How to play Daring Contest Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Daring Contest: Game Rules

Hey there! So you’re ready to unleash your inner daredevil and take on the challenge of the Daring Contest? Well, you’ve come to the right place! I’m here to walk you through the rules, so you’ll be ready to rock and roll in no time.

The Basics:

The Daring Contest is a game that tests your ability to think on your feet and take risks. It’s all about daring yourself and others to complete fun and sometimes outrageous tasks. The game is designed to push you out of your comfort zone and have a blast while doing it.

Setting Up:

Before you get started, make sure you have a group of willing participants and a deck of Daring Contest cards. Gather everyone in a circle and shuffle the deck. Oh, and don’t forget to bring your sense of adventure!

How to Play:

When it’s your turn, simply draw a card from the deck. Each card has a specific dare written on it. Read the dare out loud and decide if you want to accept the challenge or not. Remember, the goal is to have fun, so don’t be shy!

If you choose to accept the dare, you’ll have a set amount of time to complete it. This could be anything from singing a song in public to doing a crazy dance. Get creative and make it your own!

Once you’ve completed the dare (or given it your best shot), it’s time to pass the card to the next player. The game continues in this way until everyone has had a turn.


While the Daring Contest is all about having a good time, you can also keep track of points if you want to make it a bit more competitive. You can assign points based on the difficulty of each dare or come up with your own scoring system. It’s totally up to you!


At the end of the game, the player with the most points (if you’re keeping score) is crowned the Daring Champion. But let’s be honest, the real prize is bragging rights and the memories you’ll create along the way.

Final Thoughts:

The Daring Contest is all about stepping out of your comfort zone, trying new things, and laughing until your sides ache. So go on, embrace the daredevil within you and let the games begin!

How to play Daring Contest Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Daring Contest Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • I’m going to mix up the Dare cards and give each player 5 cards.
  • Next, I’ll shuffle the Modifier cards and create a stack of 10 cards in the middle of the table. This stack is called the Modifier stack.
  • Then I’ll shuffle the Penalty cards and place them face down near the Modifier stack.

The Cards

In Daring Contest, we have 3 different types of cards: Dare cards, Modifier cards, and Penalty cards.

Dare Cards

How to play Daring Contest Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So here’s the deal, folks. Every Dare card comes with a challenge that you gotta tackle in order to score those sweet points. Look for the points listed in the bottom left corner of the card.

Dare cards have different levels of difficulty, ranging from 1 to 5 points. So the harder the dare, the more points you can earn. Simple, right?

Now, pay attention. It’s important that each player always has 5 Dare cards in their hand. That means whenever you play or toss a Dare card, you gotta draw a new one right away. Stay stocked up!

Challenge Dare Cards

How to play Daring Contest Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Daring Contest Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey, if a Dare card has something printed on it, you can totally go for it, no problemo!

Anyone, except for the Judge, can choose to do the dare. It’s up to you, my friend!

Then the Judge decides who did the dare the best, and that awesome person gets the points! Woohoo!

How to play Daring Contest Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Modifier Cards

So you want to learn about modifier cards, huh? Well, you’ve come to the right place, my friend. I’m here to break it down for you, in a way that even a fifth-grader can understand. Trust me, it’s gonna be a wild ride.

Okay, first things first. Let’s talk about what a modifier card is. Basically, it’s a card that modifies or changes the effect of another card. It’s like a magical power-up that can completely turn the game around.

Now, you might be wondering why you would even need a modifier card. I mean, aren’t the regular cards good enough? Well, sure, they’re great on their own. But sometimes, you need that extra oomph to really elevate your gameplay.

Here’s an example to help you understand. Let’s say you have a card that allows you to draw two extra cards from the deck. That’s pretty awesome, right? But what if you add a modifier card that says you can draw four extra cards instead? Suddenly, you’ve gone from good to great in the blink of an eye.

But it’s not just about getting more cards. Modifier cards can also change the rules of the game. They can let you skip turns, reverse the order of play, or even steal cards from your opponents. It’s like a little bit of chaos in your pocket, just waiting to be unleashed.

Now, choosing the right modifier card is crucial. You need to think about what kind of strategy you want to use and what your opponents might be planning. It’s all about outsmarting your opponents and staying one step ahead.

But hey, don’t forget to keep an eye on your opponents’ modifier cards too. They might have some tricks up their sleeves that you need to watch out for. Always be prepared for the unexpected.

So there you have it, my friend. Modifier cards are a game-changer in every sense of the word. They can take a good game and make it great. So get out there, grab some modifier cards, and let the chaos begin!

How to play Daring Contest Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you play a game of Dare, there’s a special card called a Modifier card. Each round, a new Modifier card is revealed, and its text is added to the instructions of the Dare card you choose for that round. This means that the Dare card will have some extra rules or conditions that you need to follow in order to complete the dare.

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Penalty Cards

Penalty cards are a crucial part of the game. They help referees keep track of fouls committed by players. I know you’ve probably seen them – those brightly colored cards waved in the air. But do you know what each card means? Sit tight, because I’m about to break it down for you.

Let’s start with the yellow card. This card is a cautionary signal, a mild warning to players who have committed a foul. It’s like a gentle tap on the shoulder saying, “Hey, watch your step!” When you see a player receive a yellow card, you know they’ve been warned. The player needs to think twice before repeating the foul, or they might end up in hot water.

Now, let’s talk about the red card. Woah, this one is serious business. When the referee pulls out that red card, it’s like a bolt of lightning. It means the player has committed a grave offense, and they have to leave the field immediately. They’re basically getting kicked out of the game. Ouch! It’s like a big stop sign saying, “Hey, you’ve gone too far!”

Remember, these penalty cards are not just for show. They are essential tools for maintaining the game’s integrity and keeping players in check. So next time you’re watching a match, pay close attention to those colorful cards. They tell a story of caution, warnings, and sometimes even the end of a player’s game.

How to play Daring Contest Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So here’s the deal. If the Judge thinks you didn’t pull off a dare or if you chicken out, you gotta pick a Penalty card. Not gonna lie, it’s not gonna be pretty. The Penalty card comes into play right then and there, and it sticks with you until you manage to conquer another dare. If you’re really unlucky, you might end up with a bunch of Penalty cards on your hands. If that happens, and you pick a card that clashes with one you already have, just shuffle the new card to the bottom of the deck and grab a different Penalty card instead. Phew!

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The Judge

When we play, one person gets to be the Judge. The Judge’s job is to choose a dare for each round and decide if it was done well enough.

How to Become the Judge

First, everyone picks a Dare card. Each card has a point value on it. The player with the highest point value gets to be the Judge for the first round. If there’s a tie, those players have to pick again until there’s a winner. Then, we put the cards back in the deck and shuffle them.

What the Judge Chooses

Some cards say that the Judge gets to pick something. It’s important for the Judge to choose something that’s fair and safe for everyone. We don’t want anyone getting hurt while we’re having fun, right?

I mean, imagine if all of our friends ended up with broken bones from doing dangerous dares. We wouldn’t have anyone to play this game with!

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The Judge has the final say. Don’t argue with their decisions. If they’re being unfair, settle your differences with a playful slap fight or simply find others to play with. Your call.

If you happen to be the Judge, exercise fairness and take your role seriously. Make decisions that treat everyone equally. If not, you risk losing your playmates.

We cannot be held accountable for any physical or emotional injuries that occur during a game of Daring Contest. Be smart in your choices.

How to Play

The round kicks off when the Judge flips over the top card of the Modifier stack.

How to play Daring Contest Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When we play this game, we all have to pick a Dare card and a Modifier card from our hand. I pick a Dare card that I’m willing to do, and I put it on the table face down. Then, the Judge takes all the Dare cards, shuffles them, and flips them over. The Judge chooses their favorite Dare card that goes best with the Modifier card, and they get rid of the rest of the cards.

How to play Daring Contest Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s the deal: I just played this card and now I have a decision to make:

  • I can be a hero and do the dare;
  • Or I can chicken out, proving to everyone that I’m a spineless coward who prefers a life of fear and disgrace. And, I guess, I’ll end up dying all alone, forgotten by humanity. Yikes.

If I choose to do the dare, it’s up to the Judge to decide if I actually pulled it off. If I did, I get the points on the dare card, which I’ll need to keep track of for the final score.

If I don’t meet the dare requirements, though, I don’t get any points. I have to get rid of the dare card and pick up a penalty card instead. Fun times. Oh well, win some, lose some. Regardless, I become the Judge for the next round, and the game keeps going.

The End Game

After we play 10 rounds, we’ll run out of modifier cards and the game will be over. The player with the most points at that point is the winner!

Tiebreaker: Dare Deathmatch

So, here’s the deal. If a few of us end up with the same score at the end of the game, we don’t just leave it at that. Nah, we kick off a real nail-biter: the Dare Deathmatch!

Okay, so we start by flipping over Dare cards from the deck. Keep going until we stumble upon a Challenge Dare card. Now, if that Dare card has something to do with a Judge, forget it and keep searching. The unlucky players who found themselves in a pickle have to complete that dare, and the rest of us get to vote on who did it the best.

If someone chickens out and doesn’t do the dare, they lose. And if the votes end up tied, we just keep arguing until someone comes out on top. Trust me, we’ll figure it out. After all, we’re here to have a good time, right?

Oh, and just to be clear: nobody’s actually gonna die in this Dare Deathmatch. It’s all just harmless fun.

A Few Extra Things to Keep in Mind

Oh, and some dares might involve using social media or sending texts. During those moments, you can’t spill the beans to anyone outside of the game.

When you draw a Dare card that seems impossible to do in your current situation, you have the option to show it to everyone else playing. If they agree that the dare can’t be done, you can discard that card and draw a new one.

But if any player thinks the dare is possible and can prove it, then you have to accept a Penalty card as punishment. So be careful!

Remember, it’s not allowed to take photos or videos during the game without getting consent from all the players. And if a dare requires a picture, video, or social post, you need permission from anyone who will be involved or shown in it.

Always be respectful and considerate of other players’ privacy. Who knows, you might even get to see some shirtless action!

  • If you don’t want to do any of the dares in your hand, you can get rid of them all, draw 5 new Dare cards, and take a Penalty card instead. You have that option.

If you don’t want to do a Penalty card, you can get rid of it and get a new one. But don’t be a jerk and get rid of it for no reason!

If you’re feeling extra daring, you can play the game in Expert Mode. In this version, every player starts with a Penalty card.

You have to do what the Penalty card says at all times, except when you’re doing a dare.

Whenever you successfully do a dare, you can throw away your Penalty card and get a new one.

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