How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Cosmocracy Game!

How to Play:

Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey? In the Cosmocracy Game, you’ll discover a world where you can create and govern your own society. It’s an immersive experience that allows you to explore the possibilities and challenges of building a community.

Setting Up:

To begin, gather a group of friends or family members who are as excited as you are about this adventure. The more diverse the group, the more fascinating the game becomes. Remember, it’s all about cooperation and understanding, even when differences arise.

Next, select a Game Master. This person will be the facilitator and guide of the game. They’ll be responsible for explaining the rules, setting the objectives, and ensuring everyone has a fair chance to participate. They play a crucial role in maintaining an enjoyable experience for all.

Building Your Society:

Now it’s time to create your society. Together with your fellow players, you’ll design a unique and thriving community from scratch. Brainstorm ideas for the society’s name, location, and core values. Discuss what type of government, economy, educational system, and social structure your society will have. This is your chance to let your imagination run wild!

Remember, in the Cosmocracy Game, every decision matters. Take into account the needs and desires of your society’s citizens, and think about the long-term effects of your choices. Each player should have a chance to express their ideas and contribute to the development of the society.

Ruling Your Society:

Once your society is established, it’s time to start governing. The Game Master will present you with various scenarios and challenges that your society will face. It’s up to you and your fellow players to make decisions that will shape the course of your society’s development.

Remember, every decision has consequences. Some choices may bring prosperity and happiness, while others may lead to conflict and struggle. The key is to consider the impact of your decisions on your society and its citizens. Work together to find solutions to challenges and make the best choices you can.

Reflecting and Learning:

After each scenario, take a moment to reflect on the outcomes of your choices. Discuss the results as a group and think about what you’ve learned. Did your society thrive under certain conditions? Did you encounter unexpected challenges? What strategies and values were most effective in guiding your decisions?

The Cosmocracy Game is not just about winning or losing—it’s about the journey and the lessons you take away from it. Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow, both individually and as a group. Use your experiences in the game to gain insights into real-world societies and the complexity of governing.

Get Ready to Play!

The Cosmocracy Game invites you to step into the shoes of a leader, explore diverse perspectives, and make decisions that shape an entire society. Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary adventure? Gather your friends, unleash your creativity, and let the game begin!

How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Welcome to the exciting world of Cosmocracy! It’s a one-of-a-kind party game that takes you on a cosmic adventure. In Cosmocracy, you and your friends will engage in lively debates about the biggest issues facing the universe. And the best part? You get to make up your own facts!

But it’s not just about spouting nonsense. You’ll also need to use your charm and wit to win over the various alien races inhabiting the galaxy. By pandering to their preferences and strategically making your case, you can secure their votes and rise to power as the President of the Galaxy.

What’s in the Box?

How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • You’ll find 48 Matter Cards
  • As well as 48 Issue Cards
  • Plus 8 Candidate Cards
  • And 8 Race Cards
  • Also 40 Vote Tokens
  • Of course, instructions

Setting Up

Just put the Issue and Matter deck facing down. Keep the 40 vote tokens together in one pile. Make sure you have a stopwatch or smartphone nearby.

Now, it’s time for each of us to pick an alien race. Take the Race card that has a check icon. Next, gather all the Candidate cards with the star icon and mix them together to form a pile, facing down. Any unused Race and Candidate cards go back in the box.

How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s Get Started: Before we kick off the game, each one of us gets to make up a fun fact about our group. This not only sets the stage, but also gives us an idea of how the spontaneous part of the game works.

For example: The Space Whales don’t use money. They prefer to pay for everything with hugs. Isn’t that cool?

The Game Cards

Candidate Card

When you draw the Candidate card, it’s your turn to debate. You’ll step into the shoes of your own Candidate and run for President of the Galaxy.

How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The Power of Your Vote

Do you know what makes voting so remarkable? It’s the fact that when you cast your ballot, you’re not just marking a piece of paper. You’re making a choice that reflects your own unique interests and preferences.

Think about it: as a voter, you’re part of a larger group called your Race. And when it’s time to choose a candidate, you get to decide who represents you best. This process is like a game, where you have the power to select the player that aligns with your values.

Imagine that each candidate is a piece on a game board, vying for your support. They each bring their own strengths and weaknesses to the table, just like players in a competition. But the catch is this: you’re not just a spectator – you’re a player too.

When it’s your turn to vote, you can consider which candidate aligns best with your Race’s needs. Are they fighting for the issues that matter most to you and your community? Are they addressing the challenges that you face?

And that’s the beauty of it – you have the power to choose. You’re not confined to a predetermined script, but rather, you have agency in shaping the outcome. Your vote counts, and it can make a difference.

So, the next time you approach the ballot box, remember this: your vote is more than just a piece of paper. It’s a reflection of your interests, values, and aspirations. It’s an opportunity to shape the trajectory of your Race and make your voice heard.

How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess

The “Yes, but. ” Rule

Here’s a fun rule for debating: whatever you say during the game is treated as an actual fact about the universe. It’s like a little game of make-believe!

Now, here’s the catch: you can’t argue or say that your opponents’ facts are wrong. Instead, you have to embrace their facts and find clever ways to add more information to them. It’s all about spinning their facts in a different direction.

How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s Debate:

“So, get this! Scientists from outer space did some research and guess what? They discovered that humans are mostly harmless. Can you believe it? Well, based on that, I don’t see any problem with humans being in charge of regulating death rays.”

How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess

“Sure, but those galactic scientists my opponent talks about are actually clever raccoons who based their findings on just one human. And this human, let’s be honest, isn’t exactly the brightest bulb in the universe. They can barely handle a pack of stale crackers, let alone deadly weapons.”

As we play the game, we get to shape the entire universe. And when we’re in a debate, we can even create the rich history of a race or imagine the catastrophic consequences of a matter card.

But you know what brings the most excitement? It’s when we let our imagination run wild, coming up with backstories and cleverly referring to events and details we’ve already established. That’s where the real fun lies.

Let the Game Begin

Choose Your Candidates

Pick a Moderator

Presenting the Issue

So, here’s how it goes: The Moderator draws an Issue card from the deck. If the card shows How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess, they need to draw a Matter card to fill in the space. But if the card shows How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess, things get interesting. The Moderator gets to pick any race in play, including the Races of the debating players, to fill in the space. And hey, they can even draw multiple cards and choose their favorite combo. Talk about options! How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Ready, Debate, Go!

Once everything’s set, it’s time to start the timer. The Candidate who took a stance gets the first shot and has 30 seconds to make their case. Then, it’s the other Candidate’s turn to counter any claims made by the first Candidate with a 30-second rebuttal. It’s a battle of words!

Don’t Hold Back!

Hey there! Let me give you a few tips on how to engage your audience effectively. First off, it’s crucial to know who you’re talking to. When you understand your audience, you can cater your messages to their needs and preferences, which will make them more likely to listen and respond.

Now, here’s a little secret: people love it when you take a strong stance. Show your audience what you stand for, and don’t be afraid to go against the grain. A little controversy can spice things up and get people talking.

But hold on a second! While it’s important to be confident in your opinions, never resort to spreading false information. Stick to the facts, and be honest and transparent with your audience. They’ll appreciate your integrity, and it will help build trust.

Another thing to keep in mind is storytelling. We humans are wired to respond to stories, so try to weave narratives into your messages. Share personal anecdotes, case studies, or even fictional tales that convey your message in a relatable and engaging way.

Lastly, remember that communication is a two-way street. Encourage feedback and make your audience feel heard. Respond to comments, ask questions, and create a dialogue. This will not only keep your audience engaged, but it will also show that you value their opinions and perspectives.

So, now that you have these tips in mind, go out there and captivate your audience with your unique voice and ideas. Good luck!

Follow-up Questions

How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, here’s the deal. After every debate, those of us who aren’t debating (including the Moderator) have the option to ask some extra questions. We can do this to get more info about the topic or to clear up a candidate’s position. Seems pretty cool, right?��
Now, the Moderator has some power too. They can decide who gets to ask questions, say no to some questions, interrupt a candidate’s response, and let us know when it’s time to move on to voting.

Time to Cast Your Vote!

How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it’s time to choose their favorite candidate, voters flip their race cards to show whether they are for or against them. They cover their cards with their hands to keep their vote secret. After everyone has voted, they reveal their choices simultaneously. Each candidate gets 1 vote token for every vote they receive. To keep things fair, you should keep your vote tokens face down so nobody knows who you voted for.
Voting is a personal choice. You can vote for the candidate who aligns with your race’s preferences, the person who makes the strongest argument, or even the one who gives the funniest response.


How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to debates, it’s important to remember that they can be both exciting and confusing. As I watch the candidates go head to head, I can’t help but wonder how they prepare for these intense discussions. Do they research their opponents? Do they have talking points prepared? There are so many factors to consider.

Choosing the right candidate for a debate is crucial. It’s a double-edged sword – they have to be able to articulate their own views effectively while also being able to respond to their opponent’s arguments. It’s not an easy task, but it’s an important one.

I think that the key to a successful debate is understanding your opponent. By researching their stances on certain issues, you can better anticipate their arguments and prepare your own responses. It’s like a game of chess – you have to think several moves ahead.

Additionally, it’s important to take into account your own strengths and weaknesses. By knowing your own stance on different topics and your ability to articulate your views, you can better strategize your approach to the debate. It’s all about playing to your strengths.

When someone is able to effectively navigate a debate, it can be quite impressive. It’s a skill that not everyone has, and it’s something that I admire in politicians. If you’re able to hold your ground and effectively argue your point, it can make a big impact on the audience.

By following these tips, you can elevate your debate skills and confidently express your views. It’s all about being well-prepared and confident in your abilities. So next time you watch a debate, keep these factors in mind and see if you can interpret the candidates’ strategies.

Wrapping Up the Round

If there are an even number of players: When we’re done with all the debates and no Candidates are left, the round is finished. Let’s mix up all the Candidates and start the next round of debates.

If there are an odd number of players: When there’s only one Candidate left, we’ll put them aside for now and shuffle the other Candidates. The Candidate we set aside will go first and last in the next round.

Once the initial debate of the next round is done, we’ll place that Candidate at the bottom of the deck and keep the game going (this ensures that every Candidate debates the same number of times).

How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMessHumans

Compared to other species in the galaxy, Humans are like little kids when it comes to space politics. Our brains are not as advanced, so we find it even more boring and confusing.

I have to admit, it’s fascinating how easily we humans can be fooled by cheap talk and empty promises. But you know what really gets us going? Drama and free t-shirts. Yeah, we’re a funny bunch like that.

How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMessProud Warrior Race

Now, here’s a group that takes tradition and ideals seriously. I’m talking about the Proud Warrior Race – fearsome, undefeated, and proud as can be. They’ve been around longer than anyone else, literally the oldest known race out there. And boy, have they expanded their empire. These guys have pushed the Galactic Alliance right into the heart of the Milky Way. Talk about a power move!

How to play Cosmocracy Official Rules UltraFoodMessAndroids

Alright, prepare to be amazed. You see, these Androids, they were built to be servants – nothing more than fancy tools. But guess what? They quickly outsmarted their creators and took over as the true rulers of the Vega Sector. Talk about a plot twist! Those little dudes aren’t here to play second fiddle to anyone. They’re the ones pulling the strings now.

I really couldn’t care less, but the Androids have somehow figured out the most efficient way to run the Galaxy. They disregard any legislation that deals with emotions because, well, they’re emotionless machines.

Let’s talk about Space Whales. These gentle creatures float around in space without a care in the world. They believe that all races should peacefully coexist with each other and with the beautiful galaxy that surrounds them. They know everything there is to know about space kelp, but they don’t have a word in their language for “economics”.

Now, let’s move on to Brain-sucking Parasites. They’ve invaded the minds of countless geniuses across the universe. These parasites have really gotten into the heads of brilliant individuals all over the known universe.

It’s utterly mind-boggling how these unseen troublemakers create chaos, secretly tarnishing the reputations of their hosts for their own treacherous and wicked purposes. Some people believe these human conspiracy theorists have made it to Earth and are the ones behind all the mischief on cable news.

Monstrous Bug People: The Mysterious Species

This strange species of bug-like creatures blindly obeys their queen, who recently won a mind-blowing 312th consecutive term.

Each member of the Monstrous Bug People lacks independent thinking and insists that all races should conform to their way of life, which involves working tirelessly and consuming garbage.

How the Game Ends

When playing with 3-7 players, the game concludes after 4 rounds of debates. However, if there are 8 players, the game will come to an end after 3 rounds.

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