How to play Bad Bones Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

How to Play Bad Bones: A Simple Guide

So, you want to know how to play Bad Bones? You’ve come to the right place! I’ll walk you through the game rules in this guide. Bad Bones is a fun and exciting game, but it can be a bit tricky to understand at first. Don’t worry, though – I’m here to help!

The objective of Bad Bones is to protect your castle from the invading skeletons. You will have a set of cards representing different actions that you can take to defend your castle. It’s like a battle between your knights and the skeletons!

Setting Up the Game

Before we get into the gameplay, let’s talk about how to set up the game. First, you need to lay out the game board in the center of the playing area. This is where you will place your castle, the enemy castle, and any additional components that come with the game.

Next, each player will get their own castle card. Place the castle card in front of you, facing upwards. This is your castle, and it’s what you’re trying to protect from the skeletons. You’ll also get a set of action cards that you’ll use throughout the game. Shuffle these action cards and draw a starting hand of 4 cards.


Now that the game is set up, let’s dive into the gameplay. Bad Bones is played in turns, with each player taking their turn one after the other. On your turn, you can perform up to three actions. These actions include playing action cards, attacking skeletons, drawing cards, and repairing your castle.

To play an action card, simply choose a card from your hand and place it face up in front of you. Each action card has a specific effect that can help you in your battle against the skeletons. Some cards allow you to attack, some cards allow you to heal your castle, and others provide special abilities.

When you attack, you can target the skeletons that are threatening your castle. The skeletons are represented by cards on the game board. Choose a skeleton card and use your attack power to defeat it. Be careful, though – the skeletons will fight back!

If your castle gets damaged by the skeletons, you can use your actions to repair it. You don’t want your castle to crumble under the skeleton attacks, so make sure to keep it in good shape!

During the game, you’ll also have the opportunity to draw more cards. This allows you to replenish your hand and have more options for your next turn. Drawing cards is crucial for maintaining a strong defense against the skeletons.

Winning the Game

The game continues with each player taking turns until one player’s castle is reduced to zero health. The player whose castle is still standing at the end of the game is the winner! It’s a thrilling race to see who can defend their castle the best.

Now that you know the rules of Bad Bones, it’s time to gather your friends or family and start playing! It may take a couple of rounds to fully understand all the strategies, but once you do, you’ll be hooked. Get ready for an epic battle against the skeletons and protect your castle at all costs!

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine a tranquil land, where friendly neighbors live in harmony and peaceful cemeteries bring solace. It sounds like a utopia, doesn’t it?

But let me tell you, dear friend, that this idyllic world is a thing of the past. Today, a terrifying threat looms over the horizon, emerging from the very cemeteries that were once places of rest.

These skeletal invaders, mere scouts of a larger army, march through the forests, inching closer to your realm. And guess what? Your neighbors won’t come to your aid. In fact, they might even betray you. It’s a lonely battle, my friend.

So, what can you do? You must rely on your wits and cunning to fend off this relentless enemy. Build mighty walls, unleash the fury of dragons, wield powerful magic, and if necessary, sacrifice the treasures of your kingdom.

Yet, amidst all these defenses, there’s one thing that stands out above all – your hero. Your greatest weapon. With unwavering courage, they plunge into the heart of battle, defeating those mindless piles of bones that dare to defile your lands.

But alas, my friend, even your hero’s might won’t hold back the skeletal horde for long. Deep down, you know it. Your only hope lies in the collapse of another realm, diverting the attention of your aggressors. If they turn their eyes towards this new territory, perhaps, just perhaps, you might have a chance to survive.

It seems like something has changed in my neighborhood. The people I used to get along with have suddenly become my enemies. It’s a confusing and worrisome situation, but I realize that I need to take action if I want to stay safe. I must prepare for battle!

Getting Ready

To begin the game, you’ll need to set up the playing area by doing the following:

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In this game, I will give you everything you need to start playing. You will find a bag filled with 180 Skeleton tokens. These tokens are divided into 15 different models, with 12 skeletons of each model. Pay attention to the Skeletons that have an orange border, as they should be left in the box.

You will also receive a Play Aid board with a Tracking token on it. Make sure the white side is facing up.

Now, let’s talk about what each player will get:

  • A gameboard
  • A Cemetery tile
  • Five House tiles. When you put them together, they create the Village.
  • Six Trap tiles, including walls, catapults, a dragon, and a treasure. These are your supply of intact traps.
  • Four tower floors. When you stack them, they form your tower.
  • A Hero figurine that you will place on top of your tower.

I can help with that! Here’s my revised version of the text:

Hey there! Let me show you how to play Bad Bones. It’s a fun game, and I’m excited to explain the rules to you. Are you ready?

First, let’s talk about the skeletons. You’ll need four skeleton tokens for the game, each with a different symbol. We have a few symbols, like this How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess. You’ll draw these tokens from a bag. But wait, there’s also a special token, like this How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess. You’ll put this one back in the bag.

Now, take those four skeleton tokens you drew and place them in the forest area. Make sure they’re facing the right way, with the white side up. The point of the token should be aimed towards the middle of the board. Got it? Good!

That’s all for now. I hope you’re feeling excited to play Bad Bones. It’s going to be a blast! Have fun!

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: I noticed that all the points of the Skeleton tokens are correctly pointed into the spaces of the board. The green and purple skeletons are dutifully placed on their feet, from my perspective. However, the blue skeleton is mistakenly lying down, which is totally wrong! It should be placed vertically in the forest along the top of the board, so it’s standing up.

During the setup, it’s crucial not to draw the red skeleton. Keep that one aside.

Skeletons make their entrance

The orientation of the drawing only matters when placing the Skeleton tokens in the forest before they officially enter the game. Once they’re in play, their orientation will change depending on the traps they encounter. So, you can simply ignore the orientation from the original drawing.

Avoid the incorrect side!

When you play the game, make sure to use the gameboards and play aid that have been printed on both sides. It’s important to use the sides that are shown in the examples here. Later on, you’ll get to use the other side for the cooperative version of the game.

During a basic game, you should leave the components that you don’t need in the box.

Let’s Play

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Once you’ve set up the game, we can dive right into the action. Each game is split into several rounds, and each round consists of four distinct phases. Don’t worry, the play aid will remind you of these phases along the way.

Phase 1: Move your hero. This is your chance to strategically position your hero on the board.

Phase 2: Place or retrieve a trap. Decide whether to set up a trap for your opponents or retrieve a trap for future use.

Phase 3: Move the skeletons. Watch out for those pesky skeletons! Move them strategically to gain an advantage.

Phase 4: New skeletons arrive. Brace yourself, because fresh skeletons will join the game.

It’s important to note that even though these phases happen one after the other, everyone plays them simultaneously. So while you’re moving your hero, others are also making their moves. This adds an element of excitement and unpredictability to the game.

Keep in mind that if any player gets eliminated once all the skeletons have moved, the game ends right away. So be on your guard!

Now, let’s take a closer look at the first phase: Moving your hero.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s the deal. When I’m playing as the hero, I have to make sure that I move one space at a time. That means I can move up, down, left, right, or even diagonally, but I can’t stay where I am. Gotta keep moving!

Oh, and here’s the catch. I can’t leave the 25 spaces on the board. It’s like my little playground, and I have to stay within those boundaries. Makes sense, right?

Now, there’s this tower right in the middle of the board. And get this – I can actually move onto it! How cool is that? But let me tell you, when I land on a space with skeletons, it’s game over for them. I destroy them with my heroic powers, and they get sent back to where they came from, the bag!

One more thing. I can also move onto traps, but here’s the best part – I won’t trigger their effects. Those traps won’t catch me, no sir!

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

3. Put or Take Out a Trap

Hey there! Ready to outsmart those pesky skeletons? Well, I’ve got just the trick for you. You can strategize by placing traps on your game board to manipulate the movement or direction of those boney fiends.

Now, traps have a little secret. They have two sides – one shows a perfectly intact trap, waiting to be triggered, while the other reveals a damaged trap that has already been sprung by those mischievous skeletons in a previous round. So, keep an eagle eye on those traps!

Alright, during this part of the game, you’ve got a few options. You can:

  1. Put a trap in play.
  2. Take a trap back.
  3. Sit tight and do nothing.

Go on, give it a try! Let the trap placement game begin.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Note: The number on the top-right corner of the Trap tiles is not important in the basic game.

A. I place a trap

I choose a trap from my supply and put it on the board, with the intact side facing up. I can place it in any direction I want, but it has to go on a space that doesn’t already have a trap, my tower, or any skeletons. Traps can’t be placed in the forest or village.

If I want, I can even put a trap on the space where my hero is, as long as my hero isn’t on top of my tower.

Once I put down a trap, it stays there until it gets destroyed or I decide to take it back.

B. I take back a trap

I can bring a trap, whether it’s intact or damaged, back to my supply from the board.

If my hero is standing on top of a trap, I can still retrieve it.

When you retrieve a trap, it becomes intact again once you bring it back to your supply. So you can use it again later.

C. Don’t do anything

Are you sure? It’s up to you to decide.

3. Move the Skeletons

Now, it’s time to move all of the skeletons on your board. This part requires focus and precision. You get to decide the order in which you move your skeletons.

Each skeleton moves one space in the direction it’s pointing.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you move each skeleton, remember to flip it to its opposite side, either white or black. This way, you’ll know which ones you still need to move. If a skeleton started with the white side up, it should end with the black side up, and vice versa.

By the end of the phase, all the skeletons on everyone’s boards should be showing the same side. This helps us quickly spot if someone missed moving a skeleton.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Do you know what’s really useful when playing this game? The Tracking token! It’s a handy tool that helps me keep track of which side of the skeletons should be facing up when the phase ends. Just remember to flip it over at the start of the phase!

Have you noticed those arrows on your game board? They show the skeletons where they should go. Each arrow represents a temptation – either the tower or the village. But here’s the thing: the skeletons only feel that allure when they’re moving in that direction. It doesn’t affect the ones coming from other directions.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine this: You come across a skeleton wandering through a mysterious space. It stands at a crossroads, with arrows pointing in different directions. What should it do? Well, the skeleton has to turn in the direction that matches the arrow of its next move.

Here’s another scenario: The skeleton triggers a trap, but it keeps moving. It enters a space with reorientation arrows, but they don’t affect it. Why? Because the skeleton’s move doesn’t follow the direction of any of those arrows.

Here’s a helpful tip: If there are multiple skeletons on the same space, all going in the same direction, even if they have different symbols, it’s best to stack them. This way, you can see them more clearly.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: Wow, check out these 4 skeletons all headed in the same direction! They’re practically begging to be stacked up on top of each other.

Have you ever wondered…

. what happens if a skeleton leaves the safety of my game board and ventures into a dark, foreboding forest?

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, picture this – I’ve got a skeleton, right? And it’s hanging out in a forest. But here’s the thing: that skeleton decides to move, and when it does, it heads over to a neighboring player’s cemetery.

  • If the skeleton decides to make its exit through the left side of the forest, it goes straight to your neighbor’s cemetery on the left. Easy peasy.
  • If the skeleton opts for the right side instead, it heads straight to your neighbor’s cemetery on the right. Simple as that.
  • But if the skeleton decides to take the scenic route and leaves through the top forest, things get a bit more interesting. It can go to any opponent’s cemetery, totally up to you. And hey, if you’ve got multiple skeletons leaving through the top at the same time, you can send them off to different cemeteries if you want. Flexibility, you know?

And just to be clear, in a two-player game, any skeletons that leave your board – whether it’s through the left, right, or top – they all end up in your one opponent’s cemetery. Simple enough, right?

But what happens if a skeleton decides to leave my board through the bottom? Hm, good question.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, when one of those skeleton buddies decides to leave my board by going through the bottom, it’s like they’re on a vacation to the village. But here comes the mischief – the silly skeleton sets a house on fire! Doesn’t even care which one! Rude, right? Anyways, the house gets flipped over to show its destroyed side. And what happens to the skeleton? Well, it goes back into the bag, like a good little troublemaker.

Now, here’s the catch – every time a skeleton enters the village, it destroys one house. I know, pretty chaotic, huh?

But hold on, it gets even worse! If all of your houses are destroyed and the last one goes puff, that’s when things really hit the fan. The game ends right after the skeleton movement phase. So, better watch out and keep those houses safe!

What happens when a sneaky skeleton ends up in my tower?

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When a skeleton moves onto my hero (outside the tower), it doesn’t matter – the skeleton will still destroy a floor of the tower. This means that if a skeleton ends its move on the space with my tower, it will take away one of its floors. I have to remove that floor from the game and return the skeleton to the bag. It’s a double-edged sword because even if my hero is on my tower, they have no effect on the skeletons that enter it. Each skeleton will still destroy a floor of the tower.

Every time a skeleton enters my tower, it destroys one floor. If the last floor of my tower is destroyed, the game will end at the end of the skeleton movement phase. So it’s important for me to protect my tower by keeping an eye on the skeletons and preventing them from reaching it.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you encounter a trap in the game, and a skeleton steps on it, something interesting happens. Normally, the trap would trigger and cause damage, but not in this case. The skeleton is immediately destroyed by your hero, without setting off the trap or suffering any harm.

Furthermore, if your hero was guarding a treasure in that space, you don’t need to worry. The skeleton does not steal or disturb any of the treasure. It’s as if the skeleton never crossed paths with your hero.

What happens when a skeleton steps on a trap?

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When skeletons step on the trap, it affects all of them at once, even if they’re not in the same place.

Once all the skeletons have finished moving, there’s a reminder in the corner of the trap about what to do next:

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Uh-oh! Something has gone wrong with the trap. It’s all messed up! I guess it’s time to turn it over, so we can see what’s wrong.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Boom! The trap is no more. Say goodbye and send it back to the game box. It’s time to talk about traps and what they do.

The Lowdown on Traps


How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess


Ever wondered how a catapult works? Well, let me break it down for you.

A catapult is a clever contraption that uses stored energy to launch an object through the air. It’s like a slingshot on steroids! But instead of using a rubber band to propel the projectile, a catapult uses tension created by twisting ropes or bending wood. This stored energy is released in a sudden burst, launching the object forward with great force and speed.

The design of a catapult depends on the type you’re working with. The trebuchet, for example, is a classic and widely known form of catapult. It consists of a long wooden arm (called the throwing arm) attached to a pivot point, or fulcrum. A counterweight is suspended on the opposite side of the pivot, which creates the tension and potential energy needed for launch.

When you’re ready to fire the catapult, you release the arm, allowing the weight to quickly descend, pulling the throwing arm up. As the throwing arm reaches its apex, the stored energy is suddenly released, thrusting the object forward. It’s a magnificent display of physics in action!

Catapults have been around for centuries and were used as powerful weapons in medieval warfare. They were capable of launching various projectiles, such as rocks, arrows, or even fireballs, over long distances with remarkable accuracy and force.

But catapults aren’t just limited to warfare. They have also been used in more peaceful pursuits, like launching objects in engineering experiments or even as entertainment in competitions.

So the next time you see a catapult in action, whether it’s in a movie or at a historical reenactment, you’ll have a better understanding of the fascinating mechanics behind this ancient invention. It’s truly a remarkable tool that showcases the ingenuity and creativity of our ancestors.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive deep into the captivating world of catapults and discover the wonders of physics and engineering. You won’t be disappointed!

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess


I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of treasure. There’s something so thrilling about the thought of uncovering hidden riches, of stumbling upon a long-lost bounty. It’s the stuff of legends and adventure books, and it holds a certain allure that captures the imagination.

You see, treasure isn’t just about the material wealth it represents. It’s about the journey, the thrill of the chase. It’s about the anticipation and excitement of what might be waiting just around the next corner. It’s about the stories and history that are woven into its very fabric.

When I think of treasure, my mind is filled with images of ancient maps, buried chests, and secret passages. I imagine myself as a daring explorer, setting off on a quest to unearth something that has been hidden away for centuries. The world becomes a playground, full of possibilities and mysteries waiting to be solved.

But treasure isn’t always about gold and jewels. It can take many different forms – a handwritten letter from a loved one, a photograph that brings back cherished memories, a piece of art that speaks to your soul. These treasures may not have a monetary value, but they hold a priceless worth that can’t be measured.

In a way, we are all on a quest for treasure. We all have something that we hold dear, something that brings us joy and fulfillment. It could be a passion or a talent, a special relationship or a meaningful experience. These are the treasures that make life meaningful and worthwhile.

So, my advice to you is this: don’t be afraid to go on your own treasure hunt. Embrace the curiosity and wonder that comes with seeking out the things that bring you joy. Follow your passions and interests, explore new places and ideas, and never stop searching for those hidden gems that make life extraordinary.

Remember, treasure isn’t just about the destination. It’s about the journey and the discoveries along the way. So go out there and find your own treasure. Who knows what wonders await you?

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess


In the world of mythical creatures, one of the most fascinating and awe-inspiring creatures is the dragon. Known for its immense power and majestic presence, dragons have captured the imaginations of people for centuries. But what exactly makes these creatures so captivating?

Dragons are often depicted as large, reptilian beings with wings and the ability to breathe fire. They are known for their strength and ferocity, with many stories portraying them as fierce protectors or fearsome adversaries. The image of a dragon soaring through the skies, fire blazing from its mouth, is an iconic and mesmerizing sight.

But it’s not just their physical attributes that make dragons so intriguing. Dragons are also symbols of wisdom and knowledge. In many myths and legends, they are portrayed as creatures with immense wisdom, often acting as guides or mentors to heroes. Their ability to fly, coupled with their vast knowledge, gives them a sense of authority and power that is both captivating and inspiring.

Dragons also represent the balance between good and evil. They have been depicted as both benevolent beings and malevolent monsters, capable of immense destruction. This duality adds complexity to their character and makes them all the more fascinating. They serve as a reminder that power is a double-edged sword and must be wielded responsibly.

In addition to their symbolic meaning, dragons also hold a special place in popular culture. Their presence can be seen in various forms of media, including books, movies, and video games. From the iconic dragon Smaug in “The Hobbit” to the fierce and noble dragons of “Game of Thrones,” these creatures continue to captivate audiences and ignite our imagination.

So, what is it about dragons that makes them so captivating? It’s their combination of power, wisdom, and duality. From their physical attributes to their symbolic representations, dragons continue to capture our imaginations and leave us in awe. They remind us of the immense potential within ourselves and the importance of using our power wisely. Next time you encounter a dragon in a story or a piece of art, take a moment to appreciate the depth and complexity they represent.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So here’s the deal: when the skeletons come across the dragon, I get to move them to any empty spot around the dragon. They’re scared out of their wits, so I point them in the opposite direction of the dragon, like, “Get outta here!” And get this, if the dragon happens to be next to a forest, I can even make the skeletons run through the forest and into my opponents’ cemeteries. Hilarious, right?

Oh, and check this out!

Here’s the really cool part: during the trap phase, I can totally make the dragon “land” on a space where there are skeletons. It’s the only trap that works this way, but man, it’s a game-changer. If I do this trick, the dragon gets damaged, like, ouch, and the skeletons get thrown out from that space. Seriously, it’s epic!

But here’s the thing…

When the dragon pulls off this cool trick during the phase of setting traps or taking them back, if right after that, more skeletons appear in the same spot during the phase of skeleton movement, those skeletons also run away from the dragon. But because the dragon was used twice in a row, it dies and gets removed from the game.

4. Some New Skeletons Show Up

Take out three random skeletons from the bag and put them in your cemetery.

Then, put all the skeletons in your cemetery (not just the three you just took out, but also any that your opponents sent there) in your forests, just like you did when you set up the game:

  • Stand them up when you put them down.
  • Make sure they match the symbol.
  • Point them toward the center of your board.

When setting up the game, make sure to position your skeletons correctly on the Play Aid board. This means placing them with their white or black side facing up, so that all the skeletons on the table show the same color.

The skeletons that have recently arrived in the forest won’t be on spaces of your board yet. They will enter the game during the skeleton movement phase in the next round.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Game Over

When the game reaches its conclusion, and players have been eliminated by having their towers or villages completely destroyed, those who remain will count their points. Here’s how:

  • You earn 1 point for each star you can see on the traps in your supply, assuming they’re still intact.
  • You also earn 1 point for each star visible on the traps remaining on your board.
  • For every floor still standing in your tower, you get 4 points.
  • Each undamaged house in your village is worth 3 points.

It’s important to note that any destroyed elements, such as tower floors, traps removed from the game, or burnt houses, do not contribute to your point total.

The player with the most points emerges as the winner of the game.

In the event of a tie for first place, the player with the tallest tower among the tied players will be victorious. If there is still a tie after that, the victory is shared among the tied players.

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How to Play Bad Bones: A Simple Guide

So, you want to know how to play Bad Bones? You’ve come to the right place! I’ll walk you through the game rules in this guide. Bad Bones is a fun and exciting game, but it can be a bit tricky to understand at first. Don’t worry, though – I’m here to help!

The objective of Bad Bones is to protect your castle from the invading skeletons. You will have a set of cards representing different actions that you can take to defend your castle. It’s like a battle between your knights and the skeletons!

Setting Up the Game

Before we get into the gameplay, let’s talk about how to set up the game. First, you need to lay out the game board in the center of the playing area. This is where you will place your castle, the enemy castle, and any additional components that come with the game.

Next, each player will get their own castle card. Place the castle card in front of you, facing upwards. This is your castle, and it’s what you’re trying to protect from the skeletons. You’ll also get a set of action cards that you’ll use throughout the game. Shuffle these action cards and draw a starting hand of 4 cards.


Now that the game is set up, let’s dive into the gameplay. Bad Bones is played in turns, with each player taking their turn one after the other. On your turn, you can perform up to three actions. These actions include playing action cards, attacking skeletons, drawing cards, and repairing your castle.

To play an action card, simply choose a card from your hand and place it face up in front of you. Each action card has a specific effect that can help you in your battle against the skeletons. Some cards allow you to attack, some cards allow you to heal your castle, and others provide special abilities.

When you attack, you can target the skeletons that are threatening your castle. The skeletons are represented by cards on the game board. Choose a skeleton card and use your attack power to defeat it. Be careful, though – the skeletons will fight back!

If your castle gets damaged by the skeletons, you can use your actions to repair it. You don’t want your castle to crumble under the skeleton attacks, so make sure to keep it in good shape!

During the game, you’ll also have the opportunity to draw more cards. This allows you to replenish your hand and have more options for your next turn. Drawing cards is crucial for maintaining a strong defense against the skeletons.

Winning the Game

The game continues with each player taking turns until one player’s castle is reduced to zero health. The player whose castle is still standing at the end of the game is the winner! It’s a thrilling race to see who can defend their castle the best.

Now that you know the rules of Bad Bones, it’s time to gather your friends or family and start playing! It may take a couple of rounds to fully understand all the strategies, but once you do, you’ll be hooked. Get ready for an epic battle against the skeletons and protect your castle at all costs!

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine a tranquil land, where friendly neighbors live in harmony and peaceful cemeteries bring solace. It sounds like a utopia, doesn’t it?

But let me tell you, dear friend, that this idyllic world is a thing of the past. Today, a terrifying threat looms over the horizon, emerging from the very cemeteries that were once places of rest.

These skeletal invaders, mere scouts of a larger army, march through the forests, inching closer to your realm. And guess what? Your neighbors won’t come to your aid. In fact, they might even betray you. It’s a lonely battle, my friend.

So, what can you do? You must rely on your wits and cunning to fend off this relentless enemy. Build mighty walls, unleash the fury of dragons, wield powerful magic, and if necessary, sacrifice the treasures of your kingdom.

Yet, amidst all these defenses, there’s one thing that stands out above all – your hero. Your greatest weapon. With unwavering courage, they plunge into the heart of battle, defeating those mindless piles of bones that dare to defile your lands.

But alas, my friend, even your hero’s might won’t hold back the skeletal horde for long. Deep down, you know it. Your only hope lies in the collapse of another realm, diverting the attention of your aggressors. If they turn their eyes towards this new territory, perhaps, just perhaps, you might have a chance to survive.

It seems like something has changed in my neighborhood. The people I used to get along with have suddenly become my enemies. It’s a confusing and worrisome situation, but I realize that I need to take action if I want to stay safe. I must prepare for battle!

Getting Ready

To begin the game, you’ll need to set up the playing area by doing the following:

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

In this game, I will give you everything you need to start playing. You will find a bag filled with 180 Skeleton tokens. These tokens are divided into 15 different models, with 12 skeletons of each model. Pay attention to the Skeletons that have an orange border, as they should be left in the box.

You will also receive a Play Aid board with a Tracking token on it. Make sure the white side is facing up.

Now, let’s talk about what each player will get:

  • A gameboard
  • A Cemetery tile
  • Five House tiles. When you put them together, they create the Village.
  • Six Trap tiles, including walls, catapults, a dragon, and a treasure. These are your supply of intact traps.
  • Four tower floors. When you stack them, they form your tower.
  • A Hero figurine that you will place on top of your tower.

I can help with that! Here’s my revised version of the text:

Hey there! Let me show you how to play Bad Bones. It’s a fun game, and I’m excited to explain the rules to you. Are you ready?

First, let’s talk about the skeletons. You’ll need four skeleton tokens for the game, each with a different symbol. We have a few symbols, like this How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess. You’ll draw these tokens from a bag. But wait, there’s also a special token, like this How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess. You’ll put this one back in the bag.

Now, take those four skeleton tokens you drew and place them in the forest area. Make sure they’re facing the right way, with the white side up. The point of the token should be aimed towards the middle of the board. Got it? Good!

That’s all for now. I hope you’re feeling excited to play Bad Bones. It’s going to be a blast! Have fun!

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: I noticed that all the points of the Skeleton tokens are correctly pointed into the spaces of the board. The green and purple skeletons are dutifully placed on their feet, from my perspective. However, the blue skeleton is mistakenly lying down, which is totally wrong! It should be placed vertically in the forest along the top of the board, so it’s standing up.

During the setup, it’s crucial not to draw the red skeleton. Keep that one aside.

Skeletons make their entrance

The orientation of the drawing only matters when placing the Skeleton tokens in the forest before they officially enter the game. Once they’re in play, their orientation will change depending on the traps they encounter. So, you can simply ignore the orientation from the original drawing.

Avoid the incorrect side!

When you play the game, make sure to use the gameboards and play aid that have been printed on both sides. It’s important to use the sides that are shown in the examples here. Later on, you’ll get to use the other side for the cooperative version of the game.

During a basic game, you should leave the components that you don’t need in the box.

Let’s Play

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Once you’ve set up the game, we can dive right into the action. Each game is split into several rounds, and each round consists of four distinct phases. Don’t worry, the play aid will remind you of these phases along the way.

Phase 1: Move your hero. This is your chance to strategically position your hero on the board.

Phase 2: Place or retrieve a trap. Decide whether to set up a trap for your opponents or retrieve a trap for future use.

Phase 3: Move the skeletons. Watch out for those pesky skeletons! Move them strategically to gain an advantage.

Phase 4: New skeletons arrive. Brace yourself, because fresh skeletons will join the game.

It’s important to note that even though these phases happen one after the other, everyone plays them simultaneously. So while you’re moving your hero, others are also making their moves. This adds an element of excitement and unpredictability to the game.

Keep in mind that if any player gets eliminated once all the skeletons have moved, the game ends right away. So be on your guard!

Now, let’s take a closer look at the first phase: Moving your hero.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, here’s the deal. When I’m playing as the hero, I have to make sure that I move one space at a time. That means I can move up, down, left, right, or even diagonally, but I can’t stay where I am. Gotta keep moving!

Oh, and here’s the catch. I can’t leave the 25 spaces on the board. It’s like my little playground, and I have to stay within those boundaries. Makes sense, right?

Now, there’s this tower right in the middle of the board. And get this – I can actually move onto it! How cool is that? But let me tell you, when I land on a space with skeletons, it’s game over for them. I destroy them with my heroic powers, and they get sent back to where they came from, the bag!

One more thing. I can also move onto traps, but here’s the best part – I won’t trigger their effects. Those traps won’t catch me, no sir!

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

3. Put or Take Out a Trap

Hey there! Ready to outsmart those pesky skeletons? Well, I’ve got just the trick for you. You can strategize by placing traps on your game board to manipulate the movement or direction of those boney fiends.

Now, traps have a little secret. They have two sides – one shows a perfectly intact trap, waiting to be triggered, while the other reveals a damaged trap that has already been sprung by those mischievous skeletons in a previous round. So, keep an eagle eye on those traps!

Alright, during this part of the game, you’ve got a few options. You can:

  1. Put a trap in play.
  2. Take a trap back.
  3. Sit tight and do nothing.

Go on, give it a try! Let the trap placement game begin.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Note: The number on the top-right corner of the Trap tiles is not important in the basic game.

A. I place a trap

I choose a trap from my supply and put it on the board, with the intact side facing up. I can place it in any direction I want, but it has to go on a space that doesn’t already have a trap, my tower, or any skeletons. Traps can’t be placed in the forest or village.

If I want, I can even put a trap on the space where my hero is, as long as my hero isn’t on top of my tower.

Once I put down a trap, it stays there until it gets destroyed or I decide to take it back.

B. I take back a trap

I can bring a trap, whether it’s intact or damaged, back to my supply from the board.

If my hero is standing on top of a trap, I can still retrieve it.

When you retrieve a trap, it becomes intact again once you bring it back to your supply. So you can use it again later.

C. Don’t do anything

Are you sure? It’s up to you to decide.

3. Move the Skeletons

Now, it’s time to move all of the skeletons on your board. This part requires focus and precision. You get to decide the order in which you move your skeletons.

Each skeleton moves one space in the direction it’s pointing.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you move each skeleton, remember to flip it to its opposite side, either white or black. This way, you’ll know which ones you still need to move. If a skeleton started with the white side up, it should end with the black side up, and vice versa.

By the end of the phase, all the skeletons on everyone’s boards should be showing the same side. This helps us quickly spot if someone missed moving a skeleton.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Do you know what’s really useful when playing this game? The Tracking token! It’s a handy tool that helps me keep track of which side of the skeletons should be facing up when the phase ends. Just remember to flip it over at the start of the phase!

Have you noticed those arrows on your game board? They show the skeletons where they should go. Each arrow represents a temptation – either the tower or the village. But here’s the thing: the skeletons only feel that allure when they’re moving in that direction. It doesn’t affect the ones coming from other directions.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Imagine this: You come across a skeleton wandering through a mysterious space. It stands at a crossroads, with arrows pointing in different directions. What should it do? Well, the skeleton has to turn in the direction that matches the arrow of its next move.

Here’s another scenario: The skeleton triggers a trap, but it keeps moving. It enters a space with reorientation arrows, but they don’t affect it. Why? Because the skeleton’s move doesn’t follow the direction of any of those arrows.

Here’s a helpful tip: If there are multiple skeletons on the same space, all going in the same direction, even if they have different symbols, it’s best to stack them. This way, you can see them more clearly.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Example: Wow, check out these 4 skeletons all headed in the same direction! They’re practically begging to be stacked up on top of each other.

Have you ever wondered…

. what happens if a skeleton leaves the safety of my game board and ventures into a dark, foreboding forest?

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, picture this – I’ve got a skeleton, right? And it’s hanging out in a forest. But here’s the thing: that skeleton decides to move, and when it does, it heads over to a neighboring player’s cemetery.

  • If the skeleton decides to make its exit through the left side of the forest, it goes straight to your neighbor’s cemetery on the left. Easy peasy.
  • If the skeleton opts for the right side instead, it heads straight to your neighbor’s cemetery on the right. Simple as that.
  • But if the skeleton decides to take the scenic route and leaves through the top forest, things get a bit more interesting. It can go to any opponent’s cemetery, totally up to you. And hey, if you’ve got multiple skeletons leaving through the top at the same time, you can send them off to different cemeteries if you want. Flexibility, you know?

And just to be clear, in a two-player game, any skeletons that leave your board – whether it’s through the left, right, or top – they all end up in your one opponent’s cemetery. Simple enough, right?

But what happens if a skeleton decides to leave my board through the bottom? Hm, good question.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So, when one of those skeleton buddies decides to leave my board by going through the bottom, it’s like they’re on a vacation to the village. But here comes the mischief – the silly skeleton sets a house on fire! Doesn’t even care which one! Rude, right? Anyways, the house gets flipped over to show its destroyed side. And what happens to the skeleton? Well, it goes back into the bag, like a good little troublemaker.

Now, here’s the catch – every time a skeleton enters the village, it destroys one house. I know, pretty chaotic, huh?

But hold on, it gets even worse! If all of your houses are destroyed and the last one goes puff, that’s when things really hit the fan. The game ends right after the skeleton movement phase. So, better watch out and keep those houses safe!

What happens when a sneaky skeleton ends up in my tower?

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When a skeleton moves onto my hero (outside the tower), it doesn’t matter – the skeleton will still destroy a floor of the tower. This means that if a skeleton ends its move on the space with my tower, it will take away one of its floors. I have to remove that floor from the game and return the skeleton to the bag. It’s a double-edged sword because even if my hero is on my tower, they have no effect on the skeletons that enter it. Each skeleton will still destroy a floor of the tower.

Every time a skeleton enters my tower, it destroys one floor. If the last floor of my tower is destroyed, the game will end at the end of the skeleton movement phase. So it’s important for me to protect my tower by keeping an eye on the skeletons and preventing them from reaching it.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When you encounter a trap in the game, and a skeleton steps on it, something interesting happens. Normally, the trap would trigger and cause damage, but not in this case. The skeleton is immediately destroyed by your hero, without setting off the trap or suffering any harm.

Furthermore, if your hero was guarding a treasure in that space, you don’t need to worry. The skeleton does not steal or disturb any of the treasure. It’s as if the skeleton never crossed paths with your hero.

What happens when a skeleton steps on a trap?

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

When skeletons step on the trap, it affects all of them at once, even if they’re not in the same place.

Once all the skeletons have finished moving, there’s a reminder in the corner of the trap about what to do next:

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Uh-oh! Something has gone wrong with the trap. It’s all messed up! I guess it’s time to turn it over, so we can see what’s wrong.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Boom! The trap is no more. Say goodbye and send it back to the game box. It’s time to talk about traps and what they do.

The Lowdown on Traps


How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess


Ever wondered how a catapult works? Well, let me break it down for you.

A catapult is a clever contraption that uses stored energy to launch an object through the air. It’s like a slingshot on steroids! But instead of using a rubber band to propel the projectile, a catapult uses tension created by twisting ropes or bending wood. This stored energy is released in a sudden burst, launching the object forward with great force and speed.

The design of a catapult depends on the type you’re working with. The trebuchet, for example, is a classic and widely known form of catapult. It consists of a long wooden arm (called the throwing arm) attached to a pivot point, or fulcrum. A counterweight is suspended on the opposite side of the pivot, which creates the tension and potential energy needed for launch.

When you’re ready to fire the catapult, you release the arm, allowing the weight to quickly descend, pulling the throwing arm up. As the throwing arm reaches its apex, the stored energy is suddenly released, thrusting the object forward. It’s a magnificent display of physics in action!

Catapults have been around for centuries and were used as powerful weapons in medieval warfare. They were capable of launching various projectiles, such as rocks, arrows, or even fireballs, over long distances with remarkable accuracy and force.

But catapults aren’t just limited to warfare. They have also been used in more peaceful pursuits, like launching objects in engineering experiments or even as entertainment in competitions.

So the next time you see a catapult in action, whether it’s in a movie or at a historical reenactment, you’ll have a better understanding of the fascinating mechanics behind this ancient invention. It’s truly a remarkable tool that showcases the ingenuity and creativity of our ancestors.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive deep into the captivating world of catapults and discover the wonders of physics and engineering. You won’t be disappointed!

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess


I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of treasure. There’s something so thrilling about the thought of uncovering hidden riches, of stumbling upon a long-lost bounty. It’s the stuff of legends and adventure books, and it holds a certain allure that captures the imagination.

You see, treasure isn’t just about the material wealth it represents. It’s about the journey, the thrill of the chase. It’s about the anticipation and excitement of what might be waiting just around the next corner. It’s about the stories and history that are woven into its very fabric.

When I think of treasure, my mind is filled with images of ancient maps, buried chests, and secret passages. I imagine myself as a daring explorer, setting off on a quest to unearth something that has been hidden away for centuries. The world becomes a playground, full of possibilities and mysteries waiting to be solved.

But treasure isn’t always about gold and jewels. It can take many different forms – a handwritten letter from a loved one, a photograph that brings back cherished memories, a piece of art that speaks to your soul. These treasures may not have a monetary value, but they hold a priceless worth that can’t be measured.

In a way, we are all on a quest for treasure. We all have something that we hold dear, something that brings us joy and fulfillment. It could be a passion or a talent, a special relationship or a meaningful experience. These are the treasures that make life meaningful and worthwhile.

So, my advice to you is this: don’t be afraid to go on your own treasure hunt. Embrace the curiosity and wonder that comes with seeking out the things that bring you joy. Follow your passions and interests, explore new places and ideas, and never stop searching for those hidden gems that make life extraordinary.

Remember, treasure isn’t just about the destination. It’s about the journey and the discoveries along the way. So go out there and find your own treasure. Who knows what wonders await you?

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess


In the world of mythical creatures, one of the most fascinating and awe-inspiring creatures is the dragon. Known for its immense power and majestic presence, dragons have captured the imaginations of people for centuries. But what exactly makes these creatures so captivating?

Dragons are often depicted as large, reptilian beings with wings and the ability to breathe fire. They are known for their strength and ferocity, with many stories portraying them as fierce protectors or fearsome adversaries. The image of a dragon soaring through the skies, fire blazing from its mouth, is an iconic and mesmerizing sight.

But it’s not just their physical attributes that make dragons so intriguing. Dragons are also symbols of wisdom and knowledge. In many myths and legends, they are portrayed as creatures with immense wisdom, often acting as guides or mentors to heroes. Their ability to fly, coupled with their vast knowledge, gives them a sense of authority and power that is both captivating and inspiring.

Dragons also represent the balance between good and evil. They have been depicted as both benevolent beings and malevolent monsters, capable of immense destruction. This duality adds complexity to their character and makes them all the more fascinating. They serve as a reminder that power is a double-edged sword and must be wielded responsibly.

In addition to their symbolic meaning, dragons also hold a special place in popular culture. Their presence can be seen in various forms of media, including books, movies, and video games. From the iconic dragon Smaug in “The Hobbit” to the fierce and noble dragons of “Game of Thrones,” these creatures continue to captivate audiences and ignite our imagination.

So, what is it about dragons that makes them so captivating? It’s their combination of power, wisdom, and duality. From their physical attributes to their symbolic representations, dragons continue to capture our imaginations and leave us in awe. They remind us of the immense potential within ourselves and the importance of using our power wisely. Next time you encounter a dragon in a story or a piece of art, take a moment to appreciate the depth and complexity they represent.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

So here’s the deal: when the skeletons come across the dragon, I get to move them to any empty spot around the dragon. They’re scared out of their wits, so I point them in the opposite direction of the dragon, like, “Get outta here!” And get this, if the dragon happens to be next to a forest, I can even make the skeletons run through the forest and into my opponents’ cemeteries. Hilarious, right?

Oh, and check this out!

Here’s the really cool part: during the trap phase, I can totally make the dragon “land” on a space where there are skeletons. It’s the only trap that works this way, but man, it’s a game-changer. If I do this trick, the dragon gets damaged, like, ouch, and the skeletons get thrown out from that space. Seriously, it’s epic!

But here’s the thing…

When the dragon pulls off this cool trick during the phase of setting traps or taking them back, if right after that, more skeletons appear in the same spot during the phase of skeleton movement, those skeletons also run away from the dragon. But because the dragon was used twice in a row, it dies and gets removed from the game.

4. Some New Skeletons Show Up

Take out three random skeletons from the bag and put them in your cemetery.

Then, put all the skeletons in your cemetery (not just the three you just took out, but also any that your opponents sent there) in your forests, just like you did when you set up the game:

  • Stand them up when you put them down.
  • Make sure they match the symbol.
  • Point them toward the center of your board.

When setting up the game, make sure to position your skeletons correctly on the Play Aid board. This means placing them with their white or black side facing up, so that all the skeletons on the table show the same color.

The skeletons that have recently arrived in the forest won’t be on spaces of your board yet. They will enter the game during the skeleton movement phase in the next round.

How to play Bad Bones Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Game Over

When the game reaches its conclusion, and players have been eliminated by having their towers or villages completely destroyed, those who remain will count their points. Here’s how:

  • You earn 1 point for each star you can see on the traps in your supply, assuming they’re still intact.
  • You also earn 1 point for each star visible on the traps remaining on your board.
  • For every floor still standing in your tower, you get 4 points.
  • Each undamaged house in your village is worth 3 points.

It’s important to note that any destroyed elements, such as tower floors, traps removed from the game, or burnt houses, do not contribute to your point total.

The player with the most points emerges as the winner of the game.

In the event of a tie for first place, the player with the tallest tower among the tied players will be victorious. If there is still a tie after that, the victory is shared among the tied players.

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