How to play Copycat Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Copycat Game Rules

Hey there! Let’s dive into the fantastic world of the Copycat Game! Are you ready to have a blast? Well, then, let’s get started!

So, what’s the deal with this game, you may ask? It’s pretty simple, really. In the Copycat Game, you try to imitate someone else’s actions. The goal is to mimic or “copy” what they do as closely as possible. It’s like being their shadow or mirror image! Isn’t that cool?

Now, to play this game, you’ll need a partner who will be your “leader.” This person will show you a series of actions, and your job is to do exactly what they do. It’s like a dance routine, but with actions instead of dancing steps. Can you imagine that?

Here’s how it works: your leader will start by making a simple action, like waving their hand. Then, it’s your turn to copy that action and wave your hand too. Got it? Great! But wait, it gets more challenging as you go along.

Your leader will keep adding more actions to the sequence, and you have to remember them all and do them in the right order. It’s like a memory workout for your brain! Can you keep up with your leader’s moves? I believe in you!

Remember, focus is key in the Copycat Game. Watch your leader closely and pay attention to every single action they make. You don’t want to miss a beat! Stay sharp and be ready to copy whatever they do.

And here’s a tip: don’t be afraid to ask your leader to repeat an action if you didn’t catch it. Communication is important, and your leader is there to help you out. They want you to succeed, so don’t hesitate to ask for a little extra help. Teamwork makes the dream work!

So, are you ready to show off your imitation skills and become the ultimate copycat? I’m sure you’ll rock this game like a pro! Just remember to have fun, enjoy the challenge, and give it your best shot. Get ready to copycat your way to victory!

  • There are 40 start cards
  • Section I has 11 cards
  • Section II has 15 cards
  • Section III has 13 cards
  • Section IV has 12 cards
  • Section V (the doctorates) has 4 cards
  • There are 15 office cards
  • There are 4 overview cards
  • There are 28 campaign workers
  • There are 8 playing pieces
  • There are 25 green victory point markers
  • There is 1 game board
  • There is a rulebook

How Action Cards are Organized

Hey there! Let’s talk about action cards. They’re pretty cool and can make the game even more exciting. Every action card has a number in the top left corner. The start cards are numbered 9 to 18, and each player gets a set of them.

Now, the rest of the action cards have their own unique numbers. The red ones are numbered 1 to 8, and the others are numbered 19 to 61. So there’s quite a variety to choose from!

But wait, there’s more! The price of each action card, which is the number of coins you need to buy it, is shown in the bottom left corner. Make sure you’ve got enough coins before you go shopping!

Here’s a fun fact: the picture and title on the card don’t really matter. They’re just there to make the card look cool. The real important stuff is on the rest of the card.

If you look closely, you’ll see a roman numeral below the picture on the right side. This tells you which section of the game the card belongs to. Sections are labeled from I to V, and the start cards use letters instead, like A, B, C, or D.

So there you have it, action cards in a nutshell. They add a ton of excitement to the game, and now you know how to understand them a little better. Have a blast!

Hey there! Let me explain how this card works. First, take a look at the action box right below the picture. It shows you what the card does. Cool, right? The color of the box actually tells you what kind of action the card offers. And that’s not all! It also tells you when you can use this action, during which phase. Pretty neat, huh?

Where You Can Find Us

Hey there! Let’s talk about office spaces in the game. Did you know that there is no difference between the office spaces on the game board and the office cards? They are treated the same way throughout the game.

Now, let’s dive into what the picture and the title of the office cards mean. Well, they don’t really have any additional importance. It’s just a way to indicate what kind of action the office card represents. By the way, the office spaces on the game board don’t have titles to save space.

Next up, we have the numeral below the picture on the right-hand side. This number tells you which section (1 to 5) of the game the card belongs to in the federal department. And for the four normal offices, you’ll see a player symbol here for 3-4 or 4 players.

Lastly, we have the action box below the picture. This is where the office shows you what action it can do. The color of the action box tells you the type of action it offers and the phase of the game in which you can use it.

Now let’s talk about the colors of the actions (action cards and offices)

How to Play the Game

This game is made up of different rounds. Each round has four phases:

Let’s talk about the different phases of playing this game, known as “Campaign”. It’s important to understand each phase and how they contribute to the overall gameplay. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!

Phase 1: Planning

In this phase, we’re going to figure out our options for the round and decide who gets to go first. This is where things get interesting!

First, each player draws 5 cards from their own face-down draw pile. These cards will be helpful throughout the game, so keep an eye on them!

Next, we need to determine the order of play. Each player selects one card from their hand and places it face-down in front of them. Once everyone has chosen a card, we reveal them all. The player with the highest card goes first and puts their piece on the first bus window. The player with the second highest card goes second and places their piece on the second bus window, and so on. This new order of play remains for the rest of the round.

But what happens if two or more players have cards of the same value? Well, in that case, they’ll need to switch their positions in the order of play. For example, let’s say Helen and Angela both chose the card 16, while the other players chose lower numbers. In the previous round, Angela went second and Helen went third. But in this round, Helen will go first and Angela second.

That’s it for the planning phase! We’ve determined our options and who goes first. Now, let’s move on to the next phase and continue our campaign.

  1. The players discard the cards used to determine the playing order. Remember, these cards can’t be used again in this round.

Phase 2: Action

Now it’s time for us to take action! We send out our workers to do important tasks like raising money, recruiting campaign workers, and earning victory points for our political careers.

We take turns placing our campaign workers in the empty offices of the federal department. Each office can only have one worker.

If we place our worker in an office with victory point markers, we collect them and put them in our pile.

When it’s my turn to play, I have a few options. First, I can put down one of my campaign workers on the board. But that’s not all – I can also play some cards and use actions from different offices. After I make my move, any cards that I played get put face up in my play area.

If I decide to use the action of an office, I place my campaign worker in that office to show that I’ve used it. When I’m done playing cards or using an office’s action, it’s the next player’s turn to put down their campaign worker.

But what happens if I run out of campaign workers? Well, in that case, I have to pass my turn. I can’t play any more cards or use any offices. The other players keep taking turns until no one has any campaign workers left.

When you’re playing the game, you have the choice to not use all of your campaign workers if you want. But remember, once all the offices are filled with workers, you can’t place any more.

Once every campaign worker is in an office, it’s time for phase 3 to start.

Remember: During phase 2, you only use blue and purple cards, as well as blue office actions. In the first round, only blue offices are available. During phase 3, you only use green and yellow cards, along with their office actions.

There are special rules for grey office actions and cards. Red cards don’t have any actions at all.

Hint: In this phase, I want to tell you about some special actions that can help you in the game. When you do purple actions, you can recruit more campaign workers. These workers will help you get better offices, which means more opportunities to win. On the other hand, when you do blue actions, you can draw more cards. Cards can give you different advantages and strategies to use in the game. So, it’s important to choose which actions you want to do wisely.

Phase 3: Buying

Finally, we’ve made some progress! Now it’s time to buy new things that can help us even more. You can get new action cards for future rounds or earn victory points, which will bring you closer to winning the game! It’s amazing, isn’t it?

Now, let me explain how this phase works. Each player takes turns and plays all the remaining cards from their hand. You place these cards in your own play area. Then, you use all the actions from the offices you have selected. You can use the green, yellow, or grey actions that you haven’t used yet. When the first player finishes their turn, the next player begins. And then it keeps going until everyone has finished their turns.

Note: In the third phase of the game, you cannot use blue and purple cards or take blue office actions. You must forfeit their actions.

  1. When it’s my turn, I can buy new cards using the money I have. If I have campaign workers in the offices offering buy actions, I can use all of my available money. I need to add up the coins on the cards in my play area and any coins on my selected office spaces in the federal department. This total amount becomes my virtual money, which I can use to buy cards from the street. The cards are face up at the bottom of the game board. I can buy one card for each buy action, except for one specific office that allows me to buy 2 cards. The cost of the cards on the first four street spaces is shown on the cards themselves. The cost of the cards on the fifth to eighth spaces increases by one coin each, and the cost of the cards on the ninth to eleventh spaces increases by two coins each. The costs are clearly marked below each space on the game board. I need to make sure that the total cost of all the cards I buy from the street does not exceed the total sum of my coins. I cannot save any leftover money for the next round. It must be spent during my turn. #image.jpg

If there are any red cards on the left side of the acquired card, you have to pick all of them. Put all the new cards, including the ones you bought and the red cards, into the temporary clipboard pile in your play area.

Just a tip: Red cards don’t have any special actions and can be annoying. It’s best to avoid them if you can. You can get rid of red cards by using the “Election Campaign Office” action card to trade one for an extra campaign worker.

Remember: Empty street spaces don’t get filled with cards until phase 4!

And one more thing: All campaign workers stay in their offices until phase 4!

Phase 4 is all about cleaning up and starting a new round with a fresh start. Let’s kick it into high gear and get your campaign rolling!

In each office without a campaign worker, I’ll put a wooden marker to keep track of victory points. If there’s already a marker in the office, I’ll add one more.

Now, let’s gather all the cards from my play area, including the ones from my temporary clipboard pile, and place them face up on my discard pile.

Note: When you want to draw a new card, but your draw pile is empty, you have the option to shuffle your discard pile. This can only be done once.

As long as you still have cards in your draw pile, you should draw cards from there. However, once your draw pile is empty, you need to shuffle your discard pile and use it as your new draw pile. Place the new draw pile in the corresponding draw pile space and start drawing cards from it.

It’s important to remember that during a round, you should never shuffle cards from the temporary clipboard pile or the play area into a new draw pile.

Note: Any cards that you have already played in a round, such as cards used to determine the order of play or cards traded in for other action cards, should be placed in the temporary clipboard pile. You cannot use these cards again in the same round.

Let’s remove all of our campaign workers from the game board. Each of us gets to keep three of our own workers. If we used more than three, we have to give the extras back to the unused workers next to the board.

Take the top card from the supply of office cards and place it in the next available window on the right side of the federal department building. Put it in the section that matches the card. After three rounds, all of the offices in section 1 will have been used. The offices for section 2 will go in the second column, and so on.

Depending on how many of us are playing, we might have to remove some or all of the action cards from the first three street fields. These are the fields on the left side of the board. Any cards that weren’t bought will be taken off and out of the game.

Imagine a bustling street filled with colorful cards, each one representing a different opportunity. The number of people depicted above these spaces shows you how many cards need to be removed. Let me give you an example. In a game with three players, all the unsold cards from the first two spaces are taken off the board.

Once these cards have been removed, the remaining cards in the street spaces are shifted to the left, towards the less expensive spaces. It’s like a game of musical chairs, but with cards! The empty spaces on the right side are then filled up with new cards from the supply. This ensures that there are always eleven cards face up, covering all the street spaces.

After this exciting shift, a new round can begin, starting with phase 1. It’s like a fresh start, full of possibilities and surprises.

Rules to Follow for Action Cards and Offices

When it comes to action cards and offices, there are a few general rules that you should keep in mind. These rules help to ensure fair gameplay and create a balanced experience for everyone involved.

First and foremost, if an action directly contradicts a rule, the action always takes precedence. This means that the action on a card or office will override any existing rules that may apply. It’s important to carefully read and understand the actions on each card or office, as they can have a significant impact on the game.

Each action is assigned a strength, which determines how powerful it is. The strength of an action is indicated by a numeral in front of a symbol or above an arrow on the card. This numeral represents the maximum limit for how many times the action can be used. Make sure to pay attention to this limit, as exceeding it could result in penalties or other consequences.

Understanding the rules and limitations of action cards and offices is crucial for success in the game. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to make strategic decisions and take full advantage of the unique abilities that each card and office has to offer.

Let me explain to you how the symbols on the game board work. See that symbol on the right office of the second row? Well, that means if your campaign worker is standing on that office, you have the option to buy 0, 1, or 2 cards. Of course, you can always choose to skip that action if you want to.

The great thing is that you can combine different actions on your action cards and offices to get the best possible outcome. It’s all about using your resources wisely and strategizing to achieve your goals.

Now, here’s something very important: you can only use each card, campaign worker, victory point marker, and coin a maximum of two times per round. That means if you use a card once, you can use it again later with the help of certain offices or action cards. But remember, you can only reactivate it once more before it’s out of play.

If you play a card for the second time with the help of an office, you’ll need to move it from the play area to a temporary clipboard pile. Just turn it 90 degrees to indicate that it’s been used twice.

So, that’s how the actions work in the game. It’s all about making the most out of your resources and carefully planning your moves. Good luck!

Purple actions (Phase 2) – For campaign workers

Hey there! Are you a campaign worker looking to step up your game? Well, I’ve got some useful information for you. In this article, I’ll be talking about the importance of purple actions in phase 2 of a campaign. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!

First off, you might be wondering, what are purple actions? Simply put, purple actions are strategic efforts that aim to engage and mobilize voters. They are called purple actions because they bridge the gap between the blue (Democratic) and red (Republican) sides of the political spectrum, creating a sense of unity and collaboration. These actions are crucial in capturing the attention of undecided voters and promoting a spirit of inclusivity.

Now, let’s talk about why purple actions are so important in phase 2 of a campaign. Phase 2 is all about expanding your outreach and getting your message out there. Purple actions play a critical role in building a strong and diverse coalition of supporters. By engaging with voters from different backgrounds and affiliations, you can broaden your reach and increase your chances of success.

But how do you go about implementing purple actions effectively? First, you need to identify key issues that resonate with a wide range of voters. This could include topics like jobs, healthcare, education, and climate change. Once you have a clear understanding of these issues, you can tailor your messaging and outreach efforts to appeal to different groups.

Another important aspect of purple actions is the use of inclusive language. It’s crucial to speak to voters in a way that makes them feel seen and heard, regardless of their political affiliation. Avoid using divisive language and focus on highlighting common values and goals. This will help create a sense of unity and bridge gaps between different groups.

It’s also important to leverage various communication channels to reach different demographics. Whether it’s traditional media, social media, or in-person events, you need to meet voters where they are. Be adaptable and open to new strategies and platforms. By doing so, you can expand your reach and connect with a wider audience.

In conclusion, purple actions are a crucial component of phase 2 in a campaign. They help bridge the gap between different political affiliations, engage undecided voters, and build a diverse coalition of supporters. By understanding the importance of purple actions and implementing them effectively, you can make a meaningful impact on your campaign. So, go out there, take action, and make a difference!

Hey there! So, if you need a little extra help with your campaign, I’ve got a great idea for you. How about adding one more campaign worker to your team? Or, if you really want to kick things up a notch, why not bring in two extra campaign workers?


If you shred 1 card, you’ll get an extra campaign worker. It’s a simple action that can have a big impact on your campaign. When you’re deciding how to strategize, don’t forget about the power of shredding.


So, you’ve decided to expand your office space. That’s great! I’m here to help you choose the perfect office for your needs. Let’s get started, shall we?

First things first, take a moment to think about what you’re looking for in an office. Do you want a spacious room with plenty of natural light? Or maybe you prefer a cozy nook where you can work in peace. Consider your preferences and needs as we embark on this journey together.

Now, let’s talk about location. Location is key when it comes to finding the right office space. Are you looking for a bustling city center with easy access to amenities? Or would you prefer a quieter neighborhood away from the hustle and bustle? Think about the atmosphere you want your office to be in and how it aligns with your business goals.

Next up, think about the size of the office. Are you a one-person show or do you have a team that needs to fit comfortably? It’s important to choose an office that accommodates your current needs and allows for future growth. You don’t want to outgrow your space too quickly, but you also don’t want to be drowning in an oversized office.

Another factor to consider is the layout of the office. How do you envision your work area? Do you need separate rooms or open floor space? Think about what will optimize your productivity and create a pleasant work environment.

Lastly, think about the budget. This is an important aspect to consider when choosing an office. You want to find a space that fits within your financial means, but also offers the amenities and features you require. Remember, it’s all about finding the right balance between affordability and functionality.

So, as you embark on this exciting journey of finding the perfect office, keep these factors in mind. With a clear vision of what you need and a careful consideration of these factors, I’m confident you’ll find the ideal office space that will elevate your business to new heights!

Remember, I’m here to help. If you have any questions or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out. Now, let’s find that perfect office space for you!


So here’s what you can do: put one campaign worker in an office that’s already being used.

Blue actions (Phase 3) – For action cards


When you want to quickly add more cards to your hand, you can immediately draw 1 card, 2 cards, or even more. It’s a simple but powerful way to boost your options and increase your chances of finding the card you need. Plus, the more cards you have in your hand, the more potential plays you can make. With this ability in your arsenal, you can stay one step ahead of your opponents and seize control of the game.


When you spend a coin, I’ll draw a card for you.


Here’s what you need to do: You can lay down up to 2 cards (or up to 3 cards if you want) on the temporary clipboard pile. By doing this, you get to draw the same number of cards from the draw pile.

Now let’s talk about the Yellow actions (Phase 3) – this is about money and buys

Have you ever wanted to get your hands on some coins? Well, I’m here to tell you that you can get not just 1 coin, but 2 coins or even 3 coins! How exciting is that?


Hey there! Want to earn some extra coins? I’ve got a cool trick for you. Just shred one card, and you’ll get yourself one shiny coin. And check this out – if you’re feeling adventurous, you can shred up to two cards, and get a whole coin for each of them! How cool is that?

Imagine having the power to double all the coins you own. Just think about it for a moment. You already have a few coins in your possession, but what if you could magically make them multiply? It’s a fascinating concept, isn’t it?

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Is it even possible to double all the coins I have? Well, let me tell you, my friend, it’s not only possible but also quite extraordinary. Doubling your coins would mean that each coin you own would transform into two coins. So, if you had, say, five coins before, you would suddenly find yourself with ten!

But hold on a second. Before you get carried away envisioning your newfound wealth, let’s consider the implications. While doubling your coins may seem like an incredible opportunity, it also comes with its challenges. You see, with great power comes great responsibility.

When you have twice as many coins, you’ll need to think carefully about how you manage them. After all, having double the amount means that you’ll need to be twice as cautious. Investing your coins wisely, making smart decisions, and keeping track of your finances will become increasingly important.

So, my friend, if you find yourself in possession of this incredible power to double all the coins you have, remember that it’s not just about multiplying your wealth. It’s about being mindful, responsible, and making the most of this unique opportunity.


Hey there! Have you ever thought about buying a card? You know, just getting one or maybe even two? Well, I’m here to tell you all about why it’s such a great idea.

First of all, buying a card is pretty simple. You just pick one out, pay for it, and you’re good to go. It’s a piece of cake! Plus, there are tons of different cards to choose from, so you’ll definitely be able to find one that suits your style.

Not only is buying a card easy, but it’s also a lot of fun. When you give someone a card, it shows that you care about them. It’s a small gesture that can make a big impact. And let’s be honest, who doesn’t love receiving a nice card?

Another great thing about cards is that they’re versatile. You can use them for any occasion. Birthdays, holidays, anniversaries – you name it. There’s a card for every event, and they’re a great way to express yourself and show someone how much you care.

But wait, there’s more! Cards aren’t just for giving to other people. You can also buy cards for yourself. It’s a great way to treat yourself and brighten your day. Whether it’s a funny card or a sentimental one, it can be a little pick-me-up when you’re feeling down.

So, whether you’re looking to brighten someone else’s day or just treat yourself, buying a card is a fantastic choice. They’re easy, fun, and they can really make a difference. So why not go out and get yourself a card (or two)? You won’t regret it!


When I play this game, I start by moving all the cards on the street fields to the left. After that, I get to buy 1 card.

During Phase 3, I focus on the Green actions to earn victory points.

Winning a game is a great feeling. It’s a rush of excitement, a surge of energy that comes when you outsmart your opponents and achieve victory. So, how do you make sure you come out on top? Well, let me tell you, it’s all about those victory points.

Victory points are the holy grail of gaming. They are the currency of success, the measure of your triumph. They are the key to victory, the ultimate goal of any game. Every decision you make, every move you take, is aimed at earning those precious victory points.

But here’s the thing, my friend. Victory points don’t come easy. They must be earned through cunning strategy, careful planning, and skillful execution. You have to make the right choices, seize the right opportunities, and outwit your opponents at every turn.

So, how do you do it? How do you accumulate those elusive victory points? Well, my friend, there are many paths to success. Some games reward you for building an empire, others for amassing wealth or completing quests. Some games require you to conquer territories, while others reward you for solving puzzles or answering trivia questions.

But no matter the game, one thing remains constant: victory points are the key to victory. They are your ticket to glory, your passport to triumph. It’s through them that you reach the pinnacle of success and claim your rightful place as the champion.

So, my friend, the next time you sit down to play a game, remember this: victory points are your goal. They are what you should be aiming for, what you should be striving to achieve. They are the path to victory, the ultimate measure of your gaming prowess. So, go out there, my friend, and claim your victory points. May the best player win!


Whenever you spend a coin, you earn 1 victory point.


If you love winning games, then you’re going to be thrilled by this bonus: you get twice the number of victory points for every wooden victory point marker! It’s an awesome advantage that can help you achieve victory faster and with more style.

Let me tell you about another exciting element: yellow-green actions in Phase 3. These actions can earn you either money or victory points. It’s a tough choice, but it’s also an opportunity to strategize and make the most out of every move you make. Whether you want to accumulate wealth or boost your victory points, these actions have you covered.

When you choose this action, you have the option to either gain 1 coin or earn 2 victory points. It’s your choice!

Special Actions – Grey Cards

Hey there! Did you know there’s a sneaky trick you can use with your cards? It’s pretty cool. You can take one card in the play area and use it again! How awesome is that?


Have you ever considered the impact of using the same campaign worker in the same office for a second time? It’s something that may not immediately come to mind, but when you take a closer look, you’ll discover the true significance.

Picture this: you’re running a campaign and are in the process of selecting your team. You have the opportunity to bring back a campaign worker who was with you during a previous election. What are the factors to consider?

  • Experience and Expertise: By using the same campaign worker again, you benefit from their previous experience and expertise. They are already familiar with your campaign’s goals, strategies, and procedures. This can save you valuable time and effort in training someone new.

  • Trust and Team Dynamics: Building trust and creating strong team dynamics are essential for any campaign. When you bring back a previous campaign worker, you already have an established relationship with them. You know how they work, and they know how you work. This can lead to smoother collaboration and a more cohesive team.

  • Continuity and Consistency: Running a campaign is a complex endeavor with various moving parts. By using the same worker again, you maintain a sense of continuity and consistency. They are already familiar with your campaign’s messaging, branding, and overall strategy. This ensures that your campaign maintains a unified and cohesive identity.

  • Adaptability and Growth: When you bring back a campaign worker, it provides an opportunity for growth and development. They can build upon their previous experiences, learn from their mistakes, and improve their skills. This contributes to the overall growth and success of your campaign.

  • So, when it comes to choosing the right campaign worker, don’t overlook the option of using someone from a previous election. They bring with them a wealth of experience, an existing rapport with your team, and a sense of continuity. By giving them another opportunity, you may just find that it elevates your campaign to new heights.


    Let’s talk about keeping unused cards for the next round. How cool is that? You see, sometimes we play a game and we don’t use all the cards. Well, guess what? We can actually keep those unused cards and use them in the next round. Isn’t that neat?


    When you play, make sure to duplicate one card in your play area.

    The Game’s End

    The game ends when one of the three conditions below is met:

    • If a player reaches 95 or more victory points.
    • If a player buys the last “doctorate”.
    • If the eleventh round is finished.

    The person with the most victory points becomes the next president and wins the game!

    If there is a tie, the player with the most total victory points and who collected the most victory points in the last round becomes the winner.

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