How to play Dragonheart Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Dragonheart Game!

Are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure in the mystical world of dragons? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here are the rules of the game that you need to know:

Goal of the Game

The main goal of Dragonheart is to become the greatest dragon master in the land. You will need to hatch and raise your own dragons, train them to become powerful warriors, and compete against other players in epic battles. The more dragons you have and the stronger they become, the closer you will be to achieving dragon mastery!

Hatching Dragons

Before you can start your dragon journey, you need to hatch your first dragon egg. Each egg contains a unique and mysterious dragon. You can choose from different types of eggs, each with its own set of dragon possibilities. Once hatched, you will have a baby dragon that you can name and start raising.

Raising Dragons

Now that you have your baby dragon, it’s time to raise it into a powerful warrior. You will need to feed your dragon, train it, and help it grow. The more care and attention you give to your dragon, the stronger it will become. Keep in mind that dragons have different strengths and weaknesses, so plan your training accordingly.

Battling Other Players

A big part of Dragonheart is battling against other players. You can challenge other dragon masters to exciting battles and test your strength and strategy. The battles take place in different arenas, each with its own challenges and rewards. Your goal is to defeat your opponent’s dragons and climb the ranks to become the ultimate dragon master.

Exploring the Dragon World

Dragonheart offers a vast and enchanting world for you to explore. You can journey through forests, mountains, and villages, encountering other dragons and characters along the way. Exploring the world will uncover new possibilities, such as finding rare dragon eggs, uncovering powerful artifacts, and discovering ancient secrets.

Join a Dragon Clan

If you’re looking for companionship and teamwork, joining a dragon clan is a great option. Clans are groups of players who join forces to support each other, share resources, and participate in clan battles. Working together with your clanmates will give you an edge and make your dragon journey even more exciting.

Final Words

So there you have it – the rules of Dragonheart, your gateway to an incredible world of dragons and adventure. Are you ready to spread your wings and embark on this journey? Remember, the key to becoming a dragon master lies in hatching, raising, battling, exploring, and collaborating. The dragon world awaits you, so let the game begin!

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Once upon a time, a wicked magician managed to trap the Great Dragon, the defender of our kingdom, in a deep, enchanted sleep. The dragon’s powerful flames were sealed inside a precious gem known as the Dragonheart. Without their protector, the land became a chaotic playground for unruly trolls and fierce fire dragons, only barely kept in line by courageous knights and clever huntresses.

Here’s where you come in. As a loyal follower of the Great Dragon, it is your mission to awaken him and restore peace to our land. Or, perhaps you serve the wicked wizard, in which case your goal is to ensure that the dragon remains asleep forever. The choice is yours, my friend. Are you up to the challenge?

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess


  • 1 Game Board
  • 1 Plastic Great Dragon Figure
  • 100 Cards (two decks of 50 cards, one green and one red)
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

Hey there! Welcome to this exciting game for two players. In this game, one player gets to be a disciple of the Great Dragon, while the other player takes on the role of the evil wizard’s minion. The disciple’s mission is to break the spell that’s holding the Great Dragon captive, while the minion’s goal is to stop the dragon from being freed.

Now, to accomplish these missions, both players will take turns placing cards on the game board. Each card that’s played will be added to the players’ score piles. The cards have different values, ranging from one to four points. At the end of the game, the player with the most points will succeed in their mission and emerge victorious!


Alright, let’s get ready to play Dragonheavty! Here’s what you need to do to set up the game:

  1. Setting Up the Game: First, place the game board in the middle of the play area.
  2. Introducing the Great Dragon: Next, place the plastic Great Dragon figure on the game board. Put it on the right side of the Petrified Dragon space and above the Dwarf space (refer to “Space Effects” on page 3).
  3. Choosing Your Deck: Now it’s time to select your deck. Each player can choose either the green deck or the red deck. Both decks have 50 cards and are identical, except for the color on the backs.
  4. Getting Your Cards: After selecting your deck, thoroughly shuffle it. Then, draw the top five cards from your shuffled deck without showing them to your opponent. These five cards will be your starting hand. The rest of your cards will make up your draw deck, which you should place facedown in front of you.

In Dragonheart, the game begins with the youngest player deciding who goes first. After that, the turn-taking begins. Each player takes a turn, and then it’s the opponent’s turn. A turn consists of three steps: playing cards, collecting cards, and drawing cards.

During the first step, the player plays one or more cards faceup on the game board. These cards must all have the same picture, and the picture on the card must match the picture of the space on the game board where it is placed.

When I play cards, I need to show my opponent the value of each card as I play it. I can choose to play all the cards with a certain picture, or only some of them, it all depends on what I want to do.

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

But here’s the thing – I gotta play a card, no matter what. That’s the rule. Can’t just sit there twiddling my thumbs. And here’s another thing – I can only play cards in one spot, not all over the place.

Now, some spots on the board have just one outline for a card, while others have a bunch. Those outlines tell me how many cards I need to make things happen (check out “Space Effects” on page 3 for the deets). When I activate a spot’s effect, I usually get to snatch up some cards from the board and stash them in my score pile – pretty sweet deal, if you ask me.

But not every spot has a fancy effect, ya know? No matter how many cards I put down, the effect only happens once, and that’s it for the turn.

When you have a space with only one card outline, you can put any number of cards there at once. These cards are stacked on top of each other, and you can only see the top card. You can’t look at the cards underneath. You can have as many cards as you want in this space.

For example, if you have a Fire Dragon space, you can put as many Fire Dragon cards there as you have, no matter how many Fire Dragon cards are already there.

When a space has multiple card outlines, it can only hold as many cards as there are outlines. You can’t put more cards in that space than there are empty outlines.

For this type of space, the cards are stacked with a little bit of space between them. The topmost outline is where you start, and each card in the stack is at least partially visible.

Example: The Huntress space is limited to holding only three Huntress cards. If there is already one Huntress card in this space, you can add up to two more to it.

2. Get Cards

Now it’s time to collect cards from the game board. If you activated a space effect during the Play Cards step that allows you to collect cards, go ahead and do it.

Put these collected cards into your score pile. Look for the straight arrows on the board – they indicate which space you can take cards from.

Feel free to check out the cards in your score pile whenever you want.

Example: When you play one or more Fire Dragon cards in the Fire Dragon space, you get to take any Treasure Chest card from the Treasure Chest space.

Huntress, Knight, and Ship cards are also moved from the board during this step, if needed. (Check “Space Effects” on page 3).

3. Draw Cards

Now it’s time to draw cards. You need to take enough cards from your draw deck so that your hand is full, and your maximum hand size is usually five cards. Once you’ve replenished your hand, it’s your opponent’s turn, starting with the Play Cards step.

Space Effects

This part gives you detailed explanations about each space on the game board and how they’re activated.

Note: If there are no cards on the space you activate, you won’t collect any cards from that space.

When I activate a space effect, it’s important to remember that if there are no cards on the space for me to collect, I simply won’t get any cards from that space. This is a double-edged sword because while it may not be ideal to not receive any cards, it also means that my opponents won’t benefit from my chosen space either. It’s a win some, lose some scenario that adds another layer of strategy to the game.

It’s always important to carefully consider my options and take into account whether there are cards available for me to collect on a particular space. If there aren’t any, I may want to reconsider my move and choose a different space that offers more cards. Understanding this rule and planning my moves accordingly can greatly impact my chances of success in the game.

So, if you’re playing this game and you activate a space effect, make sure to check if there are any cards to collect. If there aren’t, don’t worry – just move on and focus on the spaces that do have cards. It may seem like a small detail, but it can make a big difference in your overall strategy.

Remember, strategy games like this often have many layers of rules and interactions to consider. By paying attention to the details and thinking strategically, you can elevate your gameplay and increase your chances of victory. So keep this rule in mind, and may your card collection be plentiful!

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Treasure Chest: When you place cards on the Treasure Chest space, nothing happens.

Here, the dwarf has gathered an immense fortune, its dazzling beauty captivating powerful fire dragons and sorceresses.

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s talk about the Fire Dragon: When you play cards to the Fire Dragon space, something pretty cool happens. You get to collect all the cards on the Treasure Chest space! See that arrow on the board? That’s the indicator. Once you pick up those cards, you put them face-down in your score pile.

Get this: Fire dragons, under the command of an evil wizard, swoop down from the sky to snatch up the dwarves’ treasure with their massive claws. It’s all part of their wicked plan!

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Petrified Dragon: When you play cards to the space occupied by the Petrified Dragon, nothing special happens.

The Petrified Dragon just sits there, silently judging anyone who helped trap him and causing trouble while he’s stuck. Only the Dragonheart retains any semblance of life, waiting for the day the magic that turned the Great Dragon to stone can be reversed.

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! I’m a sorceress, here to tell you about playing cards in the Sorceress space. It’s pretty magical, so listen up!

When you land on the Sorceress space, you get to do something cool. You can either take all the cards on the Treasure Chest space or all the cards on the Petrified Dragon space. Just follow the arrows on the board to know which one to choose.

Remember, no matter how many Sorceress cards you have, you can only pick cards from one of those two spaces. So, choose wisely! Once you’ve decided, put the cards you take face-down into your score pile. It’s that simple!

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you grab a Petrified Dragon card, you’ll get the awesome Great Dragon figure (check it out on the right) and put it in front of you. Having this figure means you can hold six cards in your hand.

If you snag the Great Dragon figure from another player, they have to shrink their hand down to five cards.

To do this, you take a random card from their hand and, without peeking at it, stick it on top of their draw deck. That way, when they draw a card next, they’ll get it again.

The sorceresses have big plans: they want to be rich and harness the magic of the Dragonheart. They use their magic on the petrified dragon to unlock its powers.

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

User: When I play cards to the Troll space, what happens?

Assistant: Oh boy, let me tell you about the Troll! When you play cards to the Troll space, something interesting happens. See, the Troll is a real troublemaker. He’s always causing a ruckus. So, when you land on the Troll space, guess what? You get to snatch up all the cards from the Sorceress space! It’s like magic! Those sneaky sorceresses won’t know what hit ’em.

User: What do I do with the Sorceress cards once I collect them?

Assistant: Ah, good question! So, once you have those Sorceress cards in your clutches, you don’t just show them off to the world. Oh no, you’re much too clever for that. Instead, you slyly tuck them away in your score pile, all facedown. It’s like your own secret stash of hidden treasure. No one will suspect a thing!

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Dwarf: If you’re the person to play the fourth card on the Dwarf space, you get to collect all the cards there. Just put them face-down in your score pile.

The dwarfs are always after riches, but it’s not about keeping them. They uncover treasures to show them off on the tallest peak, where they glitter and shine under the sun. When four dwarfs come together, they celebrate their discoveries while having a grand time.

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Me: So, when it’s my turn to be the Knight, and I play my second card on the board, I get to choose between taking all the cards on the Sorceress space or all the cards on the Troll space. See the arrows on the board? They show me which spaces I can choose from.

But here’s the thing – even if I play more than one Knight card, I can only take the cards from one of those spaces, not both. So, I’ll have to decide which one to go for. Once I’ve made my choice, I take those cards and put them in my score pile, facing down.

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In the game, we place the two Knight cards faceup below the Ship space, but not directly on the game board. Instead, there’s a curved arrow indicating where they go.

Wherever there’s a monster, you can count on a knight to come face the challenge. Usually, it’s a troll. But when there aren’t any trolls around, the knights reluctantly escort sorceresses to safety, even if the sorceresses aren’t too happy about it. Trolls and sorceresses both find the knights to be quite bothersome.

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Huntress: When it’s my turn to play the third card on the Huntress space, I get to collect all the cards from the Fire Dragon space. These cards are placed face down in my score pile.

Next, I take the three Huntress cards and place them face up under the Ship space, just like the Knight cards. But instead of placing them on the game board, there’s a curved arrow pointing to the spot right below the board where they go.

As a Huntress, I fearlessly go after those fire dragons. They’re the wicked wizard’s minions, causing trouble in the land and swiping the dwarfs’ treasures.

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Ship: When I’m playing, if I’m the one who puts down the third card onto the Ship space, I get to collect all the cards under the Ship space, such as Knights and Huntresses. I’ll then place these cards face-down in my score pile.

Now, here comes the interesting part. The three cards that were on the Ship space will be put into a stack face-up next to the game board. This happens the first time we have three cards on the board. The second time we have three cards on the board, we’ll create a new face-up stack next to the first one.

Finally, when we have three cards on the board for the third time, we’ll put them into yet another face-up stack next to the other two stacks of Ship cards. This is when we know that the game has come to an end.

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Dragonheart Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Note: Hey there! Check out these cool symbols on the Ship cards (look to the right). They’re a reminder that the Ship space is a special spot where you can collect Knights and Huntresses.

Faraway lands and thrilling adventures await the brave knights and huntresses. When they’re finished with their mission in one land, they hop onto their ships and, at the perfect moment, sail off to face the next exciting challenge.

The Game’s End

We take turns, me and you, until the game comes to an end. Usually, it’s pretty clear that the game is about to end when a third stack of Ship cards is placed next to the game board.

Once the player who put down the third stack of Ship cards finishes their turn, the other player gets one last chance to make a move. And with that, the game is officially done. Phew!

But here’s the thing – the game can also end before we even get to the third pile of Ship cards. How, you ask? Well, it’s simple. If one player runs out of cards to draw from their deck, the game is over for them. That’s their final turn. But here’s the twist – their opponent still gets to take one more turn after that. Sneaky, huh?

Once we reach this exciting final turn, it’s time to wrap things up. Both players need to return any cards they have left in their hands back to the box. Those cards don’t count for anything anymore. Then, it’s time to tally up the points.

Oh, and let’s not forget about the Great Dragon figure! The player who has it gets a cool bonus – three extra points. That could make all the difference in the end, you know?

So, once we’ve added up all the points, it’s time to declare a winner. And the winner not only gets bragging rights but also gets to decide the fate of the Great Dragon. If they’re the green player, they can set the dragon free. But if they’re the red player, well, let’s just say the dragon will remain petrified.

Now, what happens in the case of a tie? Good question! In that scenario, the player who has the Great Dragon figure is the ultimate victor. They get the title and all the glory.

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