How to play Don t Cut the Cheese Official Game Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Rules of the Don’t Cut the Cheese Game

Hey there! Ready to play the Don’t Cut the Cheese game? Here are the rules you need to know to get started. Let’s go!


The goal of the game is to avoid cutting the cheese. The player who avoids cutting the cheese for the longest time wins the game.

How to Play:

It’s super simple! First, gather all the players around the table. Then, take turns using the cheese knife to cut slices from the cheese wheel. The slices can be as big or small as you want, but be careful! There’s a hidden trap.

Underneath the cheese wheel, there’s a sensor that detects when the knife hits it. If the sensor is triggered, it means you’ve cut the cheese and you’re out of the game. So, keep a steady hand and be cautious with your cuts!

Each player continues taking turns until only one brave cheese cutter remains. That player is crowned the winner, and everyone else gets to enjoy some delicious cheese without any stinky consequences!


If you want to make the game even more challenging, you can add some extra rules or variations. Here are a few ideas:

  1. Timed Challenge: Set a time limit for each player to make their cut. If the cheese isn’t cut within the time limit, the player is out.
  2. Blindfolded: Blindfold the players and have them rely solely on touch to cut the cheese. This adds an extra level of difficulty and suspense!
  3. Double Trouble: Use two cheese wheels instead of one. Players take turns cutting from both wheels, making it harder to avoid cutting the cheese.

Feel free to get creative and come up with your own variations. The key is to have fun and enjoy the thrill of not cutting the cheese!


Now that you know the rules, it’s time to gather your friends and start playing the Don’t Cut the Cheese game. Remember, be steady, be cautious, and most importantly, have a blast!

How to play Don t Cut the Cheese Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Guess what? I have a super fun game to tell you about. It’s called “Mouse Trap” and the goal is to be the first player to collect all three types of cheese tokens – orange, white, and yellow. How cool is that?

Getting Started

Okay, let me walk you through the setup. First, we need to raise one of the mouse trap bars. Then, we’ll hook a strip of special paper that looks like cheese onto a peg. After that, we’ll pull up the other bar and hook the other end of the cheese paper to “set” it. Exciting, right?

Now, let’s get the cheese tokens ready. We have 30 of them in total. Place them face down, with the blue side facing up, to the side of the playing area. We’re almost ready to start!

How to play Don t Cut the Cheese Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Just imagine, you walk into a room and spot a tempting piece of cheese on a trap. You feel curious and can’t help but wonder why it’s there. You cautiously approach, your heart pumping with excitement. As you get closer, you notice a small hole in the cheese, perfectly pierced by a peg. It’s like a puzzle waiting to be solved.

How to play Don t Cut the Cheese Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there, I’m here to talk about mouse traps and cheese-loving critters. Yep, you heard me right – it’s a subject that might seem simple, but there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye. So, let me tell you all about it.

First things first, let’s talk about how a mouse trap should look when it’s all set up. You’ve probably seen those classic contraptions with a metal bar and a spring, right? Well, that’s one type of trap, and it’s a popular one. When it’s set, the bar is raised, and it’s ready to snap down on any sneaky mice that come sniffing around.

Now, let me introduce you to Max the Mouse – a little fellow who just can’t resist the smell of cheese. He’s got a serious weakness for this yummy delight, and it’s what brings him straight to the trap. Silly Max, doesn’t he know it’s a dangerous game?

But you see, there’s an important reason why Max keeps coming back for more. You might think he’s just a silly mouse who loves cheese, but there’s more to it than that. Max is drawn to the cheese because it’s his favorite treat. It’s like catnip for cats or peanut butter for dogs – irresistible!

Now, here’s where things get interesting. When Max sees and smells that tasty morsel, he runs to it without thinking twice. But what Max doesn’t know is that the trap is waiting for him. It’s a clever device designed to catch him in his tracks.

So, why would Max risk it all for a simple piece of cheese? Well, here’s the thing. Max’s little mouse brain is wired to go after what he loves, no matter what. It’s instinct, pure and simple. And that’s why those traps are so effective – they play on his natural desires and instincts.

But let me tell you something. While these traps might catch Max off guard, they’re not foolproof. Sometimes, Max is smart enough to outwit even the best traps. He’s a sneaky little fella, that’s for sure.

So, remember, my friend, when it comes to mice and cheese traps, it’s a cat and mouse game. They might seem like simple creatures, but they’re craftier than you might think. And that’s what makes it all so fascinating. It’s a constant battle of wits and instincts, a dance between predator and prey.

Now, if you’re fascinated by these little critters and their love for cheese, you might want to dig deeper. There’s a whole world out there, full of curious facts and intriguing stories. So, go ahead, explore and uncover the secrets of the mouse and cheese universe. Who knows what you might find?

How to play Don t Cut the Cheese Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me show you a fun little toy called Max. He’s a cute little mouse who loves taking bites of cheese. To make Max take a bite, all you have to do is position him so that the cheese paper is in his mouth, and then squeeze the punch button on his belly. It’s that simple!

How to play Don t Cut the Cheese Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Max is always hungry!

Hey there! Remember, it’s super important to clear Max’s mouth after each round to avoid any paper bite jams. Just give his lower jaw a gentle tug to open his mouth and remove the bites.

How to Play

To start, put the trap right in the middle of your play area. The youngest player goes first, and once their turn is done, they pass both Max the Mouse and the spinner to the player on their left.

How to play Don t Cut the Cheese Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

When it’s my turn, I spin the spinner and see what it tells me to do (the mouse’s nose points to the action).

Here are the different things that can happen:

  • 1 Bite / 2 Bites / 3 Bites: I use Max the Mouse to take the specified number of bites out of the cheese paper.
  • Skip: I get to skip my turn. I “squeaked” by!
  • Reverse: The direction of play changes. I skip my turn and hand the spinner and Max to the player before me.
  • 1 Bite & Spin Again: I use Max the Mouse to take 1 bite out of the cheese paper. Then I have to spin the spinner again and do what it says.

Important note: Max must always take at least half of a full bite, no nibbling allowed.

If I don’t hear a punch sound when I bite the paper, it doesn’t count and I have to do it again! If another player thinks I nibbled instead of taking a bite, we can take a vote and go with the majority.

Snapping the Trap

When I break the cheese paper and “snap the trap” during my turn, the round comes to an immediate end. If, on the other hand, I do not “snap the trap,” I get the opportunity to draw 1 cheese token.

How to play Don t Cut the Cheese Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

When we play this game, we start by turning our tokens face up and placing them in front of us. Then, we attach a fresh piece of cheese paper to the trap. The person who lost the last round gets to go first in the next round.

The game ends

when someone collects an orange, white, and yellow cheese token. That’s when they win the game!

Remember: You might have drawn multiple tokens of the same color during the game. But to be the winner, you need to have one of each color.

If there is a tie, the player with the most tokens wins. And if there’s still a tie, then we have a “spin-off” where the player who spins the lowest

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