How to play Concept Kids Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Rules for the Concept Kids Game

Are you ready to learn all about the rules for the Concept Kids Game? Keep reading to discover how to play this exciting and challenging game!

Goal of the Game

The goal of the Concept Kids Game is to guess words by using the various illustrated icons on the game board. The game board has different spaces, each representing a category or a characteristic related to the words.

How to Play

When it’s your turn to play, you choose a word card. This card will have a word written on it, and it is your job to make others guess that word by using the icons on the game board.

You can start by placing your pawns on the icons that you think are related to the word on your card. You can also use the tokens provided to give extra clues, such as indicating if the word is an object or an animal.

Once you have placed your pawns and tokens on the game board, the other players can start guessing. They can ask you questions about the icons and try to figure out the word you are describing.

For example, if your word is “cat,” you may place your pawns on the icons for “animal,” “small,” and “four legs.” The other players can then ask you questions like “Does it purr?” or “Does it have fur?” to narrow down their guesses.

The game continues with each player taking turns and trying to guess words based on the icons and clues provided by the other players. The player who guesses the most words correctly wins the game!


Now that you know the rules for the Concept Kids Game, you’re ready to start playing and have lots of fun. Remember to use the icons and clues wisely to help others guess the words and claim victory!

How to play Concept Kids Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let me tell you all about Concept Kids Animals. It’s a super fun game made just for kids like you, aged 4 and up. Are you ready for an adventure?

What’s Inside?

When you open the box, you’ll find lots of cool stuff! First, there’s a game board with lots of colorful pictures on it. These pictures are called icons. They’re like little clues that will help you guess the animals. Then, you’ll see these round cards with animals on them. They’re called animal cards. There are so many different animals to discover!

Let’s Play Together!

The best part about Concept Kids Animals is that it’s a cooperative game. That means we’re all on the same team! We’ll work together to guess as many animals as we can. All we have to do is use the icons on the board to give hints to each other. It’s like a secret language only we understand!

Here’s how we play. First, we’ll shuffle the animal cards and put them in a pile. Then, we’ll choose a card from the top of the pile. This will be the animal we have to guess. We won’t show it to anyone, though! It’s a secret, just between us.

Now, it’s time to start guessing. I’ll choose an icon on the board that I think represents the animal we’re trying to guess. For example, if the animal is a lion, I might choose the icon with a crown. Then, I’ll give you clues about the animal using that icon.

But remember, we can’t use words to give clues! We have to think outside the box. For example, if I choose the crown icon, I might start acting like a king or a queen. I could pretend to wear a fancy crown and roar like a lion. It’s all about using our imagination!

Once I give you my clue, it’s your turn to guess. You can choose any animal card from the pile and place it next to the icon I picked. If you think the animal is a lion, you put the lion card next to the crown icon. Easy, right?

We keep taking turns, giving each other clues and guessing animals, until we guess them all or run out of time. The clock is ticking, so we have to be quick!

Together, We Can Win!

The goal of the game is to guess as many animals as we can before time runs out. If we guess them all, we win together! It’s not about winning or losing individually, it’s about working as a team and having fun together.

So, are you ready to become an animal detective? Let’s get started and have a wild time with Concept Kids Animals!

How to play Concept Kids Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 1 game board
  • 110 cards
  • 16 rings
  • 1 card holder
  • 1 quick rules
  • rulebook

Let’s Get Started!

In Concept Kids, we all play together.

Your goal is to find 12 animals. How? By using the icons on the game board. Easy, right?

Time to Set Up

How to play Concept Kids Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’ll guide you through the steps to set up the game. Make sure to follow these instructions in order to get started:

1. Put the game board in the middle of the table where everyone can see it clearly.

2. For your first few games, stick to using the blue framed cards only. Put the red framed cards back in the box for now – we won’t need them.

3. Shuffle all of the blue framed cards and randomly pick 12 of them to create a face-down deck. Put this deck next to the game board. The remaining cards can be returned to the box – we won’t be using them during this game.

4. Put the card holder in front of you.

5. Place all of the rings near the board.

Once you’ve completed these steps, we can begin playing. Enjoy!

Let’s Play

Animal Guessing Game

Note: I want to make it clear that when I say “you,” I’m talking to the grown-ups.

During this game, all of you kids will team up to help me guess an animal. You’ll describe it using only the symbols on the game board.

First, without peeking, I’ll take the top card from the deck and put it in the card holder. That way, all of you can see it.

Then, one at a time, each of you will place a ring on one of the symbols on the game board to give me clues about the animal. Remember, you can help each other choose the best symbols to describe the animal.

I can make as many guesses as I want. But you kids can only answer with a yes or no to my guesses.

How to play Concept Kids Official Rules UltraFoodMess


Hey there! Let’s chat about the captivating world of mysteries! It’s time to unravel the enigmatic and fascinating concepts behind those things that make us go “hmmm…” and ignite our curiosity. Fair warning though, this world can be a bit tricky to navigate, but fear not, for I am here to be your guide on this thrilling journey.

So, what exactly are mysteries? Well, my friend, mysteries are those intriguing puzzles that challenge our understanding and keep us on our toes. They are like a captivating story that keeps us guessing until the very end. And oh boy, when we finally uncover the truth, it’s like finding a hidden treasure!

Now, let’s dig into the importance of mysteries. You see, mysteries have this incredible power to spark our imagination and stimulate our brain. They encourage us to think critically, analyze clues, and connect the dots. It’s like a mental workout that exercises our problem-solving skills and keeps our minds sharp.

But mysteries are not just about the brain workout. They also provide us with a sense of excitement and adventure. Think about it – those goosebumps you get when you read a great mystery novel or watch a suspenseful movie. It’s that thrill of the unknown that keeps us coming back for more.

Now, I know what you’re wondering. How can you dive into the world of mysteries and become a master of unraveling the enigmatic? Well, my dear friend, it’s all about being curious and observant. Pay attention to the little details, ask questions, and let your imagination run wild. Who knows what hidden secrets you might uncover?

Remember, though, mysteries are like a double-edged sword. They can draw us in with their allure, but they can also leave us scratching our heads in confusion. Don’t worry if you can’t solve every mystery you encounter – sometimes the joy is in the journey, not just the destination.

So, if you’re ready to embark on this captivating adventure, let’s step into the world of mysteries together. Grab your detective hat, sharpen your wits, and let’s begin our quest for answers. Who knows what hidden treasures we might discover and what stories we might unravel? The possibilities are endless, my friend. So, are you ready to become a mystery-solving master? Let’s go!

How to play Concept Kids Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you guess the animal correctly, put the card next to the deck with the face up.

This card will be worth 1 point when the game ends.

How to play Concept Kids Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you can’t guess and you give up, I’ll spill the beans and tell you the animal. Just put that card in the box – it won’t count towards your final score.

Note: You have to throw in the towel if the kids can’t add any more rings and you can’t figure out the animal.

After that, draw another card and take a stab at guessing a new animal.

The End of the Game

When all 12 cards are gone, the game is over.

Add up the number of cards you found to find out your score.

Compare your score to the chart below to see how well you did.

How to play Concept Kids Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Mastering the Challenge

Here are three ways to adapt the game for your kids. You can mix and match these variations to make the game more interesting. But keep in mind, the game will still follow the basic rules I mentioned before, except for a few changes:

Switching Roles

In this variation, we switch roles. Instead of me asking you the questions, you’ll be the one asking me. You can still use the cards to guide your questions. It’s a fun twist that will test your knowledge!

Difficulty Level of the Cards

  • The cards with a blue frame show animals that you’re more likely to encounter in school, nursery rhymes, or books. You can start with these cards to familiarize yourself with the game.
  • The cards with a red frame feature animals that are less common and may require more knowledge of the animal kingdom. These cards will challenge you and help you learn more!

To make the game even more challenging, you can mix the blue and red framed cards together, or you can play with only the red framed cards. It’s up to you how difficult you want it to be!

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