How to play Double Bananagrams Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Double Bananagrams Game Rules


Hey there, are you ready to dive into the world of Double Bananagrams? If you enjoy word games like Scrabble or Boggle, then this is the game for you! Double Bananagrams is a fun, fast-paced game that will put your word skills to the test. In this guide, I will explain the rules of Double Bananagrams and give you some tips and strategies to improve your gameplay. So grab a pen and paper, sharpen your vocabulary, and let’s get started!


The goal of Double Bananagrams is to create interconnected words using letter tiles. Each player starts with a predetermined number of letter tiles. The objective is to use these tiles to build a crossword-like grid of words. The player who uses all their tiles first and shouts “Bananas!” is the winner.


To start the game, all the letter tiles are placed face-down in the center of the table. Each player then takes a certain number of tiles, depending on the number of players. For example, in a 2-player game, each player would take 21 tiles.

Once the tiles are distributed, all players simultaneously flip their tiles and begin constructing their own grid of words. Unlike in Scrabble, the words in Double Bananagrams don’t have to connect to each other. Each player works independently and can rearrange their words as needed throughout the game.

As new tiles are added to the grid, players must ensure that all the words on their grid are connected. This means that a word can intersect with another word, but no tiles should be left unconnected.

If a player can’t use a certain tile, they can return it to the center and exchange it for three new tiles. However, this means they will have fewer tiles to use in the game. Players can continue to exchange tiles as needed, as long as there are still tiles available in the center.

The game continues until there are not enough tiles left in the center for all players to exchange. At this point, the first player to use all their tiles and shout “Bananas!” is declared the winner.

Tips and Strategies

Here are some tips to help you improve your Double Bananagrams gameplay:

1. Start with short words: It’s often easier to find connections and build longer words when you have a foundation of shorter words.

2. Use prefixes and suffixes: Look for common word parts, such as prefixes and suffixes, to help expand your word options.

3. Be flexible: Remember, you can rearrange your words as new tiles are added. Don’t be afraid to move things around to create better connections.

4. Watch out for duplicates: Be mindful of using the same letters in multiple words, as this can limit your options for future moves.

5. Plan ahead: Try to anticipate which letters you will need and plan your moves accordingly. This can help you make the most of each turn.

Remember, the key to success in Double Bananagrams is to stay focused, be creative, and think on your feet. So gather your friends, challenge your family, and let the Bananagrams begin!

How to play Double Bananagrams Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, let’s get this game started! First, I’ll place all 288 tiles face down in the middle of the table. These tiles are called the BUNCH. Depending on how many people are playing, each player will take a certain number of tiles from the BUNCH.

If there are 2-4 players, each player takes 21 tiles. If there are 5-6 players, each player takes 15 tiles. And if there are 7 or more players, each player takes 11 tiles. Make sure to keep your tiles face down and hidden from the other players.

Now that we have our tiles, it’s time to begin the game!

Game Play

One player will call out “SPLIT!” and we’ll all turn our tiles face up. Then, we’ll start forming our own word grids by connecting and intersecting words. You can create words horizontally or vertically, reading from left to right or from top to bottom.

Remember, you can rearrange your words at any time. We don’t take turns in this game. Instead, we all play independently and at the same time.

When I run out of my original tiles, I yell out PEEL and grab a tile from the BUNCH. Then, all the other players have to take a tile from the BUNCH too and add it to their own collection of tiles.

Whenever I want, and as many times as I want, during the game, I can give back a hard-to-use letter to the center of the BUNCH. I have to put it face down and, in return, I get three new tiles. I have to let everyone know I’m doing this by saying DUMP. But this doesn’t affect the other players.

How to play Double Bananagrams Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Game Comes to an End

I keep playing until there are fewer tiles left in the BUNCH than there are players. If I’m the first one to use up all my tiles, I shout out BANANAS! and I win! Now everyone else can inspect my winning hand to make sure all the words are spelled correctly and are valid.

I can’t use proper nouns in this game. Any dictionary I have access to is fair game. If all the words in my winning hand are valid, then I’m the winner of that round.

If any of the words I used in the grid are found to be invalid, then I become the ROTTEN BANANA and I’m out for that round. I have to put all my tiles back in the BUNCH face down, and the game keeps going for the other players.

Ways to Mix It Up

Banana Bonanza

If you’re playing Bananagrams with a large group, like in a classroom or a restaurant, you don’t have to be seated at the same table. Here’s how you play:

First, distribute all the tiles among the players, making sure to keep them face down. When everyone is ready, a player calls out “SPLIT!”

Now, all the players turn their tiles face up. Pay attention because here’s where it gets interesting. You have to choose three of your own tiles and pass them to the person on your right. This is called “Pass the Pulp”.

Once everyone has passed their tiles, it’s time to start forming your own collection of words as quickly as possible. You can rearrange your tiles as much as you want, just like in regular Bananagrams.

Here’s the twist: there are no dumping or peeling moves allowed in this version. The first player to use up all their tiles shouts “BANANAS!” and they win the game. If the game ends with no one using all their tiles, the player with the fewest tiles left is declared the winner.

“Best Of..”

If you have only 5 minutes to spare, you can play a quick round of a game called HAND. Or, if you prefer a less intense game, you can try Banana Smoothie.

Banana Smoothie

(for those who want a more relaxed game)

In Banana Smoothie, all the tiles are placed face down on the table. Each player gets an equal number of tiles, which they keep face down. The game is played like regular BANANAGRAMS, but you cannot swap or remove tiles.

The first player to use up all their tiles shouts “BANANAS!” and wins that round. If no one can make a move and there is a tie, the player with the fewest remaining tiles wins.

Banana Solitaire

Hey there! Let’s have some fun with Bananagrams, shall we? Here’s how we can get started:

First, place all the tiles in the center of the table. You’ll need 21 tiles to play. Remember, only peel a tile when you need to use it. The challenge here is to beat your own best time using all 288 tiles, or you can try to use as few words as possible while using all the tiles. It’s a great way to relax and sharpen your Bananagrams skills!

Banana Challenge

For the more experienced players, why not try the Banana Challenge? In this version, the regular Bananagrams rules apply, but there’s a twist – you can’t use any two-letter words! It adds an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the game.

If you’re feeling really adventurous, you can even create your own games! Let your imagination run wild and come up with new ways to enjoy this awesome word game.

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