How to play Curios Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Curios Game Rules

Welcome to the Curios Game! I’m here to guide you through the rules and help you get started.

When you open your box of Curios, you’ll find a deck of cards and a curio board. The goal of the game is to collect the most points by answering questions correctly.

Here’s how it works:

1. Start by choosing a category. You have four options: History, Science, Nature, and Culture.

2. Each player takes a turn being the Reader. The Reader selects a card from the deck and reads the question out loud.

3. The other players secretly write down their answers and hand them to the Reader.

4. Once all the answers are collected, the Reader reveals the correct answer. Players who answered correctly earn points.

5. After each round, the next player becomes the Reader, and the game continues until all the cards have been used.

6. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins!

Remember, Curios is not just about getting the right answer. It’s about learning new things and having fun along the way.

So gather your friends, open your box of Curios, and let the game begin! Take turns being the Reader, test your knowledge, and see who comes out on top. Are you up for the challenge?

Hey there! Ready to embark on an exciting adventure? Well, get ready because your quest starts right here! Welcome to the world of rogue archaeology, where we dive deep into shipwrecks, explore ancient ruins, conquer forgotten tombs, and even discover forbidden temples. Our goal? To unearth priceless artifacts that are sure to bring us wealth and fame. So put on your trusty hat and don your sturdy leather coat – it’s time to raid some tombs!

The objective of this game is to collect artifacts that are worth the most points. To do that, you’ll strategically place your pawns on various treasure sites, in order to claim valuable artifacts, also known as gems. The catch? The value of these artifacts is hidden until the end of the game. But don’t worry! As you play, you’ll receive hints that will guide you to the locations with the most promising discoveries.

Once the game comes to an end, the player with the most valuable artifact collection takes home the grand prize. So, are you ready to put your archaeology skills to the test and become the ultimate treasure hunter? Let’s dive in and find out!


  • 4 Treasure Site cards
  • 16 Market cards
  • 4 sets of 14 plastic Artifact gems, each set matching the color of a Treasure Site

Let’s take a look at the game components:

– 1 First Player token

– 5 sets of 7 Archaeologist pawns, each set a different color

– Instructions

Now, let’s talk about the objective of the game. In the end, the Market card above each Treasure Site is flipped over to reveal the value of the Artifacts found there, which could be 1, 3, 5, or 7 points.

The goal of the game is to gather Artifacts with the highest total value. To do that, you need to use the cards in your hand and those played during the game to figure out the value of each Artifact. It’s important to note that the numbers in your hand won’t directly correspond to the Artifact values.

Now, let’s move on to the cards and Artifacts.

The game includes various Treasure Sites where you can find Artifacts.

Hey there! Let’s talk about Treasure Sites and how you can find some amazing Artifacts there. Look at those columns of empty spaces for your Archaeologist pawns. To get your hands on an Artifact, you have to fill up the leftmost column with your Archaeologist pawns. Once you do that, you can claim one awesome Artifact for yourself!

Market Cards

At every Treasure Site, you’ll find four Market cards. They are numbered 1, 3, 5, and 7. The card that sits face down on top of the Treasure Site represents the value of each Artifact found there.


I want to tell you about something really cool. It’s called Artifacts! They’re like special gems that you can find at Treasure Sites. How cool is that?

Let’s Get Started

Grab your Archaeologists (pawns) – you’ll need five of them, all the same color. Keep the rest aside for later.

We need to figure out who goes first. Let’s do it randomly! The lucky person gets the First Player token.

Now, let’s set up the four Treasure Sites in the middle of the table. Below each Treasure Site, put the matching Artifacts: yellow gems below the Pyramid, green gems below the Colosseum, blue gems below the Shipwreck, and red gems below the Temple.

The number of Artifacts you put below each Treasure Site will depend on how many players there are.

Hey there! If you want to play this game, here’s what you need to know:

First, grab a random Market card from each set of cards without looking. Put these cards face down on top of their matching Treasure Site. Then, mix up all the other Market cards and deal them to everyone playing.

The number of cards each player gets depends on how many people are playing. Any extra cards go to the side deck.


Game On!

So, here’s how we play Curios. Get ready for some serious adventuring!

Phase 1: Time to Seek

First things first, it’s time to search for treasure. In this phase, we use our trusty Archaeologist pawns to gather those precious Artifacts from the Treasure Sites. Let’s get started!

We take turns, starting with me and then going around the table. Each player picks a Treasure Site and fills up the leftmost empty column with their Archaeologist pawns. Easy, right?

If you manage to fill a whole column, guess what? You get to snag an Artifact from below the Treasure Site and proudly display it right in front of you. Score!

Remember, though, you can’t place your pawns on a treasure site if all the columns are already filled. So choose wisely!

Phase 2: Recruit the Best

Now that we’ve searched for treasure, it’s time to recruit some amazing Archaeologists for our team. Here’s how it works.

We go around, same order as before, and take turns choosing Archaeologists from the Recruiting Board. Each player can only pick one Archaeologist per turn. Choose wisely!

Once everyone has recruited their Archaeologists, we move on to the next round.

So, are you ready? Grab your pawns and let’s embark on an epic journey filled with treasures and discoveries!

Imagine this: I’m on a quest to collect a special yellow gem. To find it, I decide to explore The Great Pyramid. The challenge? The first two columns are already full, so I need to put three of my Archaeologist pawns in the third column to fill up the spaces. Once I do that, I finally get my hands on the gem and add it to my collection.

By the way, after I collect my prize, it’s time for the player on my left to take their turn. But here’s the catch: if I don’t have enough Archaeologist pawns left to fill any more columns, I have to pass and sit out the rest of the phase. But don’t worry, the game keeps going until all players have passed.

Now, let’s talk about bonus artifacts. After everyone has passed, Phase 1 comes to an end. If I have the most Archaeologist pawns at a particular Treasure Site, I get an extra artifact from that site! Pretty cool, right? But if there’s a tie, none of us get the bonus artifact. It’s a bit of a bummer, but that’s just how the game works. And that wraps up our adventure at The Great Pyramid!

Example: So, imagine this: the game has just ended, and guess what? No one else has even bothered to put their Archaeologist pawns on The Great Pyramid. Can you believe it? But hey, guess who’s collecting all the gems? That’s right, me! Amelia! Because I’m the only one who knows how to dominate this game.

Here at The Lost Shipwreck, it’s a tie between Benjamin and Junior, as we both have three Archaeologist pawns. Unfortunately, that means neither of us will get a bonus blue gem this round.

Getting Our Archaeologists Back

Now it’s time for all of us to retrieve our Archaeologist pawns from the Treasure Sites. We need to get them ready for the next round.

Phase 2: Adding Treasure Hunters

Starting with me, the first player, we each have a chance to recruit an additional Archaeologist pawn. We’ll take turns going clockwise.

When it’s your turn, you can choose to play one of your Market cards. Place it face up on the table in front of you. This will give us all a hint about the value of the Artifact that matches the card you played.

If I choose to reveal a card, I can take one Archaeologist pawn that matches my color from the supply. This means I’ll have an extra Archaeologist pawn that I can place on a Treasure Site every round.

Here’s what to do: I’ll show you how to swap one of my cards for an Archaeologist Pawn.

If you don’t want to switch, you can just skip this part.

Once everyone has had a chance to swap or not, we move on to Phase 2 and the end of the round. Pass the First Player token to the next player on the left, and we’re ready to start a new round of treasure hunting.


In a game with just two players, each player gets a chance to swap, then we flip one of the Market cards face up.

In a game with five players, no Market cards are flipped.

In a game with three or four players, all the Market cards are dealt out, so there’s no extra deck.

The Game Ends Here

So, here’s what we do. We keep playing, round after round, until two or more Treasure Sites run out of Artifacts. We’re in it for the long run, but it’s all worth it. And when we reach the end of that round, that’s when the game ends.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. We flip over the four face-down Market cards above the Treasure Sites. I know, it’s like unwrapping a mystery gift. But these cards hold the key. The numbers on them, they determine the value for each Artifact of that color. Let’s say the Market card above the Shipwreck shows the value 3. That means each blue gem is worth 3 points. Makes sense, right?

Now, take a moment to add up the value of all your precious Artifacts. This is where you find out who’s sitting on top of the treasure mound. It’s the player with the highest total. Yep, that’s the one who takes home the glory.

But hold on, what if there’s a tie? Well, things just got interesting. In that case, the victory is shared. No need to fight over it. We’re all winners here, after all.

Okay, time for an example. Let’s say Rene has four blue gems and four yellow gems. Here’s the juicy part. At the end of the game, we find out that each blue gem is worth 3 points, and each yellow gem is worth 7 points. Oh boy, this is getting intense.

So, here’s what happened: I collected some gems. And not just any gems, my friend. I’m talking about blue gems and yellow gems – these are some serious treasure! But the thing is, these gems have different values. Yeah, you heard me right. Each gem is worth a certain number of points, and I gotta add them up to see how well I did.

Here’s the deal: the blue gems are worth 3 points each. So if I got 4 of them, that’s 4 times 3, which gives me… wait for it… 12 points! Not bad, right?

But hold on, it gets even better. Those yellow gems? They’re something special. Each one of them is worth a whopping 7 points. And guess what? I snagged 4 of them. So let’s do the math: 4 times 7 is… 28 points! Can you believe it?

Now, here comes the exciting part. I bet you’re wondering how many points I got in total, huh? Well, my friend, hold your horses. I’m about to reveal the grand total. Drumroll, please…

When I add up the points from the blue gems (12 points) and the points from the yellow gems (28 points), I get… ta-da! A fantastic 40 points! Yeah, that’s right. I hit the motherlode.

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