How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor


Welcome to the Game: Dominations: Road to Civilization!

So, you’re here because you want to know all about the rules of this amazing game, right? Well, you’ve come to the right place! I’m going to break it down for you in simple terms so that you can jump right into the action.

Starting Out

First things first, let’s talk about setup. To begin, each player gets a set of colored cubes and markers. These are your tools for world domination, so hold on to them tight!

The game board represents the world, divided into several regions. Each region has a corresponding card that shows its benefits and requirements. These cards are shuffled and placed face down, creating a deck. At the start of the game, players take turns drawing and placing these region cards on the board.

Now it’s time to choose your starting region. Think carefully, because this decision will lay the foundation for your civilization’s journey.

Building Your Empire

As the game progresses, you’ll be making important choices to develop your empire. Each turn, you have the option to:

  1. Explore: Discover new regions and gain advantages.
  2. Settle: Expand your influence by placing cubes on the board.
  3. Develop: Improve your civilization by playing development cards.
  4. Trade: Interact with other civilizations and gain resources.
  5. Conquer: Wage war against your adversaries.

These actions will help you accumulate victory points, which are crucial to your success. The player with the most points at the end of the game will be crowned the ultimate ruler!

Victory Conditions

Now, let’s talk about how to win this game. There are several ways to achieve victory:

  • Control Regions: Gain control over a specific number of regions.
  • Build Wonders: Construct magnificent wonders that bring you fame.
  • Scientific Achievements: Make groundbreaking discoveries.
  • Military Domination: Crush your opponents on the battlefield.

Each path to victory requires careful planning and strategic thinking. Will you go for the military approach or focus on science and innovation? The choice is yours!


So there you have it, my friend. The rules of Dominations: Road to Civilization in a nutshell. Now that you know the basics, it’s time to embark on your journey to conquer the world. May the best civilization win!

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 90 Land Tiles
  • 288 Mastery Cards
  • 4 Player Boards
  • 60 City counters
  • 4 Victory counters
  • 4 Influence counters
  • 4 Initiative counters
  • 12 Monument standees
  • 48 sliders
  • Cradle of Humanity
  • 50 Monument Level Cards
  • 12 Monument Cards
  • 6 Domination Cards
  • 4 Campfire Cards
  • Score Board
  • 16 Objective Cards
  • 32 Gaming Aids
  • 16 Score Tokens
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

I want to tell you about the things you’ll find inside the beautiful game called “Cradle of Humanity.” It’s like a box of treasures waiting to be discovered. Let me tell you what’s in it. You’ll find 90 land tiles, 288 mastery cards to acquire and show off your skills, and 4 player boards for each player to play on. There are also 60 city counters, 4 victory counters, 4 influence counters, and 4 initiative counters to keep track of your progress. If you’re into visual elements, you’ll be delighted to find 12 monument standees and 48 sliders to give your game a stunning look. There’s also an expansion pack called the Cradle of Humanity, which you’ll find inside. It comes with 50 monument level cards, 12 monument cards, 6 domination cards, and 4 campfire cards. To keep things organized, you’ll get a score board, 16 objective cards, and 32 gaming aids. Finally, you’ll find 16 score tokens and, of course, the instructions to guide you on your adventure.

About the Game

Now that you know what the game includes, let me tell you what it’s all about. In Cradle of Humanity, you’ll use your knowledge to build cities and master skills. This is how you leave a legacy for your civilization to be remembered. Every time you master a skill, it becomes one of the pillars of your society. This not only opens doors to new possibilities but also increases your power in the game. So, are you ready to embark on this exciting journey in the Cradle of Humanity?

When you do all of these things and more, you’ll earn points. And if you have the most points when the game is over, you win!

Getting Ready

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Here’s what we need to do to set up the game:

First, we’ll put the Cradle of Humanity tile in the middle of the table.

Next, we’ll get the Mastery cards ready. We’ll organize them into their holders and make sure they’re accessible to everyone.

Now, let’s place the Scoreboard on one side of the table.

Don’t forget about the Domination cards! We’ll put them next to the Scoreboard.

Alright, now it’s time to prepare our cards. Each player will draw 2 Objective cards and 2 Monument cards. After that, they’ll choose 1 of each. Once they’ve made their choices, they’ll reveal them to each other at the same time. The Objective and Monument cards that weren’t chosen will go back in the game box.

Now, we’ll put the Monument cards next to the Scoreboard so that everyone can see them. Each Monument will have a pile of level cards on top, starting with the Level 1 card. The Monument’s standee will be placed next to its card.

First things first, I need to set up my game board and get all my pieces in order. I grab my Player board and gather the necessary Knowledge sliders, one of each color for the Domains and six Reserve Limit sliders. I place the Knowledge sliders at the bottom of the board, starting at zero. The Reserve Limit sliders go on the first level of each Domain, just above the number five.

Now it’s time to set up the Land tiles. I place them in their holders, making sure they’re all ready to go. Then I draw a hand of seven Land tiles. If I don’t like what I’ve got, I can discard some or all of them and draw again, but only once.

Lastly, I grab a Campfire card. This will come in handy later.

Let’s get started by randomly determining the order of play for the first Age. We’ll place the Initiative tokens on the Initiative track, starting with the first player (marked as I) on the Cradle of Civilization tile. Alongside the scoreboard, we’ll also place the Influence and Victory Point tokens for each player.

Now we’re ready to begin!

Game Play

We’ll take turns, starting with the player at the top of the Initiative track and ending with the player at the bottom.

Initiative: If there’s a tie for any reason, the player highest on the Initiative track (closest to being first) always wins.

Each turn is part of an Age, and there are 5 Turns for each player in each Age. After all players have taken their 5 Turns, we’ll move on to the End of Age Phase.

A game of Dominations consists of 3 Ages. When we reach the end of the Third Age, the player with the most Victory points will be the winner.

When you play Dominations: Road to Civilization, earning points is a key part of the game. You can earn points in a few different ways.

1. Acquiring Mastery Cards

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMessEach civilization in the game has its own unique achievements, whether in technology, culture, or other areas. Mastery cards allow you to earn Victory points in various ways. Some cards give you points simply for having them, while others have special effects that can help you earn more points.
How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

2. Possessing Influence

Another way to earn points is by possessing influence. In the game, it’s important to have a strong presence and influence in different regions. The more influence you have, the more points you can earn.

3. Dominating Domains

Finally, you can earn points by dominating domains. This means taking control of key areas and establishing your dominance over them. The more domains you dominate, the more points you can earn.

These are the main ways to earn points in Dominations: Road to Civilization. By focusing on acquiring Mastery cards, possessing influence, and dominating domains, you can maximize your chances of winning the game. Good luck!

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When each Age comes to a close, I end up losing all of the Knowledge I have accumulated. It’s a bit frustrating, I must admit. But before I wave goodbye to my precious Knowledge, there’s a silver lining – the player who has the most remaining Knowledge in each Domain gets a special prize. It’s called a Domination card, and it’s like having your very own secret weapon.

  • It not only gives you extra points, but it also grants you a special power in the next Age. How cool is that?

Now, let’s talk about scoring even more points when the final Age wraps up. Are you ready?

Achieving Objectives

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you play the game, you get to walk in the footsteps of one of the great civilizations of the past. The Objective cards give you a sense of direction right from the start. They tell you what you need to achieve, and if you meet their requirements, you earn points.

Each turn in the game is divided into three phases: the Grow Phase, the Build Phase, and the Develop Phase. In the Grow Phase, your population grows and spreads to new territories. You place your triangular Land tiles around the Cradle of Humanity.

After each player has taken five turns, it’s time for the End of Age phase.

As I explore different nations in the game, I notice that they all interact and learn from each other. Every time I add a land tile to my civilization, it expands and gains knowledge, which is the main resource in the game.

I learn about 6 different domains of knowledge in Dominations:

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Trade: I get to learn about trading and the yellow domain represents it.
Craftsmanship: The orange domain represents craftsmanship, teaching me new skills.
Art: The blue domain introduces me to the world of art and its importance.
Science: I dive into the world of green domain, which is science.
Government: Understanding different forms of government is represented by the red domain.
Religion: Lastly, the purple domain enlightens me about religion and its significance.

When it’s my turn, I start by placing a land tile from my hand. I have to make sure that at least one side of the tile connects to either the Cradle of Humanity or another available land tile placed by another player.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I place a Land tile, I connect colors and accumulate Knowledge. The two tiles along the connected edge have four resources, and each one gives me 1 Knowledge point in the corresponding domain.

But that’s not all. The Camp on the Land tile also generates 1 Knowledge point in the corresponding Domain.

  • The big colored area in the middle of the Land tile is called the “Camp”.
  • The three smaller points around the edge of the Land tile are the “Resources”.

Every time I gain Knowledge points, I move my counter on my Player Board to show how much Knowledge I have in that domain.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Power of Combining Knowledge

Did you know that when you connect two resources of the same color face to face, something amazing happens? You actually gain an extra Knowledge point of that color!

Let me show you with an example:

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When I place this tile, it gives me 1 Craftsmanship, 1 Religion, and 4 Trade. I get 1 Trade for the Camp, and 3 Trade for the matching resources. The matching resources also give me a Concentration of Knowledge bonus.

Produce vs Gain

In Dominations, there are two different effects to consider: Producing Knowledge and Gaining Knowledge.

When I place a Land tile, I can Produce Knowledge. The Concentration of Knowledge effect, as well as Cities and Monuments, can improve my Production. But there are also Mastery cards and other cards that can give me additional Knowledge based on my Production. So, it’s important to understand the difference between Producing and Gaining Knowledge when resolving their effects. You can find more details in the FAQ.

For instance: If I have the “Bartering” Mastery card, I can gain an extra Trade point in the given situation.

Let’s talk about the Locus

When we play the game, we have the opportunity to complete a wheel of 6 Land tiles, which creates something called a Locus. The interesting thing about a Locus is that instead of producing the resources on the connected edges, we get all the resources in the center of the Locus, as well as the point from the Camp on the Land tile we just added. But wait, there’s more! When we create a Locus, the “Concentration of Knowledge” rule does not apply.

In addition to these resources, we also have the power to activate certain Mastery cards and all the Cities on Land tiles that are part of the Locus.

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Listen up! Here’s an important rule: when I place a tile and create multiple Locus at once, I can’t score them all. Nope, I’ve got to pick just one to score.

Vestioium Knowledge

Get this: while playing the game, I can gain Vestigium Knowledge. How do I get it, you ask? Well, it could be through Production How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess or by unlocking special effects How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess.

When I get this Knowledge, I can choose which Domain it belongs to. And get this – I can even spread it across multiple Domains, unless someone tells me not to.

Reserve Limits

When I start playing the game, I have a limit of 5 Knowledge points in each Domain. If I gain Knowledge that would exceed this limit, I lose the extra Knowledge. However, I have the option to increase my limit by constructing Cities and purchasing specific Mastery cards. When my limit increases, I need to move my Reserve Limit slider up to match my new limit and reflect this change.

Once my Reserve of points reaches 20, I can no longer increase it any further. If I acquire Knowledge that would go beyond this limit, I lose the additional Knowledge. However, the interesting thing is that regardless of how much Knowledge is lost, I still gain 1 Victory point every time I would exceed 20.

II. Build Phase

Now, during the second phase of my turn, I have the choice to either build a City or contribute to a Monument.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Creating a City

Cities are the heart of my Civilization and a symbol of its growing power and prosperity. They bring tremendous benefits throughout the game, influencing Mastery cards, boosting my Influence score, and enabling me to store more Knowledge.

I can establish a City by selecting an empty central Camp tile on the Land and paying a certain amount of Knowledge points in the same color as the Camp. This investment showcases my expertise in that specific domain.

Once I’ve made the necessary Knowledge payment, I proudly place a City token right on the chosen Camp tile, marking my city’s presence.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

You can create a City on any empty Camp space, regardless of who placed the Land tile or when.

You also have the option to upgrade an existing City to level 2 or 3 by spending Knowledge points based on the Camp’s color. When you upgrade a City, you’ll place a new City token on top of the existing one, indicating its increased level.

Keep in mind that you can only upgrade a City one level at a time. You can’t immediately build a City at level 2 or 3. The maximum level a City can reach is 3. Each player has a limited number of City tokens, and once they’re all used, you won’t be able to build any more Cities.

Once you have a City, you’ll receive bonuses based on its level:

City Level 1:

– Cost: 3 Knowledge of the appropriate color.

– Influence: +1

– Increases Reserve of that color to 10

City Level 2:
  • Cost: 6 Knowledge of the appropriate color.
  • Influence: +2
  • Increases Reserve of that color to 15
City Level 3 :
  • Cost: 9 Knowledge of the appropriate color.
  • Influence: +3
  • Increases Reserve of that color to 20


Hey there! Building cities not only earns you Influence points and helps you expand your Reserve for storing more resources, but it’s also an easy way to get more Knowledge points.

Every time you connect a Land tile to another tile that has a City, you earn Knowledge points based on the City’s level and domain. Isn’t that cool?

If you manage to create a Locus in the game by surrounding six Land tiles in a complete circle, any Cities on those tiles will be activated. This means that the owners of those Cities will gain Knowledge points, as mentioned earlier. So, it’s important to think strategically about where you position your Cities in the game.

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Creating a Magnificent Structure

Throughout history, we’ve seen the construction of extraordinary and breathtaking buildings that showcase human achievements in science, culture, and faith. And now, in Dominations, you have the opportunity to leave your own legacy on the world.

Monuments are a shared objective that anyone can participate in if they choose to. By contributing to a Monument, you not only earn Victory points but also receive special bonuses.

If you want to start building a Monument, begin by placing the Monument’s Tile on the Board, following the specific placement rules outlined on its card. Keep in mind that Monument tiles are available in two shapes: Diamonds and Circles.

Diamond-shaped tiles should be positioned next to an existing Land tile, adhering to the usual placement restrictions for Land tiles. Additionally, Diamonds must be adjacent to a City within a specific Domain. You can find more information on this in the Monument’s card.

When I look at some of these Monuments, I see that they’re like signposts marking the edges of our lands or the meeting points of vast seas. It’s interesting how they can only be connected to Land tiles through sides that have a Reward Icon. And you know what? Land tiles can only be placed if they connect to sides that have a Reward Icon. It’s like a special handshake they have to do to become friends.

Now, here’s the cool thing: when you build a City right next to one of these Monuments, you get an instant reward. You don’t have to wait or jump through any hoops. It’s like winning a prize as soon as you show up!

Oh, and don’t forget about the “Great Wall” Monument tile. It’s a special one because it counts as a diamond. Diamonds are shiny and precious, you know.

Let me show you an example to make it all clear. Look at the picture below. See that Pharos Monument? It’s giving out points to the Cities next to it. And guess what? The Trade City that was already there when the Monument was placed belongs to the Black player, so they instantly get 10 Victory points. Imagine that!

So, here’s the deal: if another player gets all fancy and decides to build a Science City beside the Monument later on in the game, they’re in for a treat. Yep, they’ll rake in a cool 10 Victory points just for that.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Circular Monuments are special structures that are positioned centrally within a Locus. Each Monument is associated with a specific Domain, which is a group of Cities. When a City from the corresponding Domain is present in the Locus, the owner of that City earns points based on the Monument’s card.

You can score these points either immediately after placing the Monument or later when a City is constructed adjacent to the Monument.

For example: In the situation shown below, the Hanging Gardens Monument grants points to Craftsmanship Cities. Thus, the White player will receive 5 Victory points upon placing the Monument since they have 1 Craftsmanship City within the Locus (the level of the City is irrelevant in this case).

Hey there! Did you know that when you, as the Black player, have a Craftsmanship City on the Locus, you get 5 points? Pretty cool, huh? And guess what? If another player builds a City on the available Craftsmanship Camp later in the game, they also score 5 Victory points right away! So, it’s like double the fun and double the points! How awesome is that?

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Did you know that some Monuments have Knowledge indicated on their Tiles? It’s pretty interesting, but here’s the thing… you don’t actually Produce or Gain any Knowledge when you place down a Monument. Bummer, I know.

But don’t worry! There’s still a way to activate those resources. When you connect any Land tiles to the Monument tile, they work just like normal and activate the resources. So, it’s like a little boost for your Civilization.

Oh, and here’s something cool! Circular Monuments can be placed right over resources that belong to another Monument Tile. It’s like they’re sharing the space and both getting the benefits. Teamwork makes the dream work, right?

Now, anyone can participate in building a Monument. All you have to do is pay the resources shown on the top Monument Level card. Once you’ve bought it, you take the Level card and integrate it into your Civilization Tree. It’s just like when you get a really cool Mastery card in the Develop Phase. Exciting stuff!

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  • Our Goal: To build Monument levels in a specific order, starting with level 1 and progressing from there. However, you can still build the current level available, even if you haven’t built the previous ones.
  • Exploring Monument Levels: Feel free to check out any of the Monument level cards at any time, not just the top one.
  • Taking Control: The number of level cards in your Civilization Tree and the number of City levels you control adjacent to a Monument will determine who controls it.
  • Special Bonuses: Some Level cards come with cool bonuses. These bonuses will be activated as soon as you add the card to your Civilization Tree.

Phase III: Developing Your Civilization

Now, it’s time for the most crucial phase of your turn – the development phase. Here, you have the opportunity to strengthen the skills that will form the foundation of your Civilization. Each Domain begins with comparable abilities, but as you progress, you’ll discover that each Domain has its own unique strengths.

The real game-changer lies in combining these cards to create powerful combinations. This strategic move will give you a significant edge as the game unfolds.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it’s my turn, I can either get a new Mastery card or level up a card I already have.

Aquire a Mastery

When it’s your turn, you can get a new Mastery card by paying the required cost and adding it to your Civilization Tree.

Mastery cards represent different skills like Painting, Road Building, Agriculture, and more. The effects listed on the card will happen as soon as you place it in your Civilization Tree.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, here’s the deal: there are 3 different types of Mastery cards that you can get – value 3, value 6, and value 9. The value 9 ones are super powerful, but they do come with some prerequisites and require a big investment.

If you already have some Mastery cards, you can actually level them up. Pretty cool, right? To do that, all you have to do is pay the cost indicated in the lower left corner of each card. Once you’ve done that, flip it over and it becomes an Advanced card with a black background.


Now, here’s the thing about level 9 cards: they have a little extra something called a prerequisite. It’s like a second, smaller value and a Domain. To get one of these cards, you need to already have another Mastery card from the same Domain and with the same Cost (or higher) in your Civilization Tree.

Rule of 1

Oh, and one more thing – you can only have 1 copy of each Mastery card in your Civilization Tree. So choose wisely!

When you acquire or upgrade a Mastery, its effects immediately come into play. These effects are indicated on the card and can include earning Victory and Influence points. It’s an exciting moment when you add a new Mastery to your collection or enhance an existing one!

The Civilization Tree

Your Civilization Tree represents the foundation on which your Nation is built. It symbolizes the various disciplines and skills that your people have developed over time. Each Mastery card you acquire becomes an essential part of your Civilization, contributing to its legacy and influencing how it will be remembered in history.

As you play the game, you will gradually build your Civilization Tree around your Campfire card. Each new Mastery added to your collection strengthens your Nation and expands its possibilities.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Your Campfire card is where your Civilization Tree begins. It’s a crucial card that not only lets you acquire new Mastery cards but also grants you a free exchange action.

During your turn, you have the power to transform 2 Knowledge cards of the same color into 1 Knowledge card of a different color. And guess what? You can do this as many times as you want!

Now, let’s talk about placing cards. To add a card to your Civilization Tree, you need to be able to place it correctly. Here are the rules:

  • The card must be placed right next to a card you already own (but not diagonally).
  • Some cards have a special NODUS icon. But beware! This icon only counts when you have a full Nodus, which is created by connecting 2 cards together. Those half Nodus things that haven’t been connected? Nope, they don’t count.

I will rewrite the provided text while maintaining the original meaning and style. Here is my version:

“When choosing a new card, you need to consider three important conditions. First, the card must be placed next to existing cards, connecting through a Nodus of the same color. Nodus are the colored half-circles on the sides of the cards, and they create a complete Nodus when connected with other cards.”

  • The card must fulfill these three conditions in order to be acquired. If it doesn’t, you can’t take that card.

Each Mastery card comes in four copies, and every copy has a different Nodus arrangement. Once a card is placed, it can’t be moved.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Welcome to Vestimum

Vestimum is an exciting world of Mastery cards and colorful nodes. In this universe, we have a special kind of white node called Vestigium. These nodes are like connectors that can link to any other color and act as a Nodus of that color. You’ll also find them on Monument Level cards, adding to their allure.

But here’s the twist: Vestigium have a rule of their own. They may be versatile, but two Vestigium nodes cannot be joined together. It’s a small restriction in an otherwise boundless realm.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Corruption of Mastery

In the world of Civilization, there exists a nefarious force known as Corruptio. These dark nodes on the cards are like black holes, incapable of forming connections with any other Nodus, including other black ones. They represent a dead end in your Civilization Tree, an insidious path that leads nowhere.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Now that the Development phase is complete, it’s your turn to play next. You’re up!

The Score Track

In Dominations, there are two types of scoring: Influence Points and Victory Points.

Influence Points

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In Dominations, there’s no need for battles or wars. Instead, the focus is on building up your Nation to become more powerful and influential. This growing prestige is measured by Influence Points.

When you obtain an element marked with the “Influence” symbol, your Influence counter on the Influence track advances. The Influence track is the yellow track that surrounds the scoreboard.

Influence plays a significant role at the end of each Age, but it can also have other effects throughout the game.

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Winning Points

Imagine you’re playing a game. You want to win, right? Well, that’s where victory points come in. They’re like little rewards that you get every time you do something amazing in the game. And who doesn’t love rewards?

In some games, victory points are called VPs. It’s a way for the game to keep track of who’s winning. It’s all about getting the highest number of points, so you can come out on top.

Now, you might be wondering, how do you earn these victory points? Well, it really depends on the game. In some games, you earn points by building things, like houses or cities. In others, you might get points for conquering territories or completing missions.

The important thing to remember is that victory points are one of the main ways to win the game. So, if you want to be the ultimate champion, you’ve got to rack up those points. It’s like a race to the finish line, with victory points as your secret weapon.

But, just like in life, earning victory points isn’t always easy. Sometimes, you have to make tough decisions to maximize your points. You might have to sacrifice something in order to gain more points later on. It’s a strategic game, and every move counts.

At the end of the game, when all is said and done, the player with the most victory points is declared the winner. It’s a moment of triumph and celebration. You did it! You conquered the game and emerged victorious.

So, the next time you sit down to play a game, keep an eye on those victory points. They could be your ticket to glory. Will you seize the opportunity and claim your victory? It’s up to you.

Remember, it’s not just about winning the game. It’s about the journey you take to get there. And victory points are the currency of that journey. So, go out there and conquer the game, one victory point at a time. Good luck, champion!

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In the game of Dominations, the number of Victory Points you accumulate is what determines your success. These points are earned through various means, such as contributing to Monuments or utilizing Mastery cards. Each time you acquire an element with the Victory point symbol, you instantly earn that same number of points. Your progress along the Victory track, which is a gray path encircling the board’s center, represents your score.

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If I make it to the end of the Score Track, which means I’ve earned 100 Victory points or 50 Influence, I’ll get a Score token. The Score token is either 50 Influence or a specific number of Victory points like 100, 200, 300, and so on. Once I have the Score token, I place my token back at the start of the track and continue adding points if I have any left to score.

But here’s something important to know: each Score token has a different value on the back. For example, the back of a 100 Score token has 200, and the back of a 300 Score token has 400. The tokens are double-sided like that.

When all the players have finished playing 5 turns each, it’s time for the End of Age phase. At the end of each Age, we have to do the following actions in this order before starting a new Age.

Just a reminder: if there’s a tie in any situation, the player highest (or closest to being in 1st place) on the Initiative Track is the winner.

Now let’s talk about the End of Age effects.

Hey there! Just wanted to give you a heads up about something cool you can do. See, if you have any cards in your Civilization Tree with “At the end of each Age” effects, you can totally use those powers right now. How awesome is that?

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Discover the Power of Influence

Hey there! Let’s talk about something really cool in this game called Influence points. They’re like special tokens that each player has, and they can be incredibly powerful!

One thing you can do with Influence points is assimilate a Mastery from another player. Basically, if you have the most Influence points, you can choose a Mastery card that someone else has and take that same card from the available ones in the card holders. It’s like stealing, but in a nice way – you’re not taking it directly from the player.

But there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind before you do this. It’s mainly about the level of Mastery card and your own level of Influence. Let me break it down for you:

  • If your Influence level is 12 or lower, you can only assimilate cards that have a value of 3.
  • If your Influence level is between 13 and 22, you have a bit more flexibility – you can assimilate cards with a value of 3 or 6.
  • If your Influence level is 23 or higher, you’re the boss! You can assimilate cards with a value of 3, 6, or even 9. That’s super impressive!

So, next time you’re playing the game, remember the power of Influence points. They give you the ability to take on new abilities and strategies by assimilating other players’ Mastery cards. It’s a really neat way to spice up the game and keep everyone on their toes!

I have the option to adopt an Advanced version of a Skill that another player has developed, but there’s a condition: I must already have the base version of that Mastery myself.

If I choose to do so, all I have to do is flip the card I already have to its advanced side, without paying anything extra. I don’t need another copy of that card. The effects of the assimilated card will start working right away.

Once I assimilate a card, everyone earns Victory Points equal to their current number of Influence points. We can keep our Influence points for the next Age.

Now, let’s talk about determining roles. At the end of an Age, the player who has kept the most resources in each Knowledge Domain receives the assistance of a highly skilled citizen in that area, like a great Inventor, Diplomat, or Craftsman.

When I play the game, I can grab a special Domination card that corresponds to the next Age. This card gives me a special benefit that can help me in the game.

In the Government Domain, I can become the Governor, which gives me 6 Victory Points. In a two-player game, I don’t get any Victory Points.
In the Religion Domain, I can become the High Priest, which gives me 5 Victory Points.
In the Art Domain, I can become the Diplomat, which gives me 4 Victory Points.
In the Trade Domain, I can become the Trader, which gives me 3 Victory Points.
In the Science Domain, I can become the Inventor, which gives me 2 Victory Points
In the Craftsmanship Domain, I can become the Farmer, which gives me 1 Victory Point.

When I take a Domination card, I immediately score the number of Victory Points shown on the card.

Once I’ve used a Domination card (if it can only be used once), I can put it back in the common area on the table.

I can take as many Domination cards as I want. But if none of the players have any Knowledge Points left in a Domain, then no one can claim the Domination card.

Before we start the next Age, there are a few things to keep in mind.

When we’re starting a new round, we all have to reset our Knowledge points back to zero. This means we’re all starting with a blank slate, unless we have cards that say otherwise. It’s like wiping the slate clean before diving into the next Age.

Next, we need to replenish our hand of tiles. Here’s how it works:

– First, you get to choose if you want to keep any of the Land tiles from your current hand. You can keep as many as you want and put the rest back in the Land tile holders.

– Then, you can draw new Land tiles to complete your hand. You can draw up to 7 tiles, or more if you have a card that says so. Just like at the beginning of the game, you have the option to discard some or all of your hand once and redraw up to 7 (or more) Land tiles. But remember, you can only do this once per Age.

Once everyone has refreshed their hands, we can start the next Age.

And finally, when the game is over, it’s time to tally up the points and see who’s the winner.

Hey there! I want to break down how the different ages are played in Dominations. The first and second Ages are pretty much the same, but the third and final Age has some differences.

End of Age

Once the Third Age comes to an end, we move on to the Influence phase and trigger other End of Age effects as usual.

When it comes to distributing the Domination cards, the rules are the same as usual, except each card is worth 3 points instead of their regular value and their special abilities cannot be activated. So, for example, the Diplomat card won’t allow you to gain Influence points at the end of the Third Age.

Additional Steps For Final Scoring

Objective Cards

In Dominations, we’re not trying to replicate History exactly. However, Objective cards give us the chance to follow in the footsteps of some of the greatest Nations in History.

Objective cards in the game have a special role. They present you with 5 different goals, and if you manage to achieve them, you earn Victory points at the end of the game. It’s like a little challenge within the bigger game.

These objectives can take many forms. For example, you might need to have a certain number of Monuments or Cities at a particular level. Or maybe you need to collect a specific number of Nodus in your Civilization Tree, each of a particular color. The possibilities are endless!

What makes the objectives even more interesting is that the first 3 are based on real historical events from the Nation’s past. They give you a taste of what it was like to be part of that history. The last 2 objectives, on the other hand, represent what could have been. They allow you to imagine what could have happened if things had gone differently for the Nation.

So, as you play the game, keep an eye on the objectives. They are like little puzzles waiting to be solved. Can you complete them all and earn those precious Victory points?

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The symbols on the cards represent

When you come across a card with symbols on it, don’t be baffled. These symbols are important because they carry meaning and can tell you something about the information on the card. Let me explain what each symbol represents.


This symbol represents Location. It indicates where the event is taking place or where the information is relevant.


This symbol represents Date and Time. It tells you when the event is happening or when the information is valid.


This symbol represents Cost. It tells you how much it will cost you to participate in the event or acquire the information.


This symbol represents Level of Difficulty. It indicates the skill or expertise required to engage with the event or understand the information.


This symbol represents Target Audience. It tells you who the event or information is intended for, such as children, adults, or experts.

By understanding these symbols, you can quickly grasp essential details about the card’s content. It’s like having a secret decoder that unlocks the card’s meaning. So next time you see these symbols, embrace them, and let them guide you through the wonderful world of information and events!

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When playing the game, you need to have a specific number of Cities at specific levels to win. To clarify, you need five level 1 Cities and one higher-level City that is at least level 2. So, if you have a City that is level 2 or 3, it can still count as one of your level 1 Cities.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Finishing the game requires something special. You need to have a specific number of your Cities right next to each other. And in this case, that magic number is 10!

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you want to win the game, you’ll need to make sure that you have a specific number of Cities that aren’t next to each other. In this case, you need 10 non-adjacent Cities. Just remember, a group of Cities that are next to each other only counts as one non-adjacent City.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In order to win the game, you need to have control over a Monument. To achieve this, you must combine the level cards you have for a Monument in your Civilization tree with the number of City Levels you have built next to that Monument. The player who has the highest total score for that Monument will be in control of it. However, if there is a tie, the player who has the Level 1 card for that Monument will be the winner.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When playing the game, you have to make sure you reach a specific number of Nodus in your Civilization Tree. To succeed, I need to have 8 Trade Nodus, 5 Government Nodus, and 3 Science Nodus.

Just a quick reminder: these Nodus must be complete, which means you have to combine two Mastery cards to create each one. Nodus that are only half don’t count towards your goal.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

To complete the game and win, you will need to have at least 30 Influence Points. This means you have to accumulate enough points throughout the game to reach that number.

In addition to Influence Points, you also need to acquire specific Mastery cards in your Civilization Tree. To meet this requirement, you must have four level 6 Trade and/or Science Mastery cards, as well as three level 9 Trade and/or Government cards.

The points you earn from achieving your Objectives will determine your final score. The more Objectives you accomplish, the higher your score will be.

How to play Dominations Road to Civilization Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When the scores for Objectives are tallied up, the player who has earned the most Victory Points emerges as the winner of the game!

If there happens to be a tie, the player who is ranked highest on the Initiative track comes out on top!

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