How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Colt Express Marshal & Prisoners

Howdy Partner! Have you ever played Colt Express? It’s a rootin’ tootin’ cowboy board game that’s chock-full of fun and excitement. Today, I’m gonna tell you all about the expansion called Marshal & Prisoners.

So, what’s the deal with this expansion, you ask? Well, let me break it down for ya. When it comes to board games, it’s always a good idea to have some new tricks up your sleeve, and Marshal & Prisoners delivers in spades. With this expansion, you get not one, but two new ways to play!

First up, we have the Marshal mode. Now, imagine this: you get to be the biggest, baddest lawman in the Wild West. Your job is to keep those pesky outlaws in check and restore law and order. It’s a wild ride from start to finish, filled with twists, turns, and surprises. Can you bring justice to the chaotic world of Colt Express?

And if you’re more into the shadier side of life, then you’ll love the Prisoner mode. In this mode, you’ll take on the role of one of the outlaws from the base game who has been rounded up and thrown behind bars. It’s up to you to escape and wreak havoc on the town. But beware, because the Marshal is hot on your trail, and he won’t stop until he puts you back where you belong. Can you outsmart the law and make a clean getaway?

With these new modes, Marshal & Prisoners takes Colt Express to a whole new level. It adds an extra layer of strategy and excitement to an already fantastic game. Plus, the expansion comes with new cards, characters, and events, so there’s plenty of replayability.

So, whether you’re a lawman or an outlaw, Colt Express Marshal & Prisoners has something for everyone. If you’re a fan of the base game, this expansion is a must-have. It’ll keep you on your toes and give you hours of thrilling gameplay. Trust me, partner, you won’t be disappointed.

How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Y’all better listen up ’cause I got a wild story to tell you. Once again, them notorious outlaws are up to no good, plottin’ to steal from the Union Pacific Express. But this time, they got themselves a new partner in crime: a slippery gal named Mei. Now, Marshal Samuel Ford ain’t takin’ this lightly. He’s locked and loaded, ready to take ’em down. But Mei ain’t no walk in the park, folks. She’s as deadly as a snake, so the Marshal better watch his back.

Now, let me break down what you’ll find in this here game:

– One prison car

– Two character sheets

– One special Marshal figure

– One trusty horse figure (if you’re playin’ with the Horses & Stagecoach expansion and got yourself seven bandits)

– Two mailbags worth either $200 or a hefty $1200

– One purse full of $250

– Seven prisoner cards

– Seven brilliant idea cards

– Seven wanted posters

– Eighteen Mei cards

– Twenty-three Marshal cards

– Fourteen Marshal’s Goal cards

– Thirteen round cards

– Three brawler cards (Gold Punch, Silver Punch, and Bronze Punch)

Now, this game’s got all the excitement and thrill you’re lookin’ for. It’s got bandits, lawmen, and surprises at every turn. So, saddle up, partner, and get ready for the ride of your life!

Hey there! I have some exciting news for you! In this expansion, there’s a cool new character called Mei, and she’s taking over the yellow figure from the base game. The original figure was known as the Marshal, but now it’s Mei’s turn to shine. And guess what? There’s another new character too! The starred figure is the brand-new Marshal figure. So now, when you play the game, you’ll see Mei and the Marshal battling it out. It’s going to be epic!

How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Welcome to the Wild West!

Do you have what it takes to bring law and order to the unruly streets? Well, partner, in this expansion, you have a chance to be the Marshal!

As the Marshal, you have five Goals that you need to complete. If you can accomplish at least four of them, you’ll win the game! But watch out, if you fail, the richest bandit will snatch victory from your grasp.

Now, let’s get you set up for some cowboy action!

Setting Up the Showdown

First things first, pardner. Take that Marshal card of yours and set it aside. You won’t need it for this expansion.

Next, we need to prepare your deck. Take that Ride card and put it back in the box. You’ll only need it if you’re playing with the Horses & Stagecoach expansion. But fear not, there’s something special for you! Each bandit gets to add the Brilliant Idea card of their color to their deck.

Last but not least, each bandit should display the Wanted Poster that features their character, with the $500 side facing up. You’re now ready to ride into the sunset and bring justice to this wild land!

How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  1. First, we need to choose someone to be the Marshal. This person will be in charge of keeping track of the game. They should take the Marshal’s sheet.
  2. Next, we need to shuffle the Marshal’s Action cards and place them face-down on the Deck zone of the Marshal’s sheet. These cards will be used throughout the game.
  3. Now, let’s place the Bullet cards in 2 piles of 6. Make sure to arrange them in ascending order based on the number of bullets on each card. These piles will represent the cylinders of each player’s guns.
  4. If there are any bandits that won’t be used in the game, we can put their Arrest Warrants back in the box. Then, we’ll shuffle the remaining Arrest Warrants and draw 2 of them. But remember, don’t look at the cards! They will remain a mystery until later in the game.

Hey there! So, if you’re playing with just a couple of bandits, here’s what you do: go ahead and put away the Full of Lead and Arch Enemy Special Target cards. They can take a break in the box for now. Now, take the remaining Special Target cards and give them a good shuffle. Draw three of these cards randomly, without peeking. Mixing things up here, huh? Take those three Special Targets and mix them up with the two Arrest Warrants.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Place these five cards face-down in the Upcoming Goals area on the Marshal’s sheet. But hold on tight, because the Marshal can’t take a sneak peek at those goals just yet. It’s a mystery waiting to be uncovered!

How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you’re playing with 2, 3, or 4 bandits, you’ll need the locomotive, 4 train cars, and the prison car.

But if you have 5, 6, or 7 bandits, you’ll need the locomotive, 5 train cars, and the prison car. Remember, the prison car is always at the back.

Instead of the usual strongbox, you’ll need to put 2 mailbags with hidden values in the locomotive.

For this expansion, it doesn’t matter how many players there are – you’ll always draw 3 Prisoner cards. Place them face-up behind the prison car and put the rest back in the box.

The Marshal figure goes in the locomotive, just like always. He’ll be Player 1 for this game. The player to his left is Player 2, and so on. The even-numbered bandits go in the car next to the caboose, and the odd-numbered bandits go in the car in front of that. Unlike the other bandits, the Marshal doesn’t start with a $250 purse.

When the game starts, I am the Marshal, the First Player. But as each new round begins, the player on my left becomes the new First Player.

Prison Car And Brilliant Idea

The Prison Car

“Sooner or later, a bandit will find themselves in a cell. A true Pirate of the Far West wouldn’t see that cell as the end, but rather a stepping stone. You have to connect with the cell, understand its hopes and dreams, and empathize with its struggles for meaning and purpose. BE the cell. Find the flaw in its shoddy construction.”

How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to the prison car, there are some important rules to keep in mind. First of all, the “free” bandits can only be found in the corridor or on the roof. They are not allowed to enter the cell at all. Only captured bandits are allowed to be in the cell.

Now, here’s an interesting twist. While you might feel tempted to shoot or punch a bandit in the cell, you can’t actually do that. Even if they deserve it! So no punching or shooting your way into the cell. You gotta play by the rules.

During the Stealin’ phase, the action cards of a bandit in the cell don’t really have any effect. Well, except for the Brilliant Idea card. That one can still come in handy.

Let’s Talk About the Brilliant Idea Card

Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between a successful bandit and one behind bars? It’s all about the brilliant idea. Just when things are looking desperate, a brilliant idea pops into the successful bandit’s head, saving them from disaster.

A New Draw Rule for Phase 1: Schemin’

We’ve made a modification to the basic draw rule. Now, instead of just drawing a card, you have a choice. You can either draw a card as usual, or you can choose one of the following:

  • Take 3 cards from your deck and add them to your hand.
  • If you’re playing with the Expert Variant, search your deck (or discard pile) for a Brilliant Idea card and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

You need to choose one of these options before drawing.

Brilliant Idea Action

How this action works depends on where your bandit is on the train.

If you’re not on the roof, in the corridor, or inside the cell, copy the last Action card played by a bandit that is not a Brilliant Idea.

You might have to look back a few cards in the stack if the Marshal’s cards or other Brilliant Idea cards were the last cards played. If there is no bandit’s Action card to copy, the Brilliant Idea card has no effect.

How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! So, here’s the situation: I’m playing this cool card game called Tuco, and I’ve got this awesome card called Brilliant Idea. I want to use it right after the Marshal’s turn, but there’s a catch. You see, I can’t copy the Marshal’s Action card. And guess what? The last bandit to play a card was Ghost, and he went for the Punch action. So, I have no choice but to copy Ghost’s Punch action with my Brilliant Idea card.

Now, here’s a little tip for you: if you want to make the most of your Brilliant Idea cards during the Stealin’ phase, here’s what you can do. Instead of immediately returning the Action cards to their owners after they’re resolved, just stack them in a pile, keeping them in the order they were resolved. This makes it super easy to figure out which Action card you need to copy with your Brilliant Idea.

Okay, moving on to some game strategy. If you happen to find yourself in the prison car’s cell, you’ve got two options. You can either move into the corridor or head up to the roof. It’s totally up to you.

Now, let’s say you’re already on the roof or in the corridor of the prison car. In that case, you’ve got a choice to make. You can pick one of the following options:

    I am a notorious bandit, and I have some useful advice for you on how to navigate the treacherous world of banditry. Here are a couple of options you can choose from when dealing with prisoners and other bandits:

    First, you can “Free a prisoner.” This means that you can take 1 Prisoner card from the ones behind the prison car. However, there’s a catch – you can only choose this option if you don’t already have a Prisoner card.

    Alternatively, you can “Free another bandit.” In this case, you can move 1 bandit from the cell to your space. But there’s a price – the bandit must give you 1 loot token of his choice if he has any.

    Now, let’s talk about the prisoners themselves. As a wise old bandit once said, “If you carefully follow all the wise advice in this manual, you should quickly become an infamous bandit. You will know you’ve arrived when lesser villains ask if they can be your trusty sidekick.”

    So, my fellow aspiring bandit, take this advice to heart and may your banditry skills reach new heights. Good luck on your journey to infamy!

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Did you know that a bandit can only have one prisoner at a time? It’s true! In the game Colt Express, each prisoner is the loyal companion of one of the bandits, as indicated on each Prisoner card. And get this – the bandit doesn’t even have to be playing for their prisoner to count!

    When you free a prisoner, they give you one of two abilities, depending on whether they are your trusty sidekick or belong to another bandit:

    • If the prisoner isn’t your sidekick, they give you the same power as their corresponding bandit. This power takes effect as soon as you free the prisoner and lasts as long as they’re in your possession.
    • If the prisoner is your sidekick, you can grab two loot tokens when you rob. Pretty nifty, huh? But keep in mind, this ability only works if there are actually two loot tokens available.
    • And here’s a nice bonus: at the end of the game, if you have a Prisoner card, you get a cool $200. So, having a prisoner can really pay off!

    Important note: If both Belle and a bandit with Belle’s trusty sidekick are targeted by a Shoot or Punch action, Belle’s ability takes priority over the prisoner’s.

    The Marshal

    Basic Rules Modifications

    In this expansion, when the Marshal encounters a bandit, the bandit doesn’t receive a Neutral Bullet card and doesn’t escape to the roof. However, it’s still a good idea to keep the Neutral Bullet cards close by – they might come in handy for certain events.

    Now, a bandit can (and should!) shoot the Marshal, move to where he is, and even punch him! Special abilities that affect bandits also affect the Marshal.

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you land a punch on the Marshal, something exciting happens! You get to take the top Brawler card from his Picture zone and flip it over. This means you now own a special Brawler card that will give you extra money when the game is over. Cool, right? But that’s not all! After grabbing that awesome card, you also get to move the Marshal to a different train car of your choice. Talk about a power play!

    The Marshal’s Secret Goal Cards

    Here’s a secret: in order to win the game, the Marshal needs to complete at least 4 goals by the end of it. That’s no easy task! But every round, the Marshal gets a chance to bring a new goal into play. At the beginning of each round, the Marshal moves a card from the Upcoming Goals zone to the Current Goals zone. It’s like the Marshal is always planning ahead! And here’s another secret: the Marshal can sneak a peek at the cards in the Current Goals zone whenever they want, but never at the ones still waiting in the Upcoming Goals zone. Gotta keep some cards up their sleeve, right?

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Special Targets

    HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – What’s the Difference?

    Hey there! So, I noticed you’re curious about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, huh? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Let’s dive in and explore what sets each of these languages apart.

    HTML – The Structure of the Web

    First up, we have HTML – the foundation of the web. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It’s like the bones and structure that holds everything together. It allows you to create the structure and layout of your web pages, defining headings, paragraphs, images, links, and more.

    HTML uses tags to mark up the content. For example, the <h1> tag is used to denote a main heading, while the <p> tag represents a paragraph. These tags help browsers understand the structure and semantics of the webpage.

    CSS – Adding Style and Flair

    Next up, we have CSS – the language of style and flair. CSS, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets, allows you to customize the visual appearance of your web pages. It’s like the fashion designer of the web world, giving your pages that extra pizzazz.

    With CSS, you can change the color, size, font, and layout of your HTML elements. Want your headings to be bold and blue? No problem, just add a little CSS magic! You can do this by targeting specific HTML elements or giving them unique class or ID attributes.

    JavaScript – The Dynamic Superstar

    Now, let’s talk about JavaScript – the dynamic superstar of web development. JavaScript is a programming language that brings interactivity and functionality to your web pages. It’s like the brain behind the beauty and structure.

    With JavaScript, you can do all sorts of cool things. Want to create a pop-up message, validate form inputs, or build a game? JavaScript has got you covered! It allows you to add functionality, respond to user actions, and manipulate the content of your web pages in real-time.

    Putting It All Together

    So, to wrap it all up, HTML provides the structure, CSS adds the style, and JavaScript brings the functionality. These three languages work together harmoniously to create amazing web experiences.

    Next time you visit a website, think about the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that come together to make it happen. It’s like a symphony of code!

    And remember, whether you’re a web designer, developer, or just someone curious about the web, understanding the differences between HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is a key step in your journey. Happy coding!

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Note: Hey there! Just a quick heads up before we dive into the fun stuff. If you’re playing with four or more bandits (five players in total), then these extra goal cards will be a perfect addition to spice up the game.

    Snatching Up the Criminals

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    An Arrest Warrant is given for each bandit in the game.

    I complete this goal when I have the Wanted Poster of the bandit mentioned on the Arrest Warrant in my Achievement zone at the end of the game. (I have captured the bandit at least once using the Capture action).

    The bandit mentioned on the Arrest Warrant doesn’t have to be in the cell at the end of the game – capturing them once is sufficient!

    What’s in the Marshal’s Deck

    The Marshal’s deck includes: Move (x2), Change Floor (x1), Shoot (x3), Move + (x1), Change Floor + (x1), Capture (x2), and Ride (x1) when using the Horses & Stagecoach expansion.

    Moving and Changing Floors

    When I’m playing as the Marshal and it’s my turn in the Schemin’ phase, if I choose to play a “+” card, something special happens. I get to play an extra card from my hand right away! During the Stealin’ phase, that extra card is resolved just like any other card I play.

    But there’s a catch: I can’t draw cards instead of playing that extra card. I have to use a card that’s already in my hand.

    Here’s something really cool: if I play two “+” cards in a row, I can actually play three Action cards in a single turn! Talk about making a big move!

    Now, let’s talk about what happens if I play a “+” card during a special turn, like a tunnel or a speeding-up. In that case, I can’t play a second card. No matter what, though, I can still do the Move or Change Floor action during the Stealin’ phase.

    So, as the Marshal, I have some interesting options when it comes to using my “+” cards. I can play an extra card during a regular turn and potentially play three cards in a row. But during a special turn, I can only play one card. No matter what, though, I can always make my Move or Change Floor action.

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    I am the Marshal, and it’s my job to capture the bandits. When I catch one of them, I put them in a prison cell on a train. Each bandit has a Wanted Poster, and when I catch them, I turn their poster over to show that they’ve been captured. The poster stays with me for the rest of the game. A bandit can be caught more than once, but the poster only changes once.

    Now, let’s talk about shooting.

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If there are two or more bandits in my sight, I can shoot two of them with one shot. I just need to choose one Bullet card from each of my Cylinder piles and place them on the bandits’ deck.

    If I decide to shoot only one bandit, I can choose any Cylinder pile and take one Bullet card from it. I can’t shoot the same bandit twice in one action, though.

    Now, let me tell you about Belle. She has a special power that protects her from getting shot by me, the Marshal. Her power only works if either I see three or more bandits, or if there are two bandits and I shoot only one bullet.

    Bullet Cards for the Marshal

    The bullets I shoot are just like the ones shot by the bandits. They go into their deck, and each bullet has a penalty that affects the bandit it hits.

    Extra Penalties (until the end of the round)

    When I, the Marshal, shoot a bandit, if the bullet has a special penalty, I place my Bullet card in front of that bandit. This helps me remember the penalty. Once the round is over, I shuffle the Bullet card back into the bandit’s deck.

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Just a quick note: If I’m playing the role of a bandit and I get shot, but then I have this brilliant idea, I can actually use that card to copy any Shoot, Punch, or Change Floor card that another bandit played.

    Immediate Consequences

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    The Game Ends

    Once we reach the end of the fifth round, there are a few things that happen. First, any Prisoner cards that are still left behind in the prison car are turned over and moved to the Marshal’s Achievement zone. Second, any mailbags that are on the train, but not held by the bandits, are also placed in the Marshal’s Achievement zone.

    Now it’s time for the Marshal to reveal their 5 Goal cards. If they have completed at least 4 of their goals, then the Marshal wins the game, no matter how much wealth the bandits have accumulated.

    However, if the Marshal hasn’t completed at least 4 goals, then the bandit with the most wealth will be the winner, as usual.

    In total, there are 7 ways for a bandit to gain wealth in this game:

    • Looting valuable items like purses, jewelry, strongboxes, and mailbags.
    • Earning the Gunslinger prize, which is $1000 for shooting the most Bullet cards.
    • Being awarded $500 for having a Wanted Poster if the Marshal never managed to capture you during the game.
    • Holding onto a Prisoner card, which earns you $200.
    • If you’re playing with the Horses & Stagecoach expansion, there is a new element called the Hostage’s ransom.
    • There are brawler prizes available – punch the Marshal and win $800, $500, or $300.
    • Keep an eye out for Train Station cards like Hostage Conductor and Sharing the Loot – they have special effects.

    Round Cards

    You can mix and match the Round cards from this expansion with the ones from the base game and the first expansion. Bandit-specific effects don’t apply to the Marshal. Effects that mention the Marshal may be modified, though.

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If you come across round cards with this special icon, it means they’re meant for playing with only 2, 3, or 4 bandits.

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If you’re playing with 5, 6, or 7 bandits, you’ll notice round cards with this icon. They have a special purpose during the game.

    Let me tell you about a special turn called “Jarring.”

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    It’s tough to aim accurately when the train jerks, and that means the players can’t use Shoot or Punch cards. Keep in mind, though, that the Brilliant Idea card can still be used to copy another bandit’s Shoot or Punch card.

    Don’t forget about the End of Round Bonus called “Schemin’ For A Rainy Day.”

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! I’ve got some exciting news about this expansion! You’ll notice that some of the Round cards in this expansion have a shiny new icon to the right. Cool, right?

    Now, here’s something really neat! At the end of the Schemin’! Phase, you can choose to keep one card in your hand for the next round. It’s like having a secret weapon up your sleeve! But hold on, this bonus doesn’t apply when playing with the Expert Variant.

    So, the card you choose doesn’t get mixed back into your deck during the Stealin’ phase. Instead, it stays right there in your hand, ready for the next round. Let me give you an example. Say Mei decided to reserve a card in the last round. Well, this time, Mei will draw five cards plus that reserved card. That’s a grand total of six cards in her hand! How awesome is that?


    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Keeping Things Safe

    Here’s what you need to do to make sure your valuable loot is secure: Move all the loot tokens inside the Marshal’s car up to the roof, even if the Marshal is upstairs or inside the car.

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess


    Have you ever played a game of telephone, where a message gets passed along from person to person and ends up completely changed by the time it reaches the last person? Well, it turns out that rumors can be a lot like that.

    When someone hears a rumor, they can’t help but pass it along to someone else. But each time the rumor gets passed on, it can change a little bit. Someone might mishear a word or add in some extra details. Before you know it, the rumor is completely different from the original story.

    That’s why rumors can be so tricky. They can spread quickly and easily, but they’re not always accurate. It’s like a game of telephone, where the message can get muddled along the way.

    So, the next time you hear a rumor, remember to take it with a grain of salt. It might not be as true as it seems.

    Reflex Action

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Did you know that when you’re playing the game, you don’t put any unused cards back into your deck at the end of the Schemin’ phase? Nope, they stay right where they are.

    Now, once you’re done with all the scheming, it’s time to start the Stealin’ phase. But before we jump into that, let me tell you about this cool thing called an action card. You see, each player has a hand of action cards, and during the Stealin’ phase, everyone gets a chance to play and resolve one of those cards. Starting with the First Player and going in a clockwise direction, each player takes their turn, playing an action card and doing whatever it says.

    Alright, so now you’ve played your action card and resolved its effects. But what about those leftover cards in your hand that you didn’t play? Well, don’t worry! You simply put them back on top of your deck, ready to be drawn later. Phew, crisis averted!

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Feeling Guilty

    When I play the game, it’s funny how things work out. If the Marshal wins, the bandit who has the least money ends up winning too. It’s as if their guilty conscience brings them some luck. It gets even more interesting if there are multiple bandits tied for being the poorest. In that case, only the Marshal gets to claim victory.

    A Fatal Plunge

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If you hit a person on the roof, you can decide to push that person off the train instead of moving them to a nearby car; just remove them from the train and don’t deal with any of their remaining Action cards. If the Marshal or a bandit gets pushed off the train, they can’t win the game.

    If Django shoots someone on the roof of the locomotive or caboose, he can choose to knock them off the train instead of moving them to a nearby car.

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Crime Doesn’t Pay!

    Listen up, folks! I’ve got an important message for you. You see, there’s a little something you need to know about being a bandit in this game. Pay close attention because this information might just save you from a lot of trouble.

    Events That Aren’t What They Seem

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Unleash Your Fury with the Angry Marshal Expansion

    Hey there! If you’re a fan of the game and looking to spice things up, then the Angry Marshal expansion is just what you need! Get ready to amp up the action, because this expansion replaces the standard effect of the Angry Marshal event with something way more exciting.

    So, here’s the deal: when you play with the Angry Marshal expansion, things get intense. At the end of each round, you get to unleash your fury! You can resolve not one, but TWO actions: a Shoot action followed by a Move action. And the best part? You don’t even need to play any cards to make it happen.

    Imagine the possibilities! You can strategically position yourself, take down your opponents with a lethal shot, and then swiftly navigate the terrain to gain the upper hand. It’s a powerful combination that puts you in control and gives you an edge over your rivals.

    But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. You’ll need to think on your feet and make rapid decisions to make the most out of this unique ability. Do you go for a surprise attack, or do you secure a strategic position first? The choice is yours.

    So, if you’re ready to take your game to the next level and add an exciting twist to your Wild West adventures, the Angry Marshal expansion is a must-have. Unleash your fury, outsmart your foes, and show them who’s the sheriff in town!

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Marshal’s Revenge

    Something big is brewing in town. The Marshal’s Revenge is an event that’s got everyone on high alert. It’s got a way of shaking things up, especially for those bandits who think they can get away with mischief.

    Imagine this – you’re cruising along the streets, minding your own business, when all of a sudden, the Marshal’s car roars into action. Swift and determined, he’s on a mission to bring justice to the bad guys.

    Inside that car, troublemakers better take heed. The Marshal is armed and ready, ready to handle any situation that comes his way. Whether it’s bandits hiding inside or trying to make a getaway on the roof, he’s got it covered.

    The Marshal’s Revenge may sound like a game, but believe me, it’s no joke. It’s a wild ride that can leave anyone in awe. So, don’t think you can mess with the law and get away with it. The Marshal is here to show you the true meaning of justice in action.

    A Shot Of Whiskey For The Marshal

    Picture this – you’re in a dusty saloon, surrounded by the scent of whiskey and the sound of laughter. It’s a scene straight out of the Wild West. And in the midst of it all, there’s the Marshal, a man of respect and authority.

    But the Marshal has had a long day of chasing down bandits and dealing with troublemakers. He needs a break, a moment of relaxation. And what better way to unwind than with a shot of whiskey?

    Whiskey has a way of soothing the soul, of washing away the worries of the day. It’s a drink that brings comfort and warmth, allowing the Marshal to forget about the dangers he faces and just be in the moment.

    So, if you want to show your support for the Marshal, buying him a shot of whiskey is a gesture that won’t go unnoticed. It’s a sign of appreciation for his hard work and dedication to keeping the town safe.

    Next time you find yourself in that old saloon, think about the Marshal and all he does for the community. And raise a glass, not just to him, but to the spirit of justice and honor that he represents.

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Let’s talk about playing with whiskey from Horses & Stagecoach. Here’s what happens:

    So, if there’s a whiskey flask in the Marshal’s space, guess what? He takes it and puts it on his character’s sheet. Cool, right? Now, the Marshal can use it just like a bandit would. How awesome is that?

    But wait, there’s more! If the Marshal drinks an old whiskey flask, something interesting happens. He can only play a maximum of 2 Action cards that turn. So, even if he has those super cool Move + or Change Floor + cards, he can’t play more than 2 of them. Why, you ask? Well, the whiskey really takes it out of him, so he needs to pace himself. Oh, and keep this in mind: if the Marshal gets punched, sorry, but he can’t drop his flask. It’s like his prized possession.

    Oh, and let’s talk about some optional rules for choosing event cards. Check it out:

    When the game begins, everyone gets to choose their cards. Each player picks 7 Round cards and 3 Train Station cards. It’s important to choose the right number based on how many people are playing. Then, you draw 4 Round cards and 1 Train Station card from the ones you chose to create the Round deck. It’s like building your own special deck just for the game.

    Oh, and did I mention Mei: A New Bandit?

    How to play Colt Express Marshal Prisoners Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! I’m Mei, and I’m pretty good at acrobatics and climbing. I can do some pretty cool moves!

    When you play a Change Floor card, you have the awesome ability to move diagonally to the other floor of a nearby car. How cool is that?

    But there’s one thing you need to remember: when I leave my current spot, I can’t just jump to the roof of the adjacent car. Nope, not allowed.

    If you’re playing with me, but without the Marshal & Prisoners expansion, there’s a small change: I can’t move to the roof of an adjacent car when escaping from the Marshal. However, you can still use me in the base game with 7 bandits, and the rules remain the same.

    Now, if you’re using the Horses & Stagecoach expansion, there’s another thing you should know. You can’t move diagonally to or from the stagecoach. Gotta follow the rules, you know?

    Mixing The Expansions

    So, listen up! If you want to combine the Marshal & Prisoners expansion with the Horses & Stagecoach expansion, go ahead. But we recommend doing it only if everyone knows Colt Express really well. The choice is yours!

    The Marshal and Ride Card

    When the game begins, the Marshal is always in the locomotive, unlike the bandits. If you are the Marshal, you have a special ability – you can use your Ride card to move around using horses.

    The Marshal and Stagecoach

    If you are the Marshal, you can choose to move either inside or on top of the stagecoach. The good news is that you don’t take a hostage when you enter the stagecoach.

    The Marshal and Shotgun

    Here’s an interesting fact: the Marshal cannot be affected by the Shotgun. However, the Shotgun does pose a challenge to the Marshal because it blocks their line of sight. Even though the Marshal can be in the same space as the Shotgun, capturing him is out of the question.

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