How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the World of Discover: Lands Unknown!

Hey there! So, you want to dive into the exciting and mysterious world of Discover: Lands Unknown? Well, you’re in for a real treat! Whether you’re an experienced gamer or just starting out, this game has something for everyone. So, let’s dig in and explore the game rules together!

Unveiling the Game

First things first, let’s talk about what Discover: Lands Unknown is all about. This game is a unique blend of strategic decision-making, thrilling exploration, and epic adventure, all rolled into one. It’s designed to transport you to different worlds, each with its own distinct environment, resources, and challenges. But here’s the twist – every copy of Discover: Lands Unknown is a little bit different! You heard it right, no two copies of the game are the same.

So what does that mean for you? Well, it means that every time you play the game, you’ll uncover new surprises and face different obstacles. You’ll have to adapt quickly, think on your feet, and strategize to survive in these ever-changing landscapes.

Survival Is Key

Now, let’s talk about the ultimate goal of Discover: Lands Unknown – survival. In this game, you find yourself stranded in an unknown land, and your primary objective is to, well, stay alive! You’ll need to manage your resources wisely, gather food, water, and materials, and avoid the dangers lurking around every corner.

But survival isn’t just about staying fed and hydrated. You’ll also need to keep an eye out for other threats like vicious creatures, treacherous terrains, and unforgiving weather conditions. Your decisions can mean the difference between life and death, so choose your actions carefully.

Choose Your Path

Speaking of choices, one of the most exciting aspects of Discover: Lands Unknown is the freedom to choose your own path. The game offers multiple storylines, quests, and missions for you to embark on, each with its own unique challenges and rewards.

As you progress through the game, you’ll make choices that shape your adventure. Do you explore the dark and dangerous forest or venture into the mysterious caves? Do you befriend the local villagers or confront the hostile tribes? The choice is yours, and the consequences of your actions will ripple throughout the game.

Final Thoughts

So, are you ready to embark on a thrilling adventure through the captivating realms of Discover: Lands Unknown? With its dynamic gameplay, immersive storytelling, and infinite possibilities, this game is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.

Remember, every decision you make matters, so choose wisely. Good luck, adventurer, and may the undiscovered lands reveal their secrets to you!

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • Hey there! I’ve got something cool for you – a game known as “Explorers of the Lost World”!
  • Why don’t we dive right into what this game has to offer?

What’s Inside

This game includes:

  • 2 Terrain Reference Sheets
  • 4 Survivor Figures
  • 2 Camp Tokens
  • 1 Compass Token
  • 4 Fire Tokens
  • 2 Dice
  • 34 Map Tiles
  • 10 Night Cards
  • 11 Quest Cards
  • 12 Combat Support Cards
  • 94-96 Exploration Cards
  • 30-32 Enemy Cards
  • 44 Crafted Item Cards
  • 11 Project Cards
  • 1 Tribe Leader Marker
  • 12 Character Cards
  • 24 Threat Cards
  • 4 Reference Cards
  • 20 Counters
  • 6 Water Source Tokens
  • 103-106 Feature Tokens
  • 16 Monster Tokens
  • 84 Resource Tokens
  • 2-5 Special Monster Tokens

Let’s Get Started

To start playing, just follow these steps:

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Choose Your Adventure: Let’s start by picking a scenario to play. As a group, we get to decide which one we want to dive into. For our first game, we’ll go with “Scenario 1”. Make sure to gather all the quest cards that go with that scenario, and put the rest back in the game box.

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s get started with Stage 1 of our game. I’ll read aloud the first objective that we need to complete in order to win. Keep the other quest cards for this level face-down for now. We’ll use them later on.

First things first, we need to assign a tribe leader. We’ll do this by having each player roll a die. The player who rolls the highest number will become the tribe leader. If there’s a tie, the players who tied will need to reroll and see who comes out on top.

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s Create the Night Deck: First, I’ll shuffle the tier-II night cards (the red ones) and make a deck with them. Then, I’ll shuffle the tier-I night cards (the blue ones) and put them on top of the deck.

  1. Exploration, Enemy, and Crafted Item Decks: Now it’s time to sort these cards in numeric order but face down. No need to shuffle them. At some point, the game will tell us to put certain exploration cards back in the game box, so be sure to do it now.
  2. Project Deck: I’ll shuffle the project cards and make a facedown deck. I’ll put it near the crafted item deck. If there are advanced project cards with a red back, I’ll shuffle them into a separate deck.
  3. Threat Deck: Lastly, I’ll shuffle the threat cards. The color will be shown on the reference sheet. I’ll make a facedown deck and put it near the night deck.

I’m going to tell you what you need to gather and how to sort them. First, gather the map tiles, water source tokens, camp token, monster tokens, and feature tokens. Don’t forget to sort them into facedown piles by their backs and randomize them. Next, sort all the resource tokens, fire tokens, counters, and special monster tokens into piles that are within everyone’s reach. Put all the other map tiles, feature tokens, monster tokens, and camp tokens back in the game box because we won’t be using them in this game.

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, here’s what you need to do to build the map:

First, find the map tile that has artwork on both sides and put it in the middle of the table. Then, take the other map tiles and organize them into piles based on the numbers on the back. Give each pile a good shuffle.

Now it’s time to start building the map! Take the facedown tiles and arrange them on the table following the layout shown on the reference sheet. Make sure to place the compass token at the edge of the map, just like it’s shown on the reference sheet. And don’t forget to put the camp token on the camp space of the map, with the lit side facing up.

Important: Keep in mind that the island map you see in the image is just one example. Other types of terrain have different configurations, which you can find on their respective terrain reference sheets.

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Okay, listen up! We’re about to start the game, so here’s what you gotta do:

First things first, let’s assign the characters. Shuffle those character cards real good, and then deal two cards to each player. Don’t show your cards to anyone just yet!

Now here’s the exciting part. Each player secretly picks one card from their hand to keep. Once everyone has made their choice, it’s time to reveal your cards all at once. Fancy, huh?

Oh, and if you’re playing alone (hey, that’s cool too), things are a bit different. Draw four character cards and choose one to keep. Solo play just got a whole lot more interesting!

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s get you ready to play the game. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. First, make sure each player has the following items and puts them next to their character card:
  2. One character tracker. Adjust the three hearts to show your health, and set the stamina dial based on the number of players:
    • Three or four players: 8 stamina
    • Two players: 10 stamina
    • One player: 12 stamina
  3. One food and one clean water resource token.
  4. The three combat support cards that match the color of your character tracker. If you’re playing solo, don’t worry about these cards.
  5. Now, draw a certain number of cards from the top of the normal (blue) project deck. Keep these cards a secret for now. The number of cards you draw depends on the number of players:
    • Three or four players: 1 card each
    • Two players: 2 cards each
    • One player: 3 cards

One thing you need to do before starting the game is to set up the playing area. First, gather all the necessary components: the game board, the character trackers, and the survivor figures. Then, match the color of one survivor figure to their corresponding character tracker and place it at camp. This will represent the player and their in-game character.

Now, it’s time to begin playing the game! Get ready for some fun and excitement!

In this game, the term “survivor” refers to both the player and their in-game character. So, when we talk about survivors, we’re talking about you and your character in the game.

The game is played over several rounds, and each round has two phases: the Day Phase and the Night Phase.

During the Day Phase, survivors can move around the map, gather resources, and craft items. This is the time to explore and prepare for the challenges ahead.

Then, we have the Night Phase. During this phase, survivors must resolve a night card. These cards have different effects, some positive and some negative. For example, you might have to eat food or deal with moving monster tokens on the map. It adds a thrill to the game!

Each phase has its own unique set of actions and events, which will be explained in more detail in the following sections.

Now that you have an idea of how the game works, let’s dive deeper into the Day Phase. Get ready for an adventure!

Survivors spend their days gathering resources, crafting items, and exploring the map in search of a way home. It’s a tough journey, but not without hope. Each survivor takes a turn, starting with the tribe leader and moving clockwise. You can take as many actions as you want during your turn, but each action will cost you stamina. Here are the available actions in the game:

– Gather: Collect valuable resources.

– Move and Gather: Explore the map and gather resources along the way.

– Scout: Gain information about the surroundings.

– Cook Meat: Prepare a delicious meal to replenish your energy.

– Restart Fire: Keep the fire going to stay warm and protected.

– Craft: Create useful items from the resources you’ve collected.

– Trade: Exchange goods with other survivors.

– Investigate: Dig deeper into the mysteries of the island.

– Recover: Heal your wounds and regain strength.

– Card Action: Use special abilities granted by cards.

Once all survivors have taken their turns, night falls, and a new phase begins. At camp, gathered around the fire, the survivors prepare for another challenging day ahead.

Hey there! Let’s talk about some effects in this game. They can happen when you’re hanging out at the camp or chilling by the fire. Yep, that’s right! Your character needs to be in the same spot as the camp or the fire to experience these effects.

Now, fire can be lit or unlit, and we show that with a fire token that has two sides. If the fire’s lit, then being at the fire means being in a space where a lit fire token is hanging out. Pretty straightforward, huh?

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If a fire goes out, it’s token is turned over so that the side that isn’t lit is facing up. You can restart a fire by flipping its token to the lit side.

When the game starts, the only fire is on the camp token. As long as this fire is lit, being at camp fulfills the requirements of being at a fire as well. Players may be able to create new fires using specific item cards.

2. Night Phase

During the night phase, the tribe leader picks the top card from the night deck, follows the instructions from top to bottom, and then discards the card.

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you use these cards, you always get a boost of at least six stamina. This extra stamina is added to your current stamina value. You can adjust the dial on your character tracker to show this new value.

You spend stamina to take actions in the game. Remember, you can’t have less than zero stamina or more than 12 stamina.

After resolving the night card, you discard it. The tribe leader then decides what to do with the tribe leader token. They can pass it to another survivor or keep it for themselves.

Once the night phase is over, a new round begins with the day phase. This process continues until every survivor has either won or lost the game.

Threat Cards

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Did you know that staying away from fire during the night can actually be dangerous? It’s true! Sometimes, when we’re playing night cards, we might come across a threat card that needs to be dealt with.

Here’s how it works: when it’s your turn, you draw the top card from the stack of threat cards. Then, you read the instructions on the card and follow them. Once you’re done, you discard the card.

Now, some threat cards are a little trickier. You’ll notice that they have the word “ongoing” written below the card title. When you draw one of these cards, you place it in front of you and it stays there until a special effect tells you to get rid of it.

Oh, and if multiple players draw threat cards at the same time, don’t worry. We take turns dealing with them. We always start with the tribe leader and then go clockwise.


Hey there! Let’s talk about some interesting rules related to the cards in the game. You might come across a special kind of card called “Tribal” threat cards. These cards have a particular rule when drawn by a survivor. If there are no other survivors on the map, the survivor has to discard the card and draw a new one. This rule usually applies when playing alone, but it can also apply if all the other survivors have either won or been eliminated.

Now, let’s talk about discarding cards.

When you discard a night or threat card, you should place it faceup next to its respective deck. If there are no cards left in the night deck, you have to shuffle all tier-II cards from the discard pile to create a new deck. Similarly, if the threat deck has no cards left, you must shuffle its discard pile to create a new deck.

As for exploration, enemy, or crafted item cards, when you discard them, you should return them to their respective deck. Make sure to keep the deck in numerical order for easy referencing.

Now, let’s jump into traits.

Hey there! Let’s chat about traits on cards – they’re pretty interesting. Some cards have traits listed above the card ability, like Cold or Master Key. These traits don’t really affect the gameplay, but other cards might make references to them.

Check out this example of a turn:

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

1 It’s my turn now! I have nine stamina to use for my actions.

2 First, I want to move to a nearby space. The reference sheet says it will cost me two stamina, so I’ll spend two stamina for this.

3 Now, let’s move again. This time, the stamina cost is only one.

4 I see an undiscovered map tile next to me. I’ll spend one stamina to check it out.

5 I flip over the tile and there are feature icons on some spaces. I’ll place the corresponding feature tokens on those spaces.

6 Okay, time for my next action – one more move and gather. Let’s do this!

7 As the last part of my move action, I can gather without spending any extra stamina. I’ll take the feature token in my current space. Nice, it’s a resource! I’ll hold onto this.

So here’s what happened next. I had to make two moves to get to landmark #33. It wasn’t the safest place to be, but I had to investigate what was going on. I drew a card from the deck, and guess what? It was an item! I decided to keep it by my character card.

Now, I only had one stamina left, so I figured it was best to save it. It was time for the survivor on my left to take their turn.

Watch Out for Danger!

Let me tell you, the wilderness can be a scary place. It’s not just about finding food and water out here. We also have to watch out for dangerous enemies, diseases, and unpredictable weather. It’s a tough world out there.

When Things Get Bad

Listen, if a survivor already has three damage and they suffer a fourth damage of any kind, they’re out. It’s game over for them. We lay their figure on its side to show that they’re a casualty. If the survivor was the tribe leader, they have to pass the tribe leader token to the player on their left. It’s a tough break, but that’s how it goes.

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I get eliminated from the game, I lose. But that doesn’t mean the game is over for everyone else. They keep playing while I sit it out. I can’t use my special abilities anymore, and I don’t count as a survivor for any cards or rules.

Getting My Stuff

Even though I’m out of the game, my resources and items stay right where they are. If another survivor is next to me, they can grab one resource or item as an action.

Monsters Everywhere

Some cards make monster tokens appear on the map. If that happens, we grab a random token and put it facedown where it’s supposed to go. If there’s a survivor there, flip the token over and we fight!

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If an ability creates a monster on a space that is not on the map, like a hidden landmark, the monster doesn’t appear.

When you move into a space with a monster token, you flip the token and fight the monster right away.

If you move into a space with a monster token, you have to battle the monster before you can gather for free.

If there are multiple monster tokens in your space, you choose one to fight first. After that, if there are still monsters in your space, you fight another one. Keep repeating this until there are no monsters left in your space or you get eliminated.

Now, let’s talk about how to move monster tokens.

Have you ever encountered card abilities that cause monster tokens to move around the map? It’s interesting how these monsters always move a certain number of spaces, regardless of the terrain. And when a monster token ends up in the same space as a survivor, it flips faceup and engages in combat with the survivor.

But what happens if a monster moves into a space that has multiple survivors? Well, the survivors in that space need to come to an agreement on who will fight the monster. If they can’t agree, the tribe leader steps in and makes the decision.

In fact, the tribe leader is also responsible for deciding other ties, such as determining where a monster should move if it’s instructed to go towards the nearest survivor, but two survivors are equidistant.

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! This card tells me to make the monster token closest to me move two spaces towards me. But since it didn’t actually enter my space, it stays face down.

If a monster moves more than one space, it only moves one space at a time. If it comes across a space with a survivor in it, it stops moving.

Monsters can’t leave the map or go onto unexplored tiles. Instead, they have to go around the edges of the map. And if multiple monster tokens move at once, they all move first before any fighting happens.

Special Monster Tokens

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I’m on a quest or exploring, sometimes I come across special monster tokens. These tokens are different from the regular ones because they have a gray background and always look the same on both sides. They never get mixed up with the normal monster tokens.

Special monster tokens don’t move when night cards or threat cards are played, but they can still retreat like normal. Other than that, they follow all the same rules as monsters, unless there’s an ability that specifically mentions “normal monsters”.

By the way: Sometimes, instead of finding enemy cards in the deck, I come across special monster cards while exploring.

Who are the Enemies and Monsters?

The word “enemy” refers to any bad guy that I have to fight during my adventures. Monsters are a specific type of enemy, and they’re represented by monster tokens.

How do we Fight?

Hey there! Let’s talk about enemy cards. You know, those cards that represent all the bad guys and creatures you fight against in the game. Pretty cool, right? Anyway, when you draw an enemy card, it means you have to start a fight right away. On the enemy card, you’ll find all the important stuff you need to know – like the enemy’s strength and how much health they have.

How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So here’s the deal: when it comes to combat, you and the enemy each roll two dice – one gray and one red. If the number on your gray die is the same or higher than the enemy’s defense value, you deal damage to them.

Now, if the number on your red die is equal to or higher than the enemy’s attack value, you get hit and take damage. Let me break down the steps of combat for you.

Combat Steps

Okay, here’s what happens when you go into battle:

  1. Roll Dice: You roll both the gray and the red dice. The gray one is what you use, and the red one is for the enemy.
  2. Modify Dice: You can use special abilities to change or reroll the dice. If you have resources, you can spend 1 Wood to reroll the gray die.

If you’re looking for useful tips about combat tactics in a game, you’ve come to the right place. Today, I’ll be talking about the importance of understanding various effects that can modify dice rolls in combat.

In the game, you’ll encounter different effects that can alter the outcome of your dice rolls. Let’s take a look at a few examples:

  1. 1 Stone: Reroll the red die.
  2. 1 Poison: Apply +1 to the gray die.
  3. 1 Salvage: Apply -1 to the red die.

When engaging in combat, it’s crucial to take these effects into account. The combatant has the freedom to resolve these effects in the order of their choice. They can also use the same effect multiple times if they wish. For instance, they could spend one stone to reroll the enemy die, and then spend another stone to reroll it once more.

Furthermore, if a survivor possesses multiple weapon items, they are allowed to use all of them. However, it’s important to note that each item can only be used once per combat.

So, next time you find yourself in a tough battle, remember to make the most of these effects. They can greatly influence how the dice rolls turn out and give you an advantage in combat. Good luck!

  • Deal Damage: When you roll the dice, you and the enemy can both take damage based on the results. Let me explain how it works.
    1. If the gray die shows a number that is equal to or higher than the enemy’s defense value, you deal one damage to the enemy. This damage is tracked by placing a counter on the enemy card. If the enemy card has as many counters as its health, the enemy is defeated. When you defeat an enemy, you receive the reward shown on its card, if there is one, and then you get rid of the enemy card and token.
    2. If the red die shows a number that is equal to or higher than the enemy’s attack value, you suffer one physical damage. This damage is inflicted even if you defeated the enemy in the previous step. Some enemies have a “-” as their attack value. In this case, you don’t suffer any damage, and the number on the red die is only used to determine whether you have to retreat or not.
  • If you don’t defeat the enemy, they’ll retreat. Their card will still be face-up on the field, with any counters showing the damage they’ve taken. The combat ends at this point, even if the enemy hasn’t been defeated. When an enemy retreats, their token is removed from the battle.

    How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you’re in a fight with a bad guy, and you don’t win, they run away. But even though they’re gone, their token stays faceup and moves to a nearby spot.

    The direction they move in depends on the number on the red die that was rolled during the fight. It matches the compass token.

    There are some places the token can’t go, though. It can’t run off the map or onto a space that hasn’t been explored yet. And it can’t go into a space where there’s already a survivor. If that would happen, the bad guy can pick a different spot next to them, as long as there’s no other survivor there. Then their token moves there instead.

    Getting Away from a Fight

    There are some cards that let you escape a fight. If you do, you get to pick a nearby space to move your figure to. Just make sure there’s no monster token there. And as soon as you’re out of there, the fight is over.

    When I’m in a fight, I always try to resolve it as quickly as possible. But sometimes, there are situations where combat can’t be resolved right away. This is where things can get a little tricky.

    If there’s any part of the fight that’s still unresolved, we just skip it and move on. So let’s say I’m facing an enemy and I manage to escape before they can hurt me. In that case, I don’t take any damage and the enemy doesn’t get defeated or retreat. Instead, their card stays faceup near the map.

    How to Get Help in Combat

    How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When we’re in a fight together, we become supporters for each other.

    Before we roll the dice, you and I get to choose whether we want to play one of our three combat support cards or not. We can each play our cards one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the person in the fight. The person in the fight doesn’t play a combat support card.

    If we do decide to play a card, we can use the special ability on it when we modify the dice. We have to use the ability, unless it says we can choose whether or not to use it. And don’t worry, once we use the card, it goes back to its owner and can be used again in future fights.

    If we manage to defeat the enemy, the person in the fight gets to keep the rewards. But if they want to, they can also give some or all of the rewards to us, the supporters.

    Let me give you an example of how a fight works:

    How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When a monster token moves into my space, I flip the token over to reveal its true face. Then, I draw the card that matches the number on the token. It’s always exciting to see what challenge awaits!

    If there are no survivors nearby to help me out, I have to rely on my own skills. That means rolling the dice and hoping for the best.

    Sometimes luck is not on my side. If the gray die shows a number that is lower than the enemy’s defense value, I have the option to spend one wood and reroll the gray die. I can’t let a little setback stop me!

    But when the stars align and my roll matches the enemy’s defense value, it’s time to strike. I deal one damage to the enemy by placing a counter on its card. However, this is just the beginning. The enemy has two health, so it’s not down for the count yet.

    Here’s what happens in combat:

    First, let’s talk about the damage. If the enemy die is greater than or equal to the enemy’s attack value, I take one point of damage. Ouch!

    Now, let’s say the enemy decides to retreat. It will move out of my space, but the direction it goes depends on the number on the enemy die. In this case, the die shows 12, so the enemy retreats in a direction that matches that number. Good riddance!

    There are some enemies that are labeled as lethal. This means they won’t stop fighting until they’re defeated or until all survivors in their space are defeated.

    If I can’t defeat a lethal enemy in combat, it won’t retreat. Instead, it will start a new combat with a different survivor in its space. It will fight the survivor sitting to the left of the previous combatant. If there are no other survivors, it will fight the previous combatant again. Talk about tenacity!

    When I have a special skill that lets me escape from a fight, it doesn’t mean I can just run away from a really dangerous enemy. Instead, the fight stops, and the enemy jumps into a new fight with me, but this time it’s sitting to my left. If no one else is around, that same enemy will keep fighting me over and over.

    Discovering New Places

    When I’m on a mission, I often have to go to certain places or find specific things. The rules for these places and items are explained below.

    Goal Icons

    How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Have you ever noticed those little red icons on some spaces? They don’t actually do anything, but they can be important for certain card abilities.

    Special Effects

    Let’s talk about quest cards for a moment. You might see an icon that looks like the letter M and a number. This means it’s referring to the number of players in the game, including those who might have already won or lost. So if you see “Roll M dice” in a four-player game, you would roll four dice. Simple enough, right?

    Important Items

    Now let’s talk about some special items. These items have abilities that come into play when you draw an exploration card. When that happens, you have a choice. You can either resolve the card you just drew or use the special ability of one of these items to explore a different card. The catch is, you have to decide before you see what the replacement card’s ability is. So choose wisely!

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    How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When I’m investigating something, I draw a card. It says, “This door is locked.” I have a couple of options. I can follow what it says on card #1 and do what it tells me to do on card #3. Or, I can use my “Silver Key” and do what it says on card #2.

    How the Game Ends

    The most important thing for us survivors is to finish the quest cards. Each scenario has a final quest card that tells us how we can win the game.

    How to play Discover Lands Unknown Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    So here’s the deal: there’s this card, called the quest card. It’s important because it tells you what to do to complete a quest and what happens when you finish it.

    Now, sometimes the card will tell you to move on to a new stage of the quest. When that happens, you gotta find the quest card for that stage and put it on the table. That new card becomes the current quest.

    Oh, by the way, the last stage of each quest is where the survivors can win the game. If one of them wins, they get to take their figure off the map, and they also have to discard all their cards, tokens, and counters. They’re out of the game, basically.

    But don’t worry, the other survivors keep playing. Until one of them gets too beat up and loses. Ouch.

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