How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Caylus 1303 Game Rules


Are you ready to embark on a medieval journey like no other? In the game of Caylus 1303, you’ll find yourself transported back in time to the 13th century, where the Kingdom of France is flourishing. As a master builder, it’s up to you to construct the grandest buildings, gather resources, and amass wealth and power. But be prepared for challenges and competition along the way!


Your ultimate goal in Caylus 1303 is to earn the most prestige points by constructing buildings and attracting influential characters to your side. These points will be gained through a variety of actions, including collecting resources, building walls, and participating in the construction of the King’s castle. The player with the most prestige points at the end of the game will be declared the winner.


Caylus 1303 is a turn-based game that progresses through a series of rounds. At the beginning of each round, players will take turns placing their workers on various action spaces on the game board. These actions will allow you to gather resources, trade goods, construct buildings, and influence characters.

Each action space can only accommodate one worker per turn, so strategic placement is crucial. You’ll need to carefully consider the benefits each action provides and balance your choices accordingly. Do you focus on gathering resources for future building projects? Or do you prioritize attracting influential characters to your side?

Constructing Buildings

Building construction is a key component of Caylus 1303. By constructing buildings, you’ll unlock additional actions, earn prestige points, and gain valuable resources and bonuses. Each building has its own requirements and benefits, so choose wisely and plan ahead for future constructions.

End of the Game

The game will end after a predetermined number of rounds. At this point, players will tally up their prestige points and determine the winner. Points are earned through various actions and building constructions throughout the game. The player with the highest total will emerge victorious!


Now that you understand the basic rules of Caylus 1303, it’s time to gather your friends and dive into the medieval world of strategic gameplay. Will you rise to the challenge and become the master builder of the century? The only way to find out is to play and see!

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 1 Game Board
  • 90 Resources
  • 34 Building tiles:
  • 12 Character tiles
  • 75 Workers
  • 50 Houses
  • 1 Provost
  • 1 Round Marker token
  • 1 First Player tile
  • 120 Prestige Point tokens (PP)
  • Rulebook

Limited Quantities

There is a limited supply of players’ Houses and Workers. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Once a player runs out of Houses in their color, they cannot build any more;
  • If you have more than 15 Workers, any additional ones are lost.

Resources and Prestige Points are unlimited.

Let’s Get Started!

Hey there! Let’s dive into the exciting world of Caylus, a game where you get to build a city and contribute to the construction of the magnificent Castle of Caylus. Get ready for 9 thrilling rounds as we compete to earn the most Prestige Points and claim victory!

Getting Started

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Let’s get this game started. You’ll need to set up the game board first. Just place it in the center of the table.

Now, grab the 9 starting Buildings and give them a good shuffle. Once they’re mixed up, go ahead and randomly place them on the board using the following guidelines:

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • 1 Building should be set up with the face-up side on the first space of the Construction Site 1;
  • The remaining 8 Buildings should be set up with the face-up side on the spaces on the Road 2

Take the 9 Wood Buildings, shuffle them, and then place them randomly:

You might be wondering how to start building your own city. Well, I can help you with that. Let’s go through the steps together, shall we? First, I want you to find the Construction Site 1. Once you do, you need to place one Building on the first space there, with the side facing up. Easy, right?

Now, we have 8 more Buildings to set up. We’re going to do this on the spaces of Road 2. Take each Building and place it face-up on one of the spaces. It doesn’t matter which one, as long as they’re all on Road 2. Got it?

Oh, and before I forget, let me tell you something about these Wood Buildings. They’re pretty special. So, mix them up, shuffle them around. After they’re all nicely shuffled, go ahead and place them randomly. There’s no particular order, just let the fate decide where they should go.

Great job so far! You’ve set up your buildings and placed them in their designated spaces. Now you’re ready to start creating your own thriving city. Enjoy the process and let your imagination run wild!

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • First, I want to tell you about the buildings. To set up the game, I need to place 1 building, with the setup side facing up, on the second space of the Construction Site 3. Then, I’ll place another building, also with the setup side facing up, on the space on the Road 4. Finally, I’ll take the remaining 7 buildings and place them, with the construction side facing up, next to the board. And that’s it for the setup!

Note: If you’re unfamiliar with the game, here are the rules for setting it up. Let’s get started:

  • Take 1 building and place it on the second space of the Construction Site 3. Make sure the setup side of the building is facing up.
  • Next, take another building and place it on the space on the Road 4. Again, make sure the setup side is facing up.
  • Now, take the remaining 7 buildings and place them next to the board. Make sure the construction side of the buildings is facing up.

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! I want to share an important tip about the Stonemason Building in the game. You see, you can never put the Stonemason Building on the Road when you start the game. If, by some weird chance, that happens, just draw another Building tile. Simple as that!

Now, let’s talk about setting up the game board. Take the 9 Stone Buildings and give them a good shuffle. Once they’re all mixed up, it’s time to place them on the board randomly. Don’t worry about the order, just let fate decide where each Stone Building belongs.

That’s it! With these little tips, you’ll be ready to start your game with the Stonemason Building and make sure everything is in its rightful place. Have fun playing!

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to setting up the game, there are a few key steps to follow. First, I’ll place one Building with the Setup side faceup on the third space of the Construction Site. Then, I’ll take another Building with the Setup side faceup and place it on the space on the Road. Lastly, I’ll put the remaining seven Buildings with the Construction side faceup next to the board.

Once the Buildings are set up, it’s time to place the seven Monuments next to the board.

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Before we get started, there are a few things we need to take care of:

First, let’s place the Provost just before the space on the Road 7.

Next, we’ll put the Round Marker token on space 1 8.

Now, let’s set up the Resources and the Prestige Points (faceup) near the board to form the supply. That’s space 9.

Now it’s time to choose our colors. Each of us will pick a color and take the corresponding Houses. We’ll place one of them under the Guilds Bridge, which is space 10. We’ll also take some Workers in our color. The number of Workers we get depends on how many of us there are:

  • If there are 2 or 5 players, we each get 10 Workers.
  • If there are 3 or 4 players, we each get 6 Workers.

The remaining workers should be placed on the Camp, which is space 11.

To determine who goes first, let’s choose a player at random. That player will receive the First Player tile. Now, let’s shuffle the Character tiles and draw as many as there are players plus 3. Any remaining Character tiles can be put back in the game box, since we won’t be using them.

Let’s get started with the game! I’ll explain the rules to you, step by step.

First, we need to choose our character tiles. We’ll start with the last player and go in a counter-clockwise direction. Each player will choose one character tile and place it faceup in front of them. The remaining three character tiles will be placed on the board, with 12 spaces available.

Next, each player will take two building tiles. You’ll get one of each: #image.jpg, #image.jpg, and #image.jpg.

Important: During the game, it’s essential that everyone can see the workers and resources of all players. However, keep the prestige points you gain facedown.

Now, let’s talk about how the game is played.

The game consists of 9 rounds, and each round has four phases:

  1. Planning: This is when players place their workers.
  2. Activation: The workers that have been placed are activated.

I want to talk about the important aspects of a game called “The Castle”. This game has a few key elements that you should know about. First, there’s the delivery phase. In this phase, players work together to build the castle. It’s a team effort, and everyone has to do their part.

Next, there’s the stewardship phase. During this phase, players focus on building monuments and earning new workers. It’s all about managing resources and making the most of what you have.

Now, let’s talk about the first phase of the game – planning. Each player takes turns, starting with the first player and moving clockwise. On your turn, you can choose to do one of three actions.

The first option is to place one worker on a building. This allows you to contribute to the construction of the castle and help your team.

The second option is to activate a character’s ability. Each character in the game has a special ability that can be used to your advantage. It’s important to think strategically and use these abilities wisely.

Finally, you can choose to pass your turn. This means you don’t take any actions during your turn, but you also don’t gain any penalties. It can be a good option if you’re not sure what to do or if you want to wait for a better opportunity.

In conclusion, “The Castle” is a game that requires teamwork, resource management, and strategic thinking. By understanding the different phases and actions, you can make the most out of your gameplay and have a great time. So, why not give it a try and see if you love it as much as I do?

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m going to explain how the game works and what you need to do. You’ll place your worker on a building along the road. But there are some important rules you need to follow when choosing where to put your worker. You can’t put your worker on a building that’s already occupied by another worker. You also can’t put your worker on a monument or a residence. And you can’t put your worker on one of the three buildings that were placed on the construction site during setup. Finally, you can’t put your worker on a spot on the road where no building has been constructed yet.

When you place your worker on a building that was constructed by another player, they immediately gain one prestige point. But if you place your worker on one of your own buildings, you won’t gain any prestige points.

That’s the basic idea. Now let’s talk about what happens when you place your worker on the construction site.

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you’re playing the game, you’ll start by putting one of your Workers on the first empty space of the Construction Site. Be sure to go from left to right. The Construction Site can fit multiple Workers, but only one from each player.

What happens when you pass:

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

If you want to pass or have no more Workers left to place, you can place your House on the first open space of the Guilds Bridge, starting from the left. When you pass, your turn is over and you can’t place any more Workers. The first player to pass gets the First Player tile and will be the First Player in the next round. In the meantime, whenever another player places a Worker, they have to return one more Worker to the Camp.

This Phase ends when all players have passed their turn.

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: It’s Blue’s turn, and they decide to skip their turn. So, they place their House on the Guilds Bridge’s first empty spot.

Since Blue is the first player to pass, they earn the First Player tile. That means Black, Green, and Red will have to use an extra Worker every time they want to place one.

Black also chooses to skip their turn. Green, on the other hand, places one Worker on the board (but has to return one to the Camp due to the additional cost), and Red follows suit by passing as well.

It’s now Green’s turn to take action. They place one last Worker and return one to the Camp to cover the added cost. Then, they also decide to skip their turn. The order on the Guilds Bridge is now: Blue, Black, Red, and Green.

Phase 2 – Activation

When it comes to activating buildings in the game, the process is quite straightforward. Starting from the City Gate in the lower left corner, you follow the road all the way up to the Provost. Each building along the way is activated one by one. If you have a worker on an activated building, you can use its effect once before returning the worker to the camp.

Remember: Don’t return a worker that you placed on the board in front of you. Keep those workers where they are!

The Buildings and Their Effects


How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMessTo gain an immediate advantage, you can spend 1 #image.jpgat the Fairground and receive 1 Favor.


How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMessWhen I want to transform a regular Building into a Residence in Caylus 1303, I can spend 1 #image.jpg and place one of my Houses on top of a Building on the Road that has a yellow flag. This will happen during Phase 4 of the game round, known as the Stewardship Phase. How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess


How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMessAs a Carpenter, I have the ability to select a Wood Building from the supply. By spending the specified Resources shown on the upper left side of the tile, I can construct this Building and place it (with the Construction side faceup) on the next available spot on the Road. To mark my ownership, I will put one of my Houses on top of the newly constructed Building. Additionally, I will immediately earn the Prestige Points indicated on the upper right side of the tile. It’s important to note that I cannot perform this action if there are no empty spaces left on the Road. How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMessIf the construction cost shows this symbol, I have the option to spend either 1 #image.jpg, 1 #image.jpg, 1 #image.jpg, or 1 #image.jpg.

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Here’s an example: I’m Red, and I have 1 Worker on the Carpenter. My goal is to build a Quarry. So, I spend 1 stone and 1 wood, placing the tile on the Road’s first empty space. Then, I proudly put 1 House above it to show that the Quarry belongs to me, and I instantly earn 2 Prestige Points.

Moving the Provost – d) and e)

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

I’m wandering along the Road, passing by Buildings and open areas. Every step I take is just one move ahead. I always stay on the Road and never venture onto an empty space or a Building. But there’s a limit to how far back I can go – I can’t move beyond the Guilds Bridge. If I reach the end of the Road, I can be transported to the spaces with this special symbol:


How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When playing the game, you have the ability to move the Provost. You can choose to move the Provost either forward or backward by 0, 1, or 2 steps. Keep in mind that the Provost can only move in a straight line on the Guilds Bridge. This means that diagonal or sideways movement is not allowed. The Provost’s movement is an important aspect of the game and can have a significant impact on your strategy. It’s crucial to consider your options and think strategically when deciding how to move the Provost. This adds a layer of complexity and decision-making to the game, making it more engaging and exciting. So, next time you’re playing, don’t forget to carefully consider your Provost’s movement!

Understanding the Guilds Bridge

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it’s time to activate the Guilds Bridge, you and the other players have the opportunity to move the Provost. Each player takes turns, following the order of the Houses on the Guilds Bridge. You can move the Provost forward or backward, anywhere from 1 to 3 steps. And for each step you take, you’ll have to return 1 Worker to the Camp. During this activation, it’s actually a great idea to chat and negotiate with the other players. It’s important to note that no swaps are allowed, so you can proceed however you like, regardless of the discussions or negotiations. Just remember, the decision order is determined by the Houses on the Guilds Bridge.

Starting Buildings

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Wood and Stone Buildings

Buildings After the Provost

These types of buildings don’t activate automatically. If you place your workers there, they will be sent back to the camp without being able to do anything else. Remember, if you place workers on these buildings, they won’t be able to do any actions and will be returned to the camp instead.

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

For example: Let’s say that Red takes 1 #image.jpg and Yellow takes 2 #image.jpg. In this case, the red and green workers placed after the provost won’t be able to activate their buildings and will just be sent back to the camp.

Phase 3 – Delivery at the Construction Site

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I’m playing the game, there’s this Phase that really matters, but it’s only for players who have put a Worker on the Construction Site. And if that’s you, then listen up! This is how it works: when it’s your turn, you get to decide how many bundles you want to deliver. A bundle is a special combination of 3 different Resources, and at least one of those has to be the Resource called ^y. Oh, and here’s the best part – you earn a whopping 5 Prestige Points for each bundle you deliver at the Construction Site! Pretty cool, huh?

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

After everyone has given their bundles, I’m the one who wins extra points if I delivered the most. It’s like a reward for my hard work. But if two or more of us have the same number of bundles, then the person who put their Worker down first wins the reward. It’s a little bit tricky, but it adds an extra challenge to the game!

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: So, Red and Green both put a Worker on the Construction Site. Red chose space 1 and delivered a bundle, which gave them 5 Prestige Points. Green, on the other hand, delivered 2 bundles and gained 10 Prestige Points.

In that round, Green was the one who delivered the most bundles at the Construction Site, so they earned 1 Favor.

If Green had only delivered 1 bundle instead of 2, Red, who placed their Worker first, would have won the Favor.


When you gain a Favor, you have two choices:

  • Take a Character from another player.
  • Benefit from the effect of one of the 3 Buildings on the Construction Site during setup. Then, if there are still Characters left on the board, you can take one and place it faceup in front of you.

Let’s talk about how the building effects work in the different rounds of the game. There are three rounds, each with different rules for activating the building effects.

In rounds 1 through 3, you can only use the effect of the first Building.

In rounds 4 through 6, you have a choice between the effects of the first and second Buildings.

And finally, in rounds 7 through 9, you can choose from the effects of all three Buildings.

Now let’s move on to phase 4 – Stewardship.

During this phase, players need to follow a specific order of actions:

  1. How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMessResidences: Flip all starting Buildings (marked with a yellow flag) that have a House above them to their Residence side (marked with a green flag).
  2. How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMessBuilding Monuments: Starting from the Guilds Bridge and going along the Road, I can trade in my green flag houses for blue flag Monuments. If I choose to do this, I have to pay the cost of the Monument I want to build (shown on the top left of the tile). Then, I place the tile on top of my old house. I also get the Prestige Points shown on the tile. I can even replace multiple houses with Monuments in the same round.

How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Note: When you construct the Theater, you’ll immediately gain 1 Favor in addition to the 12 Prestige Points.

  • How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMessRecruitment: You’ll start the game by taking 3 Workers from the Camp (or 2 Workers in a 5-player game) +:
    • 1 Worker for each How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMessResidence you own;
    • 2 Workers if you construct the Garden, 1 #image.jpgif you construct the Granary, 1 #image.jpgif you construct the Factory.

    How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Have you ever stopped to think about the power of words? It’s incredible how a simple arrangement of letters can make us feel a certain way or convince us of something. Words are like magic spells – they have the ability to captivate, inspire, and transform. But with great power comes great responsibility. We must be mindful of the words we use and the impact they have on others.

    Words can build bridges or tear them down. They can bring people together or drive them apart. They can uplift and encourage, or they can hurt and discourage. The choice is ours. We have the power to create a positive atmosphere with our words or to perpetuate negativity.

    Think about a time when someone said something kind to you. How did it make you feel? Remember that feeling, and be mindful of the power your words have to make someone’s day a little brighter. A simple compliment or word of encouragement can go a long way.

    On the other hand, think about a time when someone said something hurtful. How did it make you feel? Words have the power to cut deeply, to leave lasting wounds that may never fully heal. It’s important to remember this when we find ourselves tempted to speak unkindly.

    So, the next time you’re about to say something, stop and think. Ask yourself, “Will my words bring joy or pain? Will they build up or tear down?” Choose your words wisely, for they have the power to shape the world around you.

    How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When the round is finished, I place the Provost between the Quarry and the Stonemason. It’s a simple but crucial decision that requires careful consideration.

    How to play Caylus 1303 Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    At the end of each round in the game, the Provost is positioned between the Sawmill and the Gold Mine. Similarly, in another round, the Provost is placed between the Gold Mine and the Alchemist. When the game is over, the final positions of the Provost are determined based on these rules.

    Hey there! So, here’s the deal. The game I’m talking about here lasts a total of nine rounds. And get this, it’s all about Prestige Points. At the end of the game, each player reveals how many Prestige Points they still have. For every point they have left, they get 2 Prestige Points added to their score. Pretty cool, huh? And here’s the best part – the player with the most Prestige Points is the winner! But hey, if there happens to be a tie, then those players share the victory. How awesome is that?!

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