How to play Decrypto Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Decrypto Game Rules

Welcome to the exciting world of Decrypto! In this game, you and your teammates will have to use your wits and communication skills to decrypt secret codes and outsmart the opposing team. Let’s dive into the rules and get started!

The Objective

The goal of Decrypto is to be the first team to correctly guess the three codes that the opposing team is trying to protect. Each team will have their own set of four secret codes, labeled “Code 1” through “Code 4”. Your job is to figure out which secret codes the opposing team has chosen based on the clues they give.

Game Setup

To begin, divide players into two teams and have each team sit on opposite sides of the table. Each team will also need a set of Communication Tokens and four numbered Key Cards.


Decrypto is played over a series of rounds. In each round, both teams will take turns acting as the Code Givers and the Code Breakers.

Code Givers

The Code Givers on each team will have access to a Key Card that shows a sequence of three-digit numbers. Each number corresponds to a different word listed on the Key Card. The Code Givers will secretly choose three of these words to represent the codes they want their team to guess.

Once they have made their choice, the Code Givers will give their teammates a clue consisting of three words. The clue should creatively hint at the words on the Key Card that correspond to the secret codes. However, the clue cannot directly reference the numbers or the codes in any way.

Code Breakers

The Code Breakers will listen to the clue given by the opposing team’s Code Givers and try to guess which words on their own team’s Key Card match the clue. They will write down their guesses on a Team Sheet in the order they think they correspond to the secret codes.

After the Code Breakers have made their guesses, the opposing team’s Code Givers will reveal which words on their Key Card were the correct matches for their clue. If any of the Code Breakers guessed correctly, the Code Givers will indicate which number corresponds to each correct guess by placing a Communication Token on the corresponding spot on their Key Card.

Cracking the Codes

As the rounds progress, the Code Breakers will gather more and more clues from the opposing team. With each clue, they will gain a better understanding of the words on their own team’s Key Card. The challenge is to decipher the pattern and correctly guess the three secret codes the opposing team has chosen. The first team to correctly guess the opposing team’s secret codes wins the game!


In Decrypto, effective communication and careful deduction are essential. Pay close attention to the clues given and try to find the connections between the words. Remember that the clues might be cleverly crafted to misdirect you, so think outside the box and consider different interpretations.

Now that you understand the rules, gather your team, sharpen your minds, and get ready for an exhilarating game of Decrypto. Good luck, and may the best codebreakers win!

How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • You get 2 Screens to play with.
  • There are 110 Keyword cards, with a total of 440 words.
  • You’ll also receive 4 Interception Tokens and 4 Miscommunication Tokens.
  • Additionally, you’ll have 48 Code cards and 50 Note Sheets.
  • There’s a Sand Timer included, and a Rulebook as well.

A Little Something About Keyword Cards

Before we start playing, it’s crucial not to peek at or mix up the Keyword cards. To help you out, these cards are color-coded to distinguish between their front and back sides. This way, you can start with all the blue keywords and save the other colors for later, making sure you don’t repeat words unknowingly.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the scrambling of the words on the cards prevents accidental reading of other words when setting up your screen.

Quick Breakdown

Welcome to the world of DECRYPTO, where teams of 2 to 4 players go head-to-head to prove their mastery of codebreaking. The objective is simple – transmit codes to your teammates while keeping them hidden from the opposing team.

But here’s the twist – you don’t want to make it too easy for your own team either. Your goal is to strike the perfect balance between clarity and confusion. The art of communication is key in this game.

As a codebreaker, you’ll also need to skillfully intercept your opponents’ codes. It’s a game of strategy and cunning, where every move counts. Think you have what it takes to outsmart the competition?


How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, here’s the deal – I’m part of the White Team, along with Alice and Bob. Bob is the guy who’s starting things off as the “Encryptor.” His task is to communicate a secret 3-digit code using a random card he picked. To make it a bit of a challenge, he’s given us three clues – “Mexico,” “Insect,” and “Horror.”

To crack Bob’s code, we’ll need our very own set of secret keywords. These keywords are our secret weapons, and for this game, they are:

1. black

2. dragonfly

3. cocktail

4. sombrero

Now, get ready to put your thinking caps on! Which three digits do you think Bob’s trying to make us guess?

The clue “Mexico” seems to be pointing at keyword number 4: “sombrero”. The clue “insect” is a pretty clear nod to keyword number 2: “dragonfly”. And lastly, the clue “horror” points directly at keyword number 1: “black”.

So, it looks like Bob’s code is most likely 4.2.1. Piece of cake, right? Great job cracking the code!

When we play this game, the teams take turns giving clues to guess their keywords. The tricky part is that the clues are spoken aloud, which means the other team can hear them too. This means that they can start figuring out the keywords we’re trying to communicate.

In the example, let’s say our team’s fourth keyword is “Mexico”. After the first round, the other team knows this. Then, let’s say we give a clue like “amigos” later on. The other team might quickly connect it to Mexico and guess that we’re referring to the fourth keyword again.

Getting Started

  1. First, we split up into two teams, trying to make them as even as possible.
  2. Next, each team sits together on one side of the table. The opposing team sits directly across from us.

Each team in the game will follow these steps:

1. We take 1 Screen and draw 4 Keyword cards. We place the cards on our Screen without showing them to the other team.

2. We take the Code Deck that matches our Screen’s color – either black or white.

3. We take 1 Note Sheet. We can use it to write down clues and information from the opposing team. Let’s choose a name for our team and write it on the Note Sheet. Remember that one side of the Note Sheet is for our team, and the other side is for the opposing team. The edges of the Note Sheet match the colors of our Screens!

4. We put the Sand Timer, Interception tokens, and Miscommunication tokens in the center of the table.

The goal of the game is to use the clues given by the opposing team to correctly guess the other team’s keywords.

If you want your team to win the game, you need to collect 2 Interception tokens. How do you get these tokens, you ask? Well, it’s simple. Every time you manage to intercept the other team’s code, you earn 1 Interception token.

How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you’re not able to figure out the code and get it right, your team may be in trouble. See, every time you can’t decrypt the code correctly, you’ll get a Miscommunication token. And if you end up with two of those tokens, it’s game over for your team. So, it’s super important to work together and communicate effectively to avoid these tokens.

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Your Mission: Creating Clues

Hey there, fellow Encryptor! It’s my turn to come up with some clues this round. Here are the guidelines I’ll be following:

  • I have the freedom to choose the form that my clues take. I can go with a single word, a complete sentence, or get a little creative with humming, dancing, or miming!
  • I’ll make sure that each of my 3 clues is clearly separated. No confusion allowed between the first, second, and third clue.
  • My clues will be all about the meaning of the Keywords. But I won’t give anything away by hinting at the spelling, the number of letters, the position on the Screen, or tricky pronunciations.

I want to talk about the importance of choosing the right clues when playing a game. It’s important to keep certain guidelines in mind to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

The first rule is that the clues you provide must be based on publicly available information. You can get creative and refer to obscure things, like Croatian poets from the 17th century, but you can’t use any private information that only you know.

When asked, you should spell out your clues. This is to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to understand and interpret the information you’re giving.

It’s important to note that any information you give to your team as the encryptor must also be given to the opposing team. This rule promotes fairness and prevents any unfair advantages for one side.

Once you’ve read a clue aloud, you can’t change, modify, or improve it. This rule ensures consistency and prevents any confusion or disputes during the game.

You’re not allowed to use the same clue more than once per game. This adds variety and challenge to the game, making it more interesting and engaging for all players.

Finally, you can never use the code card itself or the keywords as clues. This rule is in place to prevent any shortcuts or unfair advantages in solving the game.

To help you keep track of your clues and stay organized, you can use a note sheet. This will allow you to jot down important information and keep everything in order.

Remember, by following these guidelines, you can ensure a fair and enjoyable game for everyone. Good luck and have fun!

How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Playing the Game

When you first start playing the game, you may feel a mix of excitement and confusion. There are many things to learn and understand, but don’t worry, I’m here to guide you through it all.

The Basics

The game is all about navigating through a digital world, completing various tasks and challenges along the way. It’s like being inside a video game! You control your character by using the keyboard and mouse, interacting with the virtual environment and other players.


One of the most exciting aspects of the game is exploring the virtual world. You can go anywhere you want, discover new places, and interact with different objects and characters. There is so much to see and do, so take your time and enjoy the adventure!

Missions and Quests

Throughout the game, you will come across various missions and quests. These are tasks or objectives that you need to complete to progress further in the game. They may involve solving puzzles, defeating enemies, or finding special items. Pay close attention to the instructions and objectives to succeed!

Skills and Abilities

As you play the game, you will have the opportunity to improve your skills and abilities. This will make your character stronger and more capable of facing challenges. You can learn new spells, acquire better weapons, and enhance your overall performance.

Interacting with Others

In the game, you will also meet other players from around the world. You can team up with them to complete quests and challenges together, or you can compete against them in various activities. It’s a great way to make friends and show off your skills!

Strategy and Tactics

To succeed in the game, you need to develop good strategies and tactics. This involves planning your moves, anticipating your opponents’ actions, and making quick decisions. It’s a game of strategy and skill, so be prepared to think on your feet!


Playing the game is an exciting and immersive experience. It’s like stepping into a virtual world filled with adventure, challenges, and opportunities. Remember to take your time, explore, and have fun. The game is yours to conquer!

How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s dive into the game! It happens over a bunch of rounds, usually around 4 to 6 rounds in total. At the start of each round, we pick one player from each team to be the Encryptor. That person’s job is to give clues and help their team crack the codes. The role of Encryptor switches around, so everyone gets a chance.

Now, here’s how each round goes down. Brace yourself, because the order of the steps is super important. Listen up:

  1. Both Encryptors – one from the White Team and one from the Black Team – take a Code card from their team’s deck. They read it quietly and keep it hidden from everyone else. Their mission? Get their teammates to guess the code.
  2. I, as the Encryptor, use the Note Sheet to come up with three clues for the current round. Each clue corresponds to a digit of the code we are trying to crack. I write the first clue on the top line, the second clue on the middle line, and the third clue on the bottom line. Make sure to use the side of the Note Sheet that matches our team’s color.
  3. To keep the game moving at a good pace, we can set a time limit. Once either Encryptor finishes writing their clues, we start the Sand Timer. The other Encryptor must finish writing their clues before the Sand Timer runs out. This way, we ensure that we have three complete clues to work with!
  4. It’s important to note that while one Encryptor reads the clues, they can’t participate in the discussion. They must remain silent and not react to what their teammates are saying.

Hey there! Let’s talk about an important game called Code Intercept. In this game, the two teams have a primary task: intercepting each other’s code. But hold on, there’s a catch! During the first round, no team will go for the interception.

Now, here’s the deal. The Black Team gets a shot at it first. If they get it right, meaning they write the numbers in the correct order, they score BIG. They manage to intercept the code and earn themselves an Interception token. Nice job! But hey, no need to worry if their code doesn’t completely match. They won’t face any penalties for that.

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If the White Team guesses wrong, they misunderstood the code and get a Miscommunication token. They don’t get anything if their code DOES match.

How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s the thing: sometimes teams can get a little mixed up. It happens to the best of us! And when that happens, we call it a Miscommunication token. Basically, it means the team misinterpreted what their Encryptor was trying to say.

On the other hand, there’s the Interception token. This one goes to the opposing team. It means they did a bang-up job of figuring out their opponents’ secret code.

Now, let’s talk about those clues. You’re gonna wanna use that second column at the end of each clue on your Note Sheet. Why? Well, that’s where you’re gonna enter the correct code. Simple as that!

And to make things even easier, jot down all the clues for this round at the bottom of your sheet. Each number gets its own section. That way, you can keep track of which clue goes with each number. It’s like a cheat sheet that’ll save you time!

How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Now it’s your turn! Flip the script: The Black Team’s Encryptor will read their three clues out loud this time, and both teams will work to break the code.

Wrapping Up the Round

Once both teams have uncovered their codes, the round comes to an end. Let’s check if either team has emerged victorious or lost the game:

  • If a team has 2 Interception tokens, they win the game.
  • If a team has 2 Miscommunication tokens, they lose the game.
    If either of these conditions is met, the game concludes. If not, a new round begins.

Put back both Code cards used in this round into their respective decks and mix them up. It’s possible to draw the same code in the following round. Next, pick a new Encryptor for each team.

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  • If I have 2 Interception tokens and 2 Miscommunication tokens at the end of a round (winning and losing at the same time);
  • OR, if both teams collect their second Interception token in the same round;
  • OR, if both teams collect their second Miscommunication token in the same round;
  • OR, if neither team has won or lost by the end of the eighth round;

Let’s see how we can determine the winning team:

We count the points. An Interception token is worth +1 point and a Miscommunication token is worth -1 point. The team with the most points wins.

If there is still a tie, we each try to guess our opposing team’s four Keywords. The team with the most correct answers prevails. If we still tie, we both share the victory!

Let’s Play an Example!

How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Alright, let’s keep going with the example we saw earlier. Now we’re moving on to the second part. Alice is gonna be encrypting for the White Team, and Eve is gonna be doing it for the Black Team. They both pick a Code card and write their clues on their Note Sheets at the same time.

Alice gets the code 3.4.2. Her job is to give these three numbers to Bob, keeping them in the right order.

How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The White Team’s Keywords are still: 1 black 2 dragonfly 3 cocktail 4 sombrero.

So here’s the situation: Mallory and Eve might try to intercept us once I reveal the clues. They already have some information from the first round, where Bob gave clues like “Mexico”, “Insect”, and “Horror” for code 4 (sombrero), 2 (dragonfly), 1 (black). I need to throw them off track.

  • To let Bob know about keyword number 3, I’ll write “evening with friends” as a clue on the first line.
  • As for keyword number 4, I’ll write “parasol” because sombreros are actually used to shield against the sun.
  • And for keyword number 2, I’ll write “Odonata,” which is the scientific name for the order that dragonflies belong to.

When playing our game, each team has a role to play. Alice begins by reading her clues out loud and passing the Note Sheet to Bob. While Alice is giving clues, Eve and Mallory grab their pens and jot down what Alice says on the white side of their sheet. They use the white side because the clues are being given by the White Team’s Encryptor.

Bob is pretty good at deciphering the connections between clues. He easily figures out that “evening with friends” goes with “cocktail” and “parasol” matches “sombrero”. It’s a piece of cake for him!

But there’s one clue that stumps him – “Odonata”. He has no idea what that means. So, he takes a guess and writes down the number 1.

With that, he completes the first column by writing down 3.4.1, and the game continues.

How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

At the table, Eve and Mallory ponder the clues. We think that the clue “evening with friends” might be linked to keyword 1. In our minds, “horror” is often associated with “horror films,” which is a popular activity for teens on a typical evening.

We also suspect that “parasol” might be connected to keyword 4. We remember that Mexico, which was mentioned in the first round, is known for its sunny weather. So, our guess is that keyword 4 is Sun.

As for “Odonata,” we’re completely stumped. Since we don’t have any previous clues related to it, we guess that it might be associated with keyword 3.

Based on our deductions, we write down 1.4.3 in the first column.

The Black Team reveals their guesses: 1.4.3. Then Bob shares his: 3.4.1.

Alice, feeling a mix of satisfaction and disappointment, reveals the actual code: 3.4.2. She managed to confuse the other players, but Bob didn’t catch on.

The Black Team doesn’t earn a token because they failed to intercept the code.

The White Team, on the other hand, receives a Miscommunication Token. Communication between the teammates broke down.

Both teams write down the correct numbers for each clue in the second column. Then, they place the clues at the bottom of the sheet, grouping together all the clues related to each Keyword number.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the table, Eve drew the code 2.3.4.

How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Black Team’s Keywords are:

1 antiquity 2 bone 3 morning 4 nightmare.

When the previous round played out, I, Mallory, was the one who drew the code, which happened to be 4.3.2. The clues I gave were “Night,” “Dawn,” and “Dog.” And you know what? Eve, the clever one, understood those clues perfectly and responded with 4.3.2. Impressive, right?

How to play Decrypto Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m on the hunt for new clues for the cryptic code 2.3.4. Here’s what I’ve got:

  • I’m thinking of “skeleton”.
  • Next, there’s the clue “rise”.
  • And finally, we have “Freddy”, which makes me think of the movie “A Nightmare on Elm Street”, where Freddy terrorizes people in their dreams.

My teammate Mallory totally gets what I’m saying and writes down 2.3.4 in the first column.

Now it’s time for Bob and Alice to put their heads together. They connect “skeleton” with “dog”, because dogs love to chew on bones. Then they link “rise” to “dawn”, since that’s when the sun rises.

They start to think that the Keyword 3 is “Sun”. And finally, they remember that Freddy strikes at night. They jot down their guess in the first column: 2.3.4.

I’m glad my teammate Mallory understood the clues, but I’m a bit disappointed that the White Team intercepted the code so easily. Maybe it was too obvious?

The White Team gets an Interception Token for their successful interception. The Black Team doesn’t earn any tokens this time. There’s no reward for understanding your teammates’ code, just avoiding punishment.

That wraps up the second round. The Black Team doesn’t have any tokens, while the White Team has 1 Miscommunication token and 1 Interception token.

If the White Team intercepts the next code, they win the game. But if they miss the code, they lose!

Both teams keep track of the clues in the boxes at the bottom of the Note Sheet.

And now, a new round begins. Both teams return their Code card to their respective decks and mix things up.

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