How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Dawn of Mankind Game Rules!

Hey there! Today I want to give you the lowdown on the awesome Dawn of Mankind game. It’s got everything you need to have an absolute blast! So let’s dive right in and explore the rules, shall we?

The Goal

Here’s the deal: the goal of Dawn of Mankind is to be the player with the most points when all the rounds are over. Points are earned by evolving your civilization and making awesome discoveries along the way. So, the more points you get, the closer you are to victory!

Game Setup

Alright, let’s get down to business. To set up the game, you’ll need:

  • A game board, which represents the different epochs of human civilization
  • Civilization cards, each representing a unique civilization with its own abilities
  • Action cards, which give you special abilities and actions to take
  • Discovery cards, which allow you to make awesome discoveries
  • Resource tokens, to keep track of your resources
  • Score tokens, to track your points

Once you’ve got everything ready, it’s time to dive into the gameplay!


Alright, let’s talk about how this game actually works. The game is played over multiple rounds, with each round representing a different epoch of human civilization. Each round is divided into three phases:

  1. Planning Phase: During this phase, you’ll secretly choose your actions for the round by selecting action cards from your hand. Think carefully and strategize!
  2. Action Phase: In this phase, you’ll reveal your chosen action cards and take turns performing actions. The actions available to you depend on the civilization cards you have in play.
  3. Cleanup Phase: This is the final phase of the round. Take care of any cleanup tasks, such as resolving any effects that happen at the end of the round.

As you progress through the game, you’ll have the chance to evolve your civilization, discover amazing things, and gather resources to fuel your advancements. The choices you make and the strategies you employ will determine your path to victory.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it! The Dawn of Mankind game rules summed up in a nutshell. Remember, it’s all about earning those points and outsmarting your opponents. So go ahead, gather your friends, and embark on an epic journey through the dawn of human civilization!

How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

You’re the heart and soul of a tribe of early humans on the move. You’ll witness their remarkable growth and travels, and it’s up to you to guide them towards success. If you lead them wisely, they’ll thrive, multiply, and create beautiful artwork.

But be careful – if you don’t guide them well, they’ll struggle to learn even basic tasks and have fewer opportunities. The player who can best manage their tribe will emerge victorious!

To set up the game, each player should place an inventory mat face-up in front of them. Any extra mats can be put away since they won’t be needed. Next, each player takes 8 clan meeples in a single color and puts them on their inventory mat. Any remaining meeples can be returned to the box.

Now, place the game board in the middle of the table where everyone can easily reach it. The board shows terraced columns of action spaces. Each column represents a stage of life for your clan meeples.

There are four different stages of life that we go through. The first stage is childhood, followed by post-adolescence, then adulthood, and finally, the stage of being a Clan elder.

How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to playing the game, the first thing you need to do is place the action tiles on the board spaces that match their outline and background. It’s important to note that each tile has a specific space it belongs on. Some tiles even have a different front and back, so make sure to choose one randomly to be face-up.

How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Here’s what you need to do to set up the game:

Start by shuffling the 8 art cards. Make sure they’re face-down and mix them up really well.

Once you’ve shuffled the cards, deal 4 of them face-up. Put them in the slots at the bottom of the board. You’ll notice there’s a special symbol on each slot. That’s where the cards go.

Don’t forget to keep the rest of the deck close by. You’ll need it later in the game.

How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Let me explain how to use the Art Tracking Cubes with the Art cards. All you need to do is place one of the cubes in the square space on the first line of each face-up card.

How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me break down these instructions for you. First, we need to organize the Progress Cards by name. Simple enough, right?

Next, let’s check the back of each card for a player count indicator. If the number on the back is more than the number of players, put that card back in the box. We don’t want any extra cards cluttering up the game.

Now, with the remaining cards, let’s stack them up. Start with the card that has the lowest cost and put it on top. Then, grab the next highest-costed card and place it below the first one. Keep doing this until you reach the most expensive card, which goes on the bottom of the stack.

And voila! You’re all set. It’s as easy as that to organize your Progress Cards and get ready to play. Enjoy!

How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me tell you how to set up and play the game Dawn of Mankind. It’s a super fun game where you get to build your own civilization!

First, we need to set up the game board. Take 5 stacks randomly and place them on the top of the board, inside the slots with the symbol. Put any leftover stacks back in the box. Remember, only 5 stacks are used in each game.

Next, each player gets an Inventory mat. Place one resource marker on the zero space of the matching track on each mat. Return any leftover markers to the box. These markers will show how many resources you have.

During the game, you’ll see some images on the cards. If you see an image of a fruit or meat, you can choose either one. If you see an image of a resource, you can choose any resource you want. But be careful, you can’t have more than 8 of any single resource. If you gain more than that, the excess is lost.

That’s it! Now you’re all set to start playing Dawn of Mankind. Have a great time building your civilization!

How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s what you need to do: I want you to put all the Victory Point Tokens together in a big pile. Whenever you get some Victory Points, you can take some tokens from the pile to represent them.

Now, if you ever lose any Victory Points, just take the right amount of tokens and put them back in the pile. You can even make change if you need to. There’s no limit to how many tokens you can have.

Oh, and here’s a little secret: the total value of your Victory Point tokens is a secret. You can keep them face-down in front of you so nobody knows how many you have. It’s like your own little secret stash.

How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m going to explain how to play this game. First, let’s shuffle the setup cards and deal a number of them to the center of the table that’s the same as the number of players. Any leftovers go back in the box.

The person who last touched a club will start the game. Starting with the player to their right, and going counter-clockwise, each player will take four turns to set up.

On your turn, you can either:

  • Choose a Setup card. This will give you resources, which you can adjust by moving the Resource markers on your Inventory mat. After that, discard the card back into the box. You can’t do this if you’ve already chosen a Setup card.

How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

Welcome to the game! Let’s get started by placing one of your Clan meeples on the Ready Area in one of the first three columns of the board. You can’t do this if you already have 3 Clan meeples on the board.

After 4 turns, once every player has gained the resources from one Setup card and placed 1 of their Clan meeples in each of the first 3 columns on the Game board, we’ll be ready to begin!

Time to Play

It’s your turn! You have two options: you can either perform an action or rest. If you perform an action, move one of your Clan meeples from a Ready Area forward along a line to an Action tile. This will bump any opposing Clan meeples off that tile into the next Ready Area. Then, you can perform the action shown on the tile.

Hey there! Let me explain how resting and taking actions work in the game.

When it’s time for me to rest, I move all of my Clan meeples from the Action tiles to the next Ready Area. I also “Spoil” my food resources by reducing them to the max levels on my Inventory mat. It’s like a way for me to recharge and get ready for the next round.

Now, here’s something interesting. If I manage to collect 60 VP tokens or more by the end of my turn, the game ends right away! But before that, I get to score bonus points based on my resources, meeples, and Progress tiles. At the end, the player with the most points takes the win!

Speaking of turns, the game goes in a clockwise direction, starting with the Start Player and going around the table. So everyone gets a chance to make their moves.

During my turn, I have two options: I can either perform an action or rest.

Now, let me walk you through how to perform an action:

First, I pick one of my Clan meeples that is in a Ready Area. This is the meeple I’m going to use for the action.

I’m going to rewrite the text while keeping the HTML markup intact:

  • To move your Clan meeple, just follow the arrows on the board. You can move along a line and choose any connected Action tile that doesn’t already have one of your Clan meeples on it. The lines can go straight or branch out, so you have a lot of options as long as you’re moving in the forward direction towards an action tile with an arrow.
  • If you pass a newborn How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMessicon and you currently have 0, 1, or 2 of your Clan meeples in the first Ready Area on the board, you can immediately take a Clan meeple from your Inventory mat and place it in the first Ready Area. Just remember, you can’t have more than 8 Clan meeples on the board at once.
  • If you combine an artistic talent with certain resources, you can create art in the game. To do this, you need to have the resources shown on an Art card, along with an Art Tracking cube on the same line. By sacrificing those resources, you will gain Victory Point tokens based on the value indicated on the card. Your Art Tracking cube will then move down to the next line. If that was the last line on the card, the cube will be removed from the card. Simply place the Art card at the bottom of the deck, draw a new one to take its place, and put the Art Tracking cube on the first line of the new card. It’s important to note that you can only create one piece of art at a time.

    If you happen to move to an Action tile where another player has a Clan meeple, that meeple will be moved forward to the Ready Area in the next column.

    If you can, go ahead and perform the action on the tile you just moved to. Don’t skip the action if you’re able to do it. Follow the instructions to lose the specified resources, points, and Clan meeples, and then gain the listed benefits. If you can’t lose everything that the action asks you to lose, then you can’t do the action. Some actions don’t require you to lose anything in order to gain something, or they might require you to have a certain amount of something without losing it. You can find a reference for all of the Action tiles at the end of the rules.

    If you see an art icon, you can Create Art by following the same rules as before. Lose the resources shown on an Art card next to an Art Tracking cube, gain the Victory Points shown, and move the Art Tracking cube forward.

    If there’s an adorable baby image and you have less than three of your Tribe members in the first Ready Area on the board, you can take one of your Tribe members from your Inventory mat and put them in the first Ready Area. You can’t do this if you already have all eight of your Tribe members on the board.

    If you see a progress icon, like this How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess, you have the option to choose a Progress card that you don’t already have. These cards are on top of the Progress card stacks. To acquire the card, you’ll need to pay the required resources, if any, and place the card in one of the slots on your Inventory mat.

    If the Progress card is for “Cooking”, “Religion”, or “Storytelling”, you must place it directly on top of the matching pre-printed space on your Inventory mat. This card will replace what is printed there. If the Progress card is for something else, you can either put it in one of the three available slots next to your mat or place it on top of one of your existing Progress cards to replace it.

    You can have a maximum of 6 active Progress cards, which includes the three that are already printed on your Inventory mat. You can find a description of all the Progress cards at the end of the rules.

    To Get Some Rest, Here’s What You Should Do (in Order)

    Life can get overwhelming, and we all need a break from time to time. Rest is essential for our physical and mental well-being. But how do we truly find rest in this fast-paced world? Here are some steps to help you take a step back and recharge.

    1. Unplug: In today’s digital age, we are constantly bombarded with information and distractions. To rest, it’s important to unplug from our devices. Put your phone on silent, turn off notifications, and resist the urge to check your email or social media. Give yourself permission to disconnect and focus on the present moment.
    2. Find Solitude: Take a break from the noise and chaos of everyday life by seeking solitude. Find a quiet spot where you can be alone with your thoughts. Whether it’s a park, a cozy corner of your home, or a secluded beach, find a place where you can reflect, meditate, or simply enjoy some peace and quiet. Allow yourself to be still and let your mind wander.
    3. Embrace Nature: Spending time in nature has a calming effect on our minds and bodies. Take a walk in the park, go hiking in the mountains, or simply sit by a lake or river. Breathe in the fresh air, listen to the sounds of nature, and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. Nature has a way of rejuvenating us and reminding us of the wonders of the world.
    4. Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment and non-judgmentally observing our thoughts and feelings. It can help us let go of stress and worries and bring us a sense of peace and tranquility. Engage in activities that promote mindfulness, such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Focus on your breath, be aware of your senses, and let go of any tension or negative thoughts.
    5. Prioritize Sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial for our overall well-being. Make sleep a priority and establish a consistent sleep schedule. Create a bedtime routine that helps you relax and unwind before going to bed. Avoid stimulating activities or screens before bedtime, and create a comfortable sleep environment that promotes relaxation. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

    Remember, finding rest is not a luxury, but a necessity. Taking time to rest and recharge is essential for our physical health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being. By following these steps and making rest a priority, you can give yourself the gift of rejuvenation and find true balance in your life.

    How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

    • Move all your Clan meeples on Action tiles to the Ready Area in the next column (moving down one terrace).
    • Any Clan meeples past the last “elder” terrace (now on the shore) go on the next great adventure. They are moved off the board and back to your Inventory mat.
    • You can choose to Cook Food or Expand Your Tribe.
      • If you Cook Food, you can trade the food shown on the “Cooking” Progress card or pre-printed on your Inventory mat for the indicated Victory Points. You can trade either Fruit or Meat, but only once per rest.

      If you gather more members to your tribe, you’ll have to make sacrifices. You’ll lose all your fruit and meat, as well as 3 victory points. As a result, you’ll need to move one of your clan meeples from your inventory to the first ready area on the board. This action can only be taken if you have at least 3 victory points to sacrifice and if there are already 2 or fewer of your clan meeples in the first ready area.

      Another risk you face is the spoilage of your food. If you have more than 3 pieces of meat, you’ll have to get rid of some until you have only 3 left. Similarly, if you have more than 6 pieces of fruit, you’ll need to reduce that number to 6.

      When your turn is over, you’ll have to reveal all of your victory point tokens if you have a total value of 60 or more.

      If you don’t meet the requirements for revealing your victory point tokens, the game will continue with the next player in clockwise order. Only when someone reaches the end of the game will it proceed to final scoring.

      How to play Dawn of Mankind Official Game Rules UltraFoodMess

      Final Scoring

      Here’s how you earn victory points:

      • I scored 2 victory points for every progress card I got during the game. But progress cards on my inventory mats don’t count. Oh! If I managed to get the Storytelling Progress card, then I earned 3 victory points for each progress card I acquired, instead of just 2.
      • I got 1 victory point for each of my Clan meeples that I currently have on the Game board. But wait! If I got the Storytelling Progress card, then I earned 2 victory points for each of my Clan meeples on the Game board.

      In the game, you can earn victory points based on the resources you have. For every two fruits or meats you have at the end of the game, you get 1 victory point. And for every two tools or hides, you get 2 victory points. For example, if you have 1 fruit and 3 meats, you would score 2 victory points for your leftover food.

      If you acquire the Religion Progress card, the rewards change. Instead of 1 victory point for every two fruits or meats, you get 2 victory points. And instead of 2 victory points for every two tools or hides, you get 4 victory points. It’s a big bonus!

      The game ends when all players have taken their turns. The player with the most victory points wins! But if there is a tie, the player with the most Clan meeples on the board wins. And if there is still a tie, the player who can stack their 8 Clan meeples in a single unsupported stack first wins. Good luck!

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