want.

If I want a Level 1 Enhancement, I have to throw away 1 Adventurer card from my hand. If I want a Level 2 Enhancement, I have to give up 2 copper coins.

Once I decide what level of Enhancement I want, I start drawing cards from the deck, one at a time. I keep drawing until I find a card that matches my chosen level. And I have to take the first card that matches – I can’t skip it and keep looking for something better. Any other cards I draw get shuffled back into the deck. It’s all about luck.

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  • If there are no more upgrades available at a specific level, you cannot purchase that level.
  • Coins obtained from upgrades or other end-game bonuses cannot be used at the Alley.
  • If you buy an upgrade after rolling, it has no effect on previous outcomes of that turn.

Cave Of Bats: Goblins do not count towards the maximum of 2 players.

Fire Swamp: The card you discard does not have to be one of the cards you used for your Explore action. If you have the Wings of Speed, discard 1 card first, then draw 1 card.

Dungeon Of Despair: You cannot recruit adventurers from the Academy to roll here, and you do not place an adventurer on the Academy after a failed Explore. The dungeon is an unforgiving place!

End of the Game

When you finish the Dragon location, the game is over. You earn points for that location, as well as for any locations that were not finished. Let’s say, for instance, that you were the only player with one adventurer on a particular location. In this case, you would receive all the coins for that location, along with its Dragonstones.

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So here’s what you do: first, you gather up all the Dragonstones you’ve found in different locations, like the Adventurer’s Academy or the Alley. Don’t forget about any enhancements you might have!

Now, it’s time to compare and see who’s got the most Dragonstones. The player with the highest number collects a whopping 5 Treasure coins. Wow! But if there’s a tie for the most Dragonstones, those players each get 3 coins instead. Pretty fair, right?

Now, let’s take a look at everyone’s total coin count. Add up all the coins you have, including the ones on those fancy Enhancement cards. And guess what? The player with the most coins wins! You gotta love that feeling of being a winner!

But hey, what happens if there’s a tie for the coins too? Well, in that case, the player with the most Dragonstones among the tied players comes out on top. It’s always exciting to see who’s got that edge!

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