How to play Corinth Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Corinth Game Rules

Welcome! I’m excited to guide you through the Corinth game rules. It’s an adventure-packed game where you’ll need to strategize and make wise decisions. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

Goal of the Game

In Corinth, your goal is to become the most successful trader in the ancient city of Corinth. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins!

Setting Up the Game

To set up the game, place the game board in the center of the table. Each player should receive a scoring pad and a set of dice. Shuffle the market cards and place them face down near the game board. Finally, distribute the columns and bazaars to all players.


Each round is divided into two phases: the dice phase and the market phase.

In the dice phase, you and your opponents will take turns rolling your dice. You’ll have the opportunity to re-roll your dice three times, choosing which dice to keep after each roll. Think carefully and decide which combination will benefit you the most.

After the dice phase, it’s time for the market phase. This is where you’ll use your dice to acquire goods, deliver goods, and build buildings. Each action requires a specific combination of dice. Be strategic and plan your moves wisely to maximize your points.

Acquiring Goods

To acquire goods, you’ll use your dice to gather resources from the main board. Each resource has its own value and can be used to complete contracts and gain victory points.

Delivering Goods

Delivering goods is a crucial part of the game. By completing contracts, you’ll earn victory points. But be careful, some contracts require specific combinations of goods. Aim for diversity and don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

Building Buildings

Building buildings is another way to earn points. Use your dice to construct bazaars and columns on the game board. Each building has its own unique ability, so choose wisely and strategically to gain an advantage over your opponents.


At the end of each round, you’ll calculate your victory points. Record them on your scoring pad and keep track of your progress. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game will be crowned the champion of Corinth!


Congratulations! You now have a solid understanding of the Corinth game rules. It’s time to embark on your journey and showcase your trading skills. Remember, the key to success is strategic decision-making and clever use of your dice. Good luck and may fortune favor you!

Imagine yourself transported back in time, to the bustling harbor of an ancient world. In the game of Corinth, that’s exactly where you’ll find yourself.

Step into the shoes of a merchant, tasked with delivering goods and goats. Your goal? To rise above your peers and become the most renowned trader in Corinth.

Over the course of the game, which spans a few weeks (18 turns for 2 or 3-player games, 16 turns for 4-player games), the best trader will emerge victorious and secure their place in history. Will it be you?

Setting up the Game

To get started, place the Harbor Board 1 in the center of the table. Each player should have a sheet and a pencil. Determine who goes first, and give them the 9 white dice 2. Set the yellow dice aside for now. At the beginning of the game, each player has 1 Gold Coin and 1 Goat symbol (which should be circled) on their sheet.

For a 4-player game, each player marks off the 2 leftmost spots on the Turn Track.

Welcome to Harbor Purveyance

Now it’s my turn to make my mark on the Turn Track.

If I want, I can buy up to 3 yellow dice. Each die will cost me 1 Gold Coin. To spend a Coin, all I have to do is cross out one of those symbols that are surrounding me. Once I’ve made my purchase, I’ll take all 9 white dice and give them a good roll.

Now comes the fun part. I need to sort the dice by their value. The ones with the highest value will go straight to the Gold District of the Harbor. As for the rest, I’ll group them based on their value and distribute them among the different Districts on the Harbor board. The Goat District gets the lowest value, and then we work our way up.

Take a look at these examples of dice placements

Oh, and a little heads up. Those yellow dice? They’re a special treat, but only for the first player of each round. You can thank the Steward for other ways to get your hands on them (more on that below).

Note: If by some incredible stroke of luck all the dice end up showing the exact same value, congratulations! You have just won the current game, as well as all the games that follow. Take a snapshot, share it on social media, hang it up in your game room, and gift this game to a friend.

How to Play

Note: The rules for two-player games have a few slight differences. Refer to the end of this document for those variations.

First, it’s your turn to play. Choose a group of dice from the harbor board and remove them. Then, take the corresponding action. If you want, you can also build one or more buildings.

After you’ve made your move, it’s important to check if there are still any yellow dice remaining on the board. If there are, remove them.

Now it’s the next player’s turn. Going clockwise, each player will take their turn by following the same steps.

In this game, if you can’t do anything with the dice you have, you still have to choose a group and remove it from the board.

If the dice roll leaves fewer groups than there are players, the remaining players get to move the Steward one step as compensation.

Once everyone has taken their turn, all remaining dice are taken out of the Harbor. If all spots on all players’ Turn Tracks are checked, the game ends and it’s time for scoring.

If not, the player on the left of the first player takes the white dice and becomes the new first player. They then proceed to the next phase of choosing supplies from the Harbor.

Descriptions of Actions

Get Gold or Goats

When you choose a group of dice in the Gold or Goats District, you’ll receive coins or animals equal to the number of dice in that group. Simply circle that many symbols on your sheet!

Deliver Goods

When you choose a group of dice in one of the 4 different districts, you can deliver goods to the shops in that district. You check off symbols on your sheet depending on the number of dice in the district.

To keep track of completed shops (shops where all symbols have been delivered), you can circle the spot on top of the shop after checking off all the symbols.

If you are the first player to check off all the symbols in a district (except for the orange one), you also circle the bonus spot in the top left corner of the district. This will earn you extra points at the end of the game.

Other players will cross out that spot. They can still deliver goods to the district, but they won’t receive the bonus points, even if they check off all the symbols.

  • You don’t have to visit the shops in a specific order. You can check them in any order you like.
  • However, you must finish one shop before moving on to the next one.

Move The Steward

If you want, instead of taking the usual action in a district where you took a dice group, you can choose to move the Steward in the market.

To do this, you simply move the Steward a number of steps equal to the value of the dice in the chosen group.

If you want, you can use Gold Coins to control the Steward’s movement. Each Gold Coin you spend allows you to increase or decrease the number of steps by one. There’s also one building that does the same thing (you can find more about it below).

Note: The number of dice in the group doesn’t affect the number of steps you take.

If you want to make the Steward move around the market, just draw a line to trace its path. Take it one step at a time and circle the final symbol. Then, you’ll get the benefit of that symbol.

Let’s start with the first Steward move from the center of the market where the Steward is located. Each subsequent move begins where the previous one ended. Remember, you can’t go through or stop on a spot that’s already been crossed or circled.

Here’s an example of a Steward move:

Hey there! I want to share an important tip with you about playing this game. Sometimes, you might find yourself in a tricky situation where you can’t make a complete move with the Steward. This could happen if you don’t have enough Gold Coins to decrease the number of steps, for example.

Now, let’s talk about the Steward and how it works. The Steward’s effect is based on the circled symbol:

In the selected Market space, your task is to cross off as many items as shown in the matching district.


Hey there! So here’s the deal – you want to get hold of either Goats or Gold Coins. Simple, right? But how do you go about it? Well, it’s not as easy as it seems. See, there’s this tricky thing called interpretation, and it plays a major role in whether you end up with Goats or Gold Coins. Let me break it down for you.

When you’re faced with a picture, don’t jump to any conclusions. It’s important to consider all the image elements before making your decision. You might think you’ve got it figured out, but sometimes things aren’t quite what they seem. So take your time, examine the picture closely, and only then make your pick. Because, you know what they say, looks can be deceiving.

Now, let’s say you’re really good at interpreting images. You’re confident in your decision. But here’s where things get tricky. Your interpretation is not set in stone. Other people might have a completely different take on the same picture. It’s like a puzzle with multiple solutions – everyone has their own answer.

So, what does it all mean? Well, it means that interpretation is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it keeps things interesting and allows for creativity. On the other hand, it can be frustrating when you don’t get the outcome you were hoping for. But that’s just the way it is. Life is full of surprises, and sometimes you end up with a Goat when all you wanted was a Gold Coin.

But hey, don’t be discouraged. It’s all part of the game. And if you enjoy the thrill of the unknown, then you’ll love this challenge. So go ahead, give it a try. Get as many Goats or Gold Coins as depicted and see where interpretation takes you.


How about this? Start by adding a yellow die to every roll you make. But remember, you can’t have more than three yellow dice.


When you first come across one of these special locations, make sure to write down your score in the diamond next to it: one point for each symbol circled in the market, plus one point for each circled “+1” spot.

If this is your second or third visit to a spot, add the score from the previous diamond to the points earned from traveling between the previous spot and the current one.

Build Structures

After you take your turn and complete your action, you have the option to construct one or more buildings.

To build a structure, spend the specified amount of Gold Coins and/or Goats shown on top of the chosen building. Cross out that many circled symbols on your sheet. Then, mark the corresponding box for that building, and you can now benefit from its special power in future turns.


The Temple is a special structure in the game. In fact, it’s so special that it’s worth 3 points during the final scoring!


Warehouse – Every time you deliver goods, you’ll get to check one more symbol in that district.


Good News! You have the power to make the Steward move according to your desire. When you decide to move them, you can make them take one or two more steps or reduce their steps by one or two. Isn’t that cool? The best part is that you can do this without spending any Gold Coins!


Store – Every time you choose the “get gold” action, you will receive an additional 2 coins.

End of the Game

Once all of us have had our turn in the final round (we check all spots on each player’s Turn Tracks), the game will come to an end and it will be time to score.

Add up the points earned from completed shops, the bonus points from finished districts, 1 point for every pair of remaining Gold Coins, 1 point for every pair of remaining Goats, the points from the Steward, and the points from the Temple.

The player with the highest score will be the winner of the game.

In the event of a tie, the player with more remaining gold coins will be declared the winner. If there is still a tie, the victory will be shared among the players.

Example of a scoring sheet for a 4-player game

2-player Games

When playing a game with two players, each round is played in the following way:

  • I start by going through the Harbor Purveyance Phase.
  • Then it’s my turn to make a move, and after that, any remaining yellow dice are taken out from the harbor.
  • Next, it’s the second player’s turn.
  • Finally, I get to take another turn.

After that, we move on to the next round, but this time the second player becomes the new first player.

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