How to play Axio Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Axio Game Rules

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Axio Game Rules

Hey there! So you want to know how to play Axio, huh? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Let me break it down for you.

Axio is a board game that’s all about building connections. The goal is to score as many points as possible by creating chains of tiles that share the same color or shape. Pretty cool, right?

Now, here’s how to get started. First, you’ll need a game board and a set of tiles. The game board is divided into different regions, and each region corresponds to a different color or shape. Each player gets a set of tiles, and the game begins!

On your turn, you’ll place one of your tiles onto the game board. Here’s the catch: you can only place a tile adjacent to an existing tile. So, think strategically and try to create long chains!

When you create a chain of tiles, you’ll score points based on the length of the chain. Longer chains mean more points, so aim for those big scores!

Oh, and don’t forget about the special tiles! There are wild tiles that can be used as any color or shape, as well as bonus tiles that give you extra points. Keep an eye out for these – they can really boost your score!

The game continues until all players have placed all of their tiles. At the end, players tally up their scores, and the player with the highest score wins!

So, there you have it – the rules of Axio. I hope this guide helps you get started and have a blast playing the game. Remember, it’s all about building connections and scoring those points. Good luck!

When it’s my turn, I’ll add a tile face up to the display. This will make the black circles grow. ��

I’ll earn points based on the color symbols inside the black circles that match the symbols on my tile. �� These points will go on my Scoreboard, so I can keep track of them. ��

When the game ends, we’ll compare scores for our lowest-scoring color. The player with the most points for their lowest-scoring color will be the winner! The specific color doesn’t matter, so don’t worry about it. ��

While we play, let’s focus on our weakest color. By doing this, we can boost its score and increase our chances of winning. ��

Let’s Get Started

First, we need to set everything up. Here’s what you’ll need:

  1. A Scoreboard
  2. 5 Score Markers – one in red, green, blue, orange, and purple

Each player should take a Scoreboard and the 5 Score Markers. Make sure everyone can see the Scoreboards during the game.

If you’re playing with less than 4 players, put any extra Scoreboards and Score Markers back in the box.

Let’s get started by mixing up the tiles. Make sure they’re all facedown. After that, flip over four tiles and arrange them into a 2×2 square in the center of the playing area. If any tiles have empty corners on the outside of the square, give them a good spin so that the empty corners end up in the center.

How to Play

First, let me give you a quick overview:

Decide who goes first, it doesn’t really matter. The first player puts one of their tiles face-up in the display, scores it, and then draws a new tile from their stack.

Then, it’s the next player’s turn, going clockwise. They do the same thing: place a tile, score it, and draw a new one. This keeps going until each player has used up all of their tiles. Then we can find out who’s the winner!

Now, let me give you the play-by-play:

When it’s your turn, just follow these steps:

  1. Put a tile in the display.
  2. Score that tile.

How to Play the Game

  1. Start by drawing a new tile.

1. Place a tile in the display

When playing the game, you need to choose a tile from your hand and place it next to one or more tiles already in the display.

Make strategic moves to score as many points as possible. But be careful, because your opponents are also trying to get a higher score.

2. Score the tile

Each tile has four black areas, one in each corner. When you place a tile next to other tiles in the display, the black areas will join together, forming a circular shape.

You will score each corner of the tile individually. However, if a corner is not connected to any other tiles in the display, you won’t earn any points for that corner.

There are two possible outcomes when scoring:

Outcome A: The corner you’re evaluating has a colored symbol.

When you’re evaluating the corner, take a good look at the black areas in the circle next to it. It doesn’t matter if the circle is complete or not.

You earn 1 point for each color symbol in the black part of the circle that matches the symbol you placed. But remember, the symbol you placed doesn’t count for points.

For instance: You get one point for purple and one point for blue. Sadly, the corner with the green color symbol doesn’t score any points because there aren’t any neighboring green color symbols.

The corner with the orange color symbol doesn’t score either since there isn’t a nearby tile for this corner.


Example: It’s like a game where red gives you 2 points and blue gives you 1 point.


Example: You get 1 point for red and 1 point for blue.

Result B: The corner you are evaluating is empty.

Choose any color and pretend that the empty corner has that color. You will score points in the same way as in Result A.

Note: You can only choose a color if the tile you just placed has an empty corner. You cannot choose a color for empty corners that were already on the board. Those corners will not earn any points.

Example: You get 1 point for purple and 1 point for blue if you say blue for the empty corner.

The corner with the red symbol doesn’t score any points since the neighboring corner doesn’t have a colored symbol.

Example: So here’s the deal: if you say red or purple, you get 2 points for red and 1 point for purple, respectively, depending on which corner is empty.

Add up your points on the Scoreboard

Just move your Score Markers to the right spots to keep track of your points. So, let’s say you score 2 points for red and 1 point for blue. What you’ll do is move the red Score Marker 2 spaces to the right and the blue one 1 space to the right.

3. Pick a new tile

At the end of your turn, you get to draw a new tile from the top of your personal supply stack.

And here’s a tip for you: if your score marker makes it to space 12 on the scoreboard, yell out “axio” and enjoy an extra turn. How cool is that?

Hey there! Let me break it down for you. You gotta remember that you can’t go over 12 points for any color. If you reach the 12th point, any extras are lost, and you won’t score for that color anymore. Once you finish scoring a tile, give a shoutout of “AXIO!”

Guess what? You instantly get an extra turn! Grab a tile from the general supply, not from your stack, and follow steps 1 and 2 to play it. You can even get multiple extra turns, up to 5, one for each color. But hold on, don’t end your turn by drawing from your stack until you complete all the extra turns.

Note: When all the tiles in the general supply are used up, no players can get any more extra turns.

End of the Game

Once every player has placed and scored all the tiles in their personal stack, the game is over. Now it’s time to determine the AXIO rota winner. Here’s how:

When it comes to determining the winner in this game, it’s all about comparing each player’s lowest scoring color. The player with the most points for their lowest scoring color is the winner. It doesn’t matter which color it is or whether any scores have reached the final 12th space.

If two or more players have the same number of points for their lowest scoring color, then they need to compare their score for the next lowest scoring color to determine the winner.

In rare cases where two or more players have equal scores for all five Score Markers, they will share the victory.

There’s a special case to consider: If a player manages to score 12 points with all five colors, they win the game immediately.

Solo Play

When playing solo, all the rules remain the same with a few adjustments: You take one turn after another and aim to score as high as you can.

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