How to play Dice Forge Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Dice Forge Game Rules

Welcome to the Dice Forge game! In this incredible game, you have the power to forge your own destiny. You will embark on an exciting adventure where you will roll dice, collect resources, and upgrade your dice to become the ultimate hero.

Let me explain how the game works. Each player starts with two basic dice, which have different sides that represent different resources. On your turn, you will roll your dice and collect the resources shown on the sides that landed face up. With these resources, you can purchase powerful cards that will give you special abilities and help you earn glory points.

But here’s the twist: the dice in this game are unique because their faces are removable! Yes, you heard it right. After every round, you will have the opportunity to upgrade your dice by replacing their removable faces with more powerful ones. This means that as the game progresses, your dice will become stronger and more versatile.

To upgrade your dice, you will need to spend the resources you have collected. Each face has a different cost, so you will have to manage your resources wisely and strategize on which faces to upgrade. Some faces may grant you more resources, while others may give you special abilities or allow you to earn more glory points.

The game is played over several rounds, and at the end of each round, you will have the opportunity to purchase cards and upgrade your dice. The player with the most glory points at the end of the game wins!

Now that you understand the basics, it’s time to dive into the world of Dice Forge. Prepare yourself for an unforgettable journey full of strategy, luck, and epic dice rolls. Are you ready to become a legendary hero? Roll the dice and let the adventure begin!

How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In Dice Forge, I am a hero competing against others to collect the most Glory Points. Throughout the game, I roll my dice in order to gain Gold, Sun Shards, and Moon Shards. These resources allow me to acquire new die faces to upgrade my dice and perform amazing feats.

There are three important things to remember in this game:

  • I can use Gold, Sun Shards, and Moon Shards to acquire new die faces and upgrade my dice.
  • Upgrading my dice will give me access to more powerful abilities.
  • Collecting Glory Points is the ultimate goal of the game.

Now, let’s talk about the components of the game.

How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re getting ready to play this game, there are several things that you’ll need. Here’s a list of everything you’ll find in the box:

  • A rulesheet to help you understand how to play
  • A Hero Aid that explains the effects of the Faces and Cards
  • A Temple Board where the game takes place
  • A special “Temple” Sleeve
  • An Islands Board that adds variety to the game
  • Four Hero Inventories to track your progress
  • Twenty Colored Resource Markers, divided into four sets of five cubes each
  • Eight Tokens for various purposes
  • 108 Die Faces, with 60 for the Temple and 48 for the dice
  • Eight “Divine Die” Cores that hold removable faces, with four Light and four Dark cores
  • A First Player Token to keep track of turns
  • A Round Tracker to mark the current round
  • Ninety-Six “Heroic Feat” Cards, with 24 sets of identical cards (15 + 9)
  • Eight “Single-Use” Tokens, including four Triton and four Cerberus tokens
  • Four Hammer Tokens for special abilities
  • Four Chest Tiles for additional rewards

Now that you have everything you need, it’s time to set up the game. Let’s get started!

How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, you want to play a game. It’s a two-player or three-player game, and here’s what you need to do to set it up:

Step 1: Unfold the Islands board and put it next to the Foundations.

Step 2: Put all the cards in their places around the Islands Board. Make sure you have four identical cards stacked together. Match the card cost with the cost shown on the location.

Step 3: Put the Round tracker on space “1” of the round track.

Step 4: Now it’s time for each player to get ready:

  • Take your Hero inventory and put it in front of you.
  • Take your five Resource markers of your color and put one on each space “0” of your Hero Inventory.
  • Take your Hero pawn of your color and put it on the matching starting portal.
  • Take a Light Die and a Dark Die and put both in their designated spaces on your Hero Inventory.

When we start playing the game, the youngest player has the honor of going first. They get to be the First Player and hold onto the special First Player token throughout the whole game.

After that, it’s time for each player to adjust their Gold reserves. This is done by moving their Resource marker to a new spot on their Gold track, based on the turn order. Here’s how it looks:

  • Player 1: 3 gold How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess
  • Player 2: 2 gold How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess
  • Player 3: 1 gold How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess
  • Player 4: 0 gold How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Once that’s done, we can take the Temple out of its sleeve and put it on top of the Foundations. We can set the sleeve aside for the rest of the game.

How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess


I. Setting Up for Different Numbers of Players

Number of players 4 3 2
Number of cards per stack 4 3 2
Number of die faces per pool in the Sanctuary 4 4 2
Gold for each player according to their turn order (1st/2nd/3rd/4th player) 3/2/1/0 3/2/1 3/2
Number of rounds 9 10 9

Let’s start by performing step 1, “All Players Receive Divine Blessings,” twice in a row at the beginning of each round.

II. Using Different Heroic Feat Cards

Once you’ve played your first game, you can add some variety by changing which Heroic Feat cards appear in the game.

When you set up the game, all you need to do is replace one to nine sets of Heroic Feat cards with the corresponding alternate sets available.

To make things more challenging, you can randomly select which of the two sets is used for each location in the game.

The Game’s Play

Playing a Round

The game is split into a series of rounds. Each round involves every player taking a turn as the active player, starting with the first player.

The Active Player’s Turn

When it’s your turn to play, you become the “active player”. Your turn consists of four consecutive steps:

How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess

1. I Get Divine Blessings, Just Like Everyone Else.

Hey there, it’s time for some divine blessings! I’ve got good news – we all get them!

Let me clarify a couple of things before we dive in: if it’s just a two-player game, we’ll do this step twice. And remember, these blessings can come to us in a few different ways:

  • First of all, during Step 1 of the game.
  • We can also get them through card effects – those sneaky little surprises.
  • Lastly, whenever we manage to oust another Hero. Watch out!

Now, if there’s ever a dispute about how to apply these special die faces, we’ll just go with the turn order, starting with the active player. Fair and square, right?

When we receive a minor blessing, things get even more exciting. Here’s how it works: choose one of your dice, give it a good roll, and put it back in your inventory with the face you rolled facing up. Then, you get to enjoy the effect it brings.

Just a quick reminder: this cool little bonus doesn’t happen during Step 1, only through card effects. So keep that in mind.

How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess

II. Calling for Backup

If I have any cards that provide reinforcements, I can use each effect once and arrange them in any order I want.

III. Taking Action

I can choose between two actions: A or B.

How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess

You know what’s really cool? Making an offering to the Gods. It’s like this super special thing that only a chosen few get to do. And guess what? You’re one of those lucky few! How awesome is that?

So, here’s what you gotta do. You take a look at the Sanctuary and find some die faces that catch your eye. Pick the ones you like and take ’em with you. Of course, you gotta pay for ’em too, but hey, nothing good in life comes for free, right?

Once you’ve got your hands on those shiny new die faces, it’s time to work your magic. You gotta forge them, one by one, in any order you want. It’s kind of like the ultimate DIY project. You take out the old die face you wanna get rid of and replace it with the new one. Just imagine you’re using the new face as a lever to pry off the old one. Pretty cool, huh?

Oh, and don’t forget to keep track of the old die faces you remove. They go in your Inventory, so you can keep ’em safe and sound.

Finally, once you’ve done all the forging and revamping, you put the die back in your Hero Inventory. But here’s the thing: make sure the new face is facing up. That’s how you show off your awesome new die face to the world. You’re gonna be the envy of all the other players, that’s for sure.

How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess

B) – Perform a heroic feat.

First, choose a heroic feat that you want to do and spend the required resources. The resources you need are written on the Heroic Feat card. Make sure you have enough resources before you begin.

  • Next, move your pawn to the portal on the island where the heroic feat is located. If there is another hero already at the portal, you will have to kick them out. But if your pawn is already at the portal, you don’t have to move it.

  • Important: You cannot perform a heroic feat if there are no more cards left in the corresponding pile. So, make sure there are still cards available before you attempt the feat.
  • How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Ousting Another Hero: If you move your Hero pawn to a portal that’s already occupied by another player’s Hero pawn, they have to move their Hero pawn back to their starting portal. As a consolation, they get a divine blessing right away.

    • Pile 1: These Heroic Feats don’t have any permanent effects.
    • Pile 2: These permanent effects can be used at any time during the game, but there are conditions that must be met. Keep in mind that these effects only appear on cards that aren’t used in the recommended setup for your first game.
    • Pile 3: These permanent effects stay active throughout the game and are only activated when the owner of the card is the active player during step 2.

    IV. The Active Player Gets an Extra Action

    Hey there! Guess what? I have an interesting rule to share with you about the game How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMessDice Forge. Are you ready?

    So, here’s the deal: during your turn, you have the option to spend 2 How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMessto do something extra. You can choose between two actions: A How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess or B How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess. Exciting, right?

    Now, Listen Up!

    Once step 4 is done, your turn comes to an end, no matter if you took that extra action or not. And here’s what’s really cool — a new turn starts, and the next player in clockwise order becomes the active player. It keeps the game moving!

    But Wait, There’s More!

    When all the players have been the active player, the round is over. If it’s the last round, well, that’s it, the game is over. But if it’s not, then we move the round tracker one space and start a fresh round.

    In a two- or four-player game, you’ll have a total of nine rounds. But in a three-player game, it’s a little different — you get ten rounds. Exciting stuff, huh?

    Game Over

    When the final round is over, the game comes to an end and it’s time for the score tally.

    Now it’s time to add up all the How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess on your Heroic Feat cards and Hero Inventory, including any How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess tokens. Whoever has the most How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess emerges as the winner and earns a coveted spot among the gods.

    If there’s a tie, all the tied players share the victory and become champions together.

    The Fine Print

    You’re allowed to handle your dice and examine them during the game, as long as you put them back in their original position in your Hero Inventory.

    When it comes to modifying a die, forging the die face is the only way to do it. You can’t rearrange the faces or put a previously-removed face back on a die.

    In the game, a Hero pawn stays in its location until it’s either ousted or moved to another portal by choice.

    You’re allowed to perform any Heroic Feat, even if you’ve already done it before, and even during the same turn.

    If you’ve reached the maximum on a specific reserve track ( How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess, How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess, or How to play Dice Forge Official Rules UltraFoodMess), any extra resources you get will be lost.

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