How to play Candy Land Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Welcome to the Candy Land Game!

Do you love candy? Are you ready for an adventure through a land made entirely of sweets and treats? Well, you’re in luck! I’m here to guide you through the wonderful world of Candy Land. Let’s dive right in and learn how to play this deliciously fun game.


The first thing you need to do is set up the game. Lay out the game board in the center of your playing area. Each player should choose a gingerbread character and place it on the starting space. The deck of cards should be shuffled and placed face-down, within reach of all players.


Now, it’s time to start playing! The youngest player goes first, and then players take turns moving clockwise. On your turn, you’ll draw a card from the deck and move your gingerbread character according to the color of the card.

Some cards have colors that match the spaces on the board. For example, if you draw a blue card, you’ll move to the next blue space. Pink cards move you to the next pink space, and so on. Other cards have special instructions, such as “Take another turn” or “Go back one space”. Follow the instructions on the card whenever you draw one.

The goal of the game is to reach the Candy Castle, located at the end of the rainbow path. The first player to reach the Candy Castle wins the game!

Special Spaces

As you make your way through Candy Land, you’ll notice some special spaces on the board. These spaces have special effects that can help or hinder your progress.

If you land on a Candy Cane Forest space, you’ll get to skip ahead to the next space of the same color. This can give you a big boost and help you catch up to the other players.

On the other hand, if you land on a Licorice space, you’ll have to skip a turn. Licorice can be sticky and slow you down, so be careful!


Now that you know the rules, it’s time to gather your family and friends and start playing Candy Land. Get ready for a sweet and exciting adventure in a world of candy and fun. Good luck, and may the best gingerbread character win!

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Have you ever played Candy Land? It’s a super fun game that was designed with little kids in mind. The best part is, you don’t even need to know how to read to play! The game is filled with vibrant colors and beautiful pictures that will capture your attention from the moment you start playing.

But here’s the cool thing – Candy Land isn’t just for little kids. Even older children can enjoy it! The game has some exciting features that will keep you engaged and wanting to play more.

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess


This game includes the following:

  • 1 Colorful Gameboard
  • 4 Gingerbread Character Pawns
  • 64 Cards
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

The goal of the game is to advance along the path of colored spaces in “Candy Land.” Players move based on the colors of the squares or the picture cards they draw.

The objective is to be the first player to reach the Candy Castle by landing on the multi-colored rainbow space at the end of the path.


Prepare the game by following these steps:

1. Open the gameboard and place it on a flat surface.

2. Shuffle the cards thoroughly and place them face down in a pile where all players can easily reach them.

3. Each player selects a Gingerbread Character pawn and places it on the START space on the gameboard.

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s Play!

Alright, it’s time to have some fun! I’ll explain the rules of the game so we can get started. I’ll go first, and then it will be your turn. Ready?

First, we need to understand how the game is played. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Draw a card from the deck. This is your move.
  2. Move your Gingerbread Character pawn based on the card you drew.
  3. Now it’s the next player’s turn, and play continues to the left.
  4. Place the card you used in the discard pile.

That’s it! You draw a card, move your pawn, pass the turn, and discard the card. Simple, right? Now it’s time to start playing!

The Magical Cards

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let me tell you how to play this awesome game called “Candy Land”! It’s super fun and easy to understand.

So, here’s the deal. When you pull a card, it will have one or two different color blocks on it. Just look at the card and move your pawn forward to the matching color space on the path that leads to the Candy Castle.

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I draw a Picture card, I can move my pawn either forward or backward on the path towards the pink picture space on the board. This space should match the PINK picture square on my card.

For example, let’s say I draw a candy cane/mr. mint card. In this case, I’ll move my pawn to the pink space on the board that shows the candy cane.


  1. Remember to always move in the direction of the signposts, unless the Picture card specifically tells me to move backwards on the path.
  2. It’s also important to note that two or more Gingerbread Character pawns can occupy the same space at the same time.

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! I wanted to talk to you about a fun game I discovered recently. It’s called “Licorice Spaces”, and I think you’ll love it!

Two Paths to Choose From

When you play this game, you have two options to take – the Rainbow Trail or the Gumdrop Pass. These are like shortcuts that can help you reach your goal faster.

Special Rule for Younger Players

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to playing the game of Candy Land, there are a few important things to keep in mind. Picture cards in this game only move you forward; they will never send you back. So if you happen to draw a Picture card that would move you in the wrong direction, you’ll need to toss it aside and draw a new card to continue on your journey.

Here’s a special rule for older players:

If you’re feeling up for a more challenging version of the game, you can try this optional rule. Instead of drawing just one card on your turn, you’ll draw two cards. Take a look at both cards and decide which one you want to play. Move your Gingerbread Character pawn accordingly, and then discard both cards.

A little hint: This special rule is great for helping children learn how to make decisions, and it also helps speed up the gameplay.

So, how do you win the game?

The goal is to be the first person to reach the multi-colored rainbow space. Once you land on the space and reach the Candy Castle, you’ve officially won the game!

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Welcome to the Candy Land Game!

Do you love candy? Are you ready for an adventure through a land made entirely of sweets and treats? Well, you’re in luck! I’m here to guide you through the wonderful world of Candy Land. Let’s dive right in and learn how to play this deliciously fun game.


The first thing you need to do is set up the game. Lay out the game board in the center of your playing area. Each player should choose a gingerbread character and place it on the starting space. The deck of cards should be shuffled and placed face-down, within reach of all players.


Now, it’s time to start playing! The youngest player goes first, and then players take turns moving clockwise. On your turn, you’ll draw a card from the deck and move your gingerbread character according to the color of the card.

Some cards have colors that match the spaces on the board. For example, if you draw a blue card, you’ll move to the next blue space. Pink cards move you to the next pink space, and so on. Other cards have special instructions, such as “Take another turn” or “Go back one space”. Follow the instructions on the card whenever you draw one.

The goal of the game is to reach the Candy Castle, located at the end of the rainbow path. The first player to reach the Candy Castle wins the game!

Special Spaces

As you make your way through Candy Land, you’ll notice some special spaces on the board. These spaces have special effects that can help or hinder your progress.

If you land on a Candy Cane Forest space, you’ll get to skip ahead to the next space of the same color. This can give you a big boost and help you catch up to the other players.

On the other hand, if you land on a Licorice space, you’ll have to skip a turn. Licorice can be sticky and slow you down, so be careful!


Now that you know the rules, it’s time to gather your family and friends and start playing Candy Land. Get ready for a sweet and exciting adventure in a world of candy and fun. Good luck, and may the best gingerbread character win!

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! Have you ever played Candy Land? It’s a super fun game that was designed with little kids in mind. The best part is, you don’t even need to know how to read to play! The game is filled with vibrant colors and beautiful pictures that will capture your attention from the moment you start playing.

But here’s the cool thing – Candy Land isn’t just for little kids. Even older children can enjoy it! The game has some exciting features that will keep you engaged and wanting to play more.

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess


This game includes the following:

  • 1 Colorful Gameboard
  • 4 Gingerbread Character Pawns
  • 64 Cards
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

The goal of the game is to advance along the path of colored spaces in “Candy Land.” Players move based on the colors of the squares or the picture cards they draw.

The objective is to be the first player to reach the Candy Castle by landing on the multi-colored rainbow space at the end of the path.


Prepare the game by following these steps:

1. Open the gameboard and place it on a flat surface.

2. Shuffle the cards thoroughly and place them face down in a pile where all players can easily reach them.

3. Each player selects a Gingerbread Character pawn and places it on the START space on the gameboard.

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let’s Play!

Alright, it’s time to have some fun! I’ll explain the rules of the game so we can get started. I’ll go first, and then it will be your turn. Ready?

First, we need to understand how the game is played. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Draw a card from the deck. This is your move.
  2. Move your Gingerbread Character pawn based on the card you drew.
  3. Now it’s the next player’s turn, and play continues to the left.
  4. Place the card you used in the discard pile.

That’s it! You draw a card, move your pawn, pass the turn, and discard the card. Simple, right? Now it’s time to start playing!

The Magical Cards

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Let me tell you how to play this awesome game called “Candy Land”! It’s super fun and easy to understand.

So, here’s the deal. When you pull a card, it will have one or two different color blocks on it. Just look at the card and move your pawn forward to the matching color space on the path that leads to the Candy Castle.

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When I draw a Picture card, I can move my pawn either forward or backward on the path towards the pink picture space on the board. This space should match the PINK picture square on my card.

For example, let’s say I draw a candy cane/mr. mint card. In this case, I’ll move my pawn to the pink space on the board that shows the candy cane.


  1. Remember to always move in the direction of the signposts, unless the Picture card specifically tells me to move backwards on the path.
  2. It’s also important to note that two or more Gingerbread Character pawns can occupy the same space at the same time.

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Hey there! I wanted to talk to you about a fun game I discovered recently. It’s called “Licorice Spaces”, and I think you’ll love it!

Two Paths to Choose From

When you play this game, you have two options to take – the Rainbow Trail or the Gumdrop Pass. These are like shortcuts that can help you reach your goal faster.

Special Rule for Younger Players

How to play Candy Land Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When it comes to playing the game of Candy Land, there are a few important things to keep in mind. Picture cards in this game only move you forward; they will never send you back. So if you happen to draw a Picture card that would move you in the wrong direction, you’ll need to toss it aside and draw a new card to continue on your journey.

Here’s a special rule for older players:

If you’re feeling up for a more challenging version of the game, you can try this optional rule. Instead of drawing just one card on your turn, you’ll draw two cards. Take a look at both cards and decide which one you want to play. Move your Gingerbread Character pawn accordingly, and then discard both cards.

A little hint: This special rule is great for helping children learn how to make decisions, and it also helps speed up the gameplay.

So, how do you win the game?

The goal is to be the first person to reach the multi-colored rainbow space. Once you land on the space and reach the Candy Castle, you’ve officially won the game!

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