How to play Aquatica Official Rules

By: Dennis B. B. Taylor

Aquatica Game Rules

Welcome to the world of Aquatica! Dive into an aquatic adventure filled with vibrant marine life, treacherous challenges, and exciting opportunities. In this game, I invite you to explore the depths of the ocean and strive to build your own underwater realm. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!


Your primary goal as an underwater ruler is to amass the highest score by the end of the game. You can achieve this by strategically drafting cards, building powerful locations, recruiting skilled leaders, and ensuring a prosperous economy for your underwater kingdom.


Before we dive in, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the components of the game. Aquatica features a game board depicting the ocean floor, various cards representing locations, leaders, and events, as well as a token to track the current player. Additionally, you’ll have access to a deck of exploration cards and resources to aid you in your journey.

Turn Structure:

The game is played over a series of turns. Each turn consists of three main phases: 1) Income Phase, where you collect resources based on your current locations; 2) Actions Phase, where you can perform a range of actions such as playing cards, recruiting leaders, or activating locations; and 3) Clean-up Phase, where you discard excess cards and prepare for the next turn.

Building Your Kingdom:

As you navigate through the game, you’ll have the opportunity to acquire and play various cards to enhance your underwater realm. Locations are the backbone of your kingdom, providing you with resources, special abilities, and victory points. With careful planning, you can chain together card abilities to create powerful combos that propel you towards victory.

Recruiting Leaders:

Leaders are an essential part of your strategy. They bring unique abilities and bonuses to your kingdom, allowing you to shape the game to your advantage. Hiring the right leaders at the right time can be the key to success.

Exploring the Depths:

Aquatica offers you the chance to explore the ocean depths and uncover hidden treasures. Exploration cards provide one-time benefits that can boost your progress or hinder your opponents. Keep an eye out for these valuable cards as they can turn the tide of the game.

Game End and Scoring:

The game comes to a close when a specific condition is met, such as exhausting a particular deck. At that point, players calculate their scores based on various factors, including their locations, leaders, and resources. The player with the highest score emerges as the ruler of the underwater realm!


In Aquatica, you have the opportunity to shape your own underwater kingdom. Through strategic planning, card combinations, and clever decision-making, you can lead your civilization to victory. So, what are you waiting for? Plunge into the world of Aquatica and let the ocean depths reveal their secrets to you!

How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Did you know that the vast Oceans are home to a multitude of mysteries and creatures? Just beneath the surface, there exists a whole civilization known as the Sea-folk, comprising of sharks, whales, corals, and shrimps.

For countless centuries, the Great Kingdoms of Aquatica have thrived, developing their own unique society, raising their families, and thriving in their prosperous world. However, their resources have dwindled over time, and now they must venture into the deep Ocean Depths to uncover new sources of sustenance.

How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

Aquatica is a board game that can be played by 1 to 4 players. It comes with several components that are essential to gameplay. Let me tell you about them.

First, we have the game board, which serves as the main playing area. It’s where all the action happens and where you’ll make your strategic moves.

Next, we have 56 Location cards. These cards represent different areas of the game world that you can explore and conquer. Each location offers its own unique benefits.

To help you keep track of your progress and resources, the game includes 4 three-layered player boards. These boards are a handy tool for organizing your game pieces and keeping everything in order.

You’ll also find 8 King cards in the box. These cards represent the different Ocean Kings that you can play as. Each King has their own special abilities and traits, adding an extra layer of strategy to the game.

In addition to the King cards, there are 24 Starting Character cards. These cards represent the initial characters that you can recruit for your kingdom. Each character has their own abilities and can help you in different ways.

To bring the game world to life, Aquatica includes 16 Trained Mantas’ miniatures. These miniatures represent powerful creatures that can aid you in your quest for resources and prosperity.

As you explore and conquer locations, you’ll come across Goal Tokens. The game includes 6 double-sided Goal Tokens that you can fulfill to earn Prosperity points. These goals add an exciting objective to the game and give you something to strive for.

Throughout your journey, you’ll encounter various Ocean Character cards. These cards represent unique characters that can be recruited to help you in your quest. Each character has their own abilities and can provide valuable assistance.

To add a sense of challenge, there are 31 Wild Mantas’ miniatures in the game. These miniatures represent dangerous creatures that can hinder your progress. Be prepared to face them and overcome the obstacles they present.

To keep track of your progress and resources, Aquatica provides a notepad. This handy tool allows you to jot down important information and keep track of your prosperity points.

Lastly, the game includes a rulebook that provides detailed instructions on how to play. It’s important to read and understand the rules before diving into the game.

Now that you’re familiar with the components of Aquatica, let’s talk about the object of the game. As an Ocean King, your main goal is to have the most Prosperity points. You can earn these points by exploring new locations, conquering territories, recruiting characters, and completing goals.

In Aquatica, the path to prosperity is filled with challenges and decisions. It’s up to you to strategically navigate the game world, make the right choices, and outsmart your opponents.

So, grab your King card, recruit your characters, and dive into the world of Aquatica. The ocean awaits you, and the race for prosperity begins!

When the game is over, the one with the most Prosperity Points wins and becomes known as the greatest ruler of the Great Kingdoms of Aquatica!

Getting Started

Preparing the Game Board

How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  1. First, put the Game Board where everyone can see.
  2. Now, mix up the Ocean Characters deck and put it on the bottom row of the board. Take 6 cards from the top of the deck and fill up the Character’s row (just like you see in the picture). The Ocean Characters deck has 3 sets of the same cards. If there are 3 or 4 people playing, use the whole deck. But if there are only 2 players, take out the cards with the O symbol in the bottom right corner and put them back in the box. That way, you have 2 copies of each Character in the deck.
  3. Next, shuffle the Locations deck and put it in the middle row of the board. Take 6 cards from the top of the deck and fill up the row (just like you see in the picture).
  4. Finally, place all the miniatures of the Wild Mantas with the effect side up next to the board.

Getting Ready to Play

How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  1. First, you’ll need to grab a player board and put it in front of you, face-up.
  2. Next, pick a symbol that you like and grab the set of 6 starting Character cards and 4 Trained Mantas that go along with it.

This is where the fun begins!

How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • If you want to determine the turn order in a game, a tried and true method is to have everyone dive into the sea and see who comes up first.
  • But if you prefer a more organized approach, you can use King cards. In Basic mode, the player with King card number 1 goes first, followed by the player with King card number 2, and so on.
  • How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! If you’re ready to dive into more games, you can take things up a notch with the Advanced Mode and start drafting your Kings! How cool is that?

    Alright, here’s how the game works: each player gets their very own Character cards and King card. You’ll form your hand, turn all the Manta miniatures effect side up, and then we’re ready to get started!

    So, let’s go over some basic concepts:

    Card Anatomy

    In Aquatics, there are two types of cards you’ll come across:


    Character cards represent all sorts of Sea-folk who are going to help you gain Prosperity. With their help, you’ll explore the vast Ocean, uncover new locations, and gather valuable resources from the Depths. How exciting!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Let’s talk about Character Cards, shall we?

    Character Cards come in three different types:

    1. Starting Characters: At the beginning of your journey, each player gets six starting Characters. These heroes are with you from the start and will help you in your quest for domination!
    2. Ocean Characters: As you explore the vast seas during your reign, you’ll encounter Ocean Characters. Some of them might even decide to join forces with you! Talk about making waves!
    3. Kings: Now, the Kings are something special. With their unique set of powers and abilities, they represent you in the game. Each King brings their own personality to the table, making your reign even more thrilling!
    Now, let’s move on to Locations!

    Locations are like the lands that you’ll uncover and exploit in your quest for power. Each Location can be either bought using Coins or conquered through sheer might using Power. The choice is yours!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Did you know that there are four types of Locations in the game? They are Shark Bays, Sunken Ships, Ocean Volcanoes, and Decayed Civilizations.

    Once you manage to conquer or buy a Location, you’ll get to explore its hidden depths in search of valuable resources.

    But Locations don’t just offer resources. They also come with special effects, as well as creatures called Mantas and Prosperity Points.


    Mantas are fascinating creatures that you’ll often encounter in the Ocean. They are so common that the Sea-folk have learned to tame them. When you start the game, you’ll already have a set of four trained Mantas.

    However, wild Mantas are still out there, waiting to be discovered. In fact, there are 31 of these Free Mantas that you can encounter and train as the game progresses.

    Mantas not only bring you resources but also allow you to perform special effects. They truly are incredible companions on your underwater journey.

    When I’m ready to help you, you can see the symbol on my belly. To gain resources or trigger a special effect, flip me back up. In simpler terms, flip me on my belly.

    When I’m turned back up, I’m tired. A tired me is just resting and can’t do anything. To make me ready again, you need to trigger a special effect.

    The easiest way to activate your resting Mantas is to use the Matrona Starting Character card.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess


    In Aquatica, the resources are not physical tokens but rather symbols on your cards, Mantas, and the Game Board. These resources cannot be carried over. There are two types of resources in the game: Coins and Power.


    Coins can be found in your Locations Depths, and your Mantas can also bring them to you. Coins are used to purchase new Locations and recruit Characters to join your realm.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    The Power Within

    Power is a mysterious force, elusive and enigmatic. It lurks in the depths of Locations, beckoning me to explore its hidden treasures. But there is more to Power than meets the eye – it can also be bestowed upon me by my faithful companions, the Mantas. These majestic creatures carry the essence of Power, delivering it to me when I need it the most.

    With Power in my hands, I am unstoppable. It grants me the strength to conquer new frontiers, paving the way for adventure and discovery. It propels me forward, fueling my ambitions and empowering my dreams. The surge of Power coursing through my veins is electrifying, charging me with an exhilarating mix of anticipation and possibility.

    But like every extraordinary gift, Power comes with great responsibility. It is a double-edged sword, capable of both creation and destruction. I must harness its potential wisely, using it for the greater good. The choices I make with Power determine not only my fate but the fate of the world around me.

    So, how do I wield this formidable force? The answer lies in my understanding of Power’s true nature. It is not simply a means to an end, but a source of enlightenment. By embracing Power, I tap into a wellspring of knowledge and wisdom, allowing me to navigate the treacherous waters of life with clarity and purpose.

    As I embark on my journey, I am reminded of the importance of choosing the right path. Each decision I make, each Location I conquer, shapes my destiny. Power guides me, but it is I who must take the first step. I must trust my instincts, follow my heart, and let the Power within guide me to my ultimate destination.

    So, remember, my friend, that Power is not just a concept, it is a palpable energy that flows through you. Embrace it, respect it, and let it guide you on your path to greatness. With Power as your ally, you have the potential to change the world.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    How to Play the Game

    Okay, so here’s the deal. We all take turns starting from the first player and going in a circle, clockwise. Simple enough, right?

    When it’s your turn, you’ve gotta do one Main action. It’s mandatory. But hey, the good news is, you can also do as many extra actions as you want. It’s like a bonus round!

    Now, here’s a little tip for you: you can do your actions in any order you want. Mix it up, have some fun!

    Once you’re all done with your turn, it’s time to pass the baton to the next player on your left. Don’t worry, they’ll get their chance to shine!

    Alright, Let’s Get into the Main Action

    1. So, during your turn, you’ve gotta play one of your Character cards from your hand. Makes sense, right? And here’s the important part: you’ve gotta do whatever the card says. Those effects are no joke!
    2. Now, let’s say you can do everything the card asks for. Awesome! You’ve gotta do it all, no exceptions. But hold up, what if you can only do some of the effects? Well, hey, you can still play that card. Just use the effects you can actually perform. No shame in that!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Let me tell you about a cool game called Sea Horse. It’s pretty awesome. When you play Sea Horse, you get to do some really cool stuff. Check it out:

    Take a look at this example: Sea Horse lets you do three things. First, you can scout; second, you gain 1 Power; and third, you can conquer a Location. If you can do all three of these things, you have to do them in order. Start with the scouting and then move on to gaining Power and conquering a Location. Cool, right?

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Once you’ve played a Character card, put it into your discard pile with the face facing up.

    II. Extra Actions

    You have two ways to perform an additional action:

    1. Flipping Mantas

    You can use a ready Manta to activate the effect shown on that Manta. When you do, immediately resolve the effect and then flip the Manta to its tired side.

    2. Exploiting Locations’ Depths

    Each location has Depths that you can explore. These Depths are shown along the left side of the card. Within the Depths, you may find:

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    1. Getting Resources – When you play a card, that’s when you can collect coins and power. These resources are important because you can use them to recruit Characters, take over or purchase new Locations, and even activate certain effects.
    2. Using Effects – Before or after your main action, you can use effects. Remember, you can only use the top Depth of a Location card. To get a Resource or activate an effect, you have to slide the Location up by 1 Depth. Once you do that, your player board will cover the top Depth, and now you have access to new Depths! Keep in mind that some Depths don’t have any use at all. You can’t just move those Locations up. You’re not allowed to make use of those Locations unless you use the raise effect.


    An effect gives you an advantage. You can use an effect by playing a Character card, using a ready Manta, or taking advantage of the Depths of your Locations.

    1. Recruit

    While ruling the Ocean, you’ll come across various Characters. If you choose to Recruit them, they’ll join your realm and provide assistance on your journey. To Recruit, follow these steps:

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    1. First, I want you to choose just one Ocean Character from the Ocean Board.
    2. Next, you’ll need to pay the amount of coins that you see below the card you’ve chosen and put that card into your hand.
    3. Then, I want you to slide all the other Ocean Character cards to the left so that there are no spaces in between them.
    4. Finally, turn over the top card from the deck and place it on the rightmost space.

    Don’t worry, you can have as many of each Ocean Character card as you want. So, even if you already have one “The Grabber,” you can still recruit another one.

    2. Buy Location

    If you want to buy one of the Locations that have been discovered, you can do so from the tribes that live there.

    To buy a Location, just follow these simple steps:

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    1. First, pick one spot on the Ocean board.
    2. Then, pay the number of Coins you see at the top of the Location card.
    3. Next, place the Location into an empty slot on your player board, making sure the top Depth is visible in the circle.

    3. Conquer

    If you don’t wanna Buy a Location, you can Conquer it. You just need some Power.

    Select one Location card from the board, pay the Power amount displayed at the top of the card, and put it into an empty spot on your player board so that the highest Depth is in the circle.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you want to buy or conquer a Location, you must make sure you have an empty space on your player board. Your player board can hold up to 5 Location cards at once.

    Don’t forget that if you don’t have enough Coins or Power, you can use your Mantas to assist you.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Have you ever found yourself with a new place to explore but no idea what to do with it? Well, fear not! I’m here to help you navigate the world of Aquatica and make the most of your discoveries.

    If you come across a Location without any Depths icons, don’t worry! Just place it on your player board in a way that only shows the row with Prosperity Points. This way, you can keep track of your progress and enjoy the benefits of your new location.

    4. Raise Location How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    As the ruler of your kingdom, it’s up to you to bring prosperity to your realm. One way to do this is by exploiting the Locations you discover. When you exploit a Location, you “raise” resources from it and add them to your Kingdom.

    Raising Locations has its advantages. It allows you to score them faster and overcome any empty Depths that might be blocking your path. However, there is a catch. When you raise a Location, you have to ignore all the Depth icons that you cover. This means you’ll lose any resources or effects they may have had.

    When I raise a Location, I get to choose which Location on my player board I want to move up. I can move it up a certain number of Depths as shown by the effect icon on the Character card, Manta, or a different Location card that I’m using.

    A Location is considered fully risen when all of its Depths icons are covered. Once a Location is fully risen, I instantly receive the Wild Manta that is shown by the icon at the bottom of the Location card from the common reserve. This Wild Manta is now available for me to use its effects during the same turn.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you have a Manta with an effect, you can use it right away – no need to wait for your next turn. Just flip your Manta and activate its effect during your current turn.

    Once you have a fully upgraded Location, you have the opportunity to Score its Prosperity Points. Perform the Score action to move the fully upgraded Location to your Scoring Pile.

    Select any fully upgraded Location on your player board and place it in your Scoring Pile. When the game ends, you will receive the number of Prosperity Points indicated in the bottom-left corner of each Location in your Scoring Pile.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Just a quick note before we dive into the details. Remember, a fully risen Location won’t score you any Prosperity Points!

    5. Scouting

    Scouting is all about exploring the vast Ocean and discovering new Locations for you to either buy or conquer. Exciting, right?

    Ready for some adventure? Here are the steps to follow when you scout:

    1. First, let’s count the Locations in the bottom row. We can only scout if there are 4 or fewer Locations there.
    2. Now, take all the Locations from the top row and put them in the discard pile.
    3. Next, move all the Locations from the bottom row to the top row. It’s like shuffling things around!
    4. Lastly, we need to refill the bottom row. To do this, just flip over 6 Location cards from the top of the deck.

    Remember, if you have the chance to scout during your main action, you must take it. Don’t miss out on any opportunities!

    Hey there: Did you know that the spots in the top row are a bit easier to take over? You only need one less Power compared to the other locations. But don’t get too excited – you’ll still have to pay the regular price in coins to make them yours!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    My Goals

    Goals are awesome! They help me earn Prosperity Points, but I’ve got to be quick. The faster I finish a Goal, the more Prosperity Points I’ll get!

    Up there, at the top of the Ocean, are 4 Goals. If it’s my turn and I meet the requirements for a Goal, I can put one of my Mantas (the ones that are my color) on the first available spot for that Goal. It doesn’t matter if my Manta is ready or tired. But I can only complete each Goal once.

    Each Goal Track has 5 spots. Above each spot, there’s a number that tells me how many Prosperity Points I’ll get at the end of the game if my Manta is on that spot. By the way, the fifth spot is for a future game expansion!

    When I finish a Goal, I can only place a Trained Manta of my color on the Goal Track. I can’t use a Wild Manta.

    So here’s the deal, let me break it down for you. You don’t have to put your Manta on the Goal Track just because you achieve a goal. Yeah, it’s true! You have the freedom to choose what you want to do.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Let’s talk about the 4 goals that are important for us to understand:

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    In order to achieve this objective, you need to have 10 Character cards in your hand (not in the Discard pile). The King card also counts towards this total.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If you want to achieve this goal, you need to have 4 Locations that are all the same type. These Locations can be on your player’s board or in your Scoring Pile. Basically, you just need 4 of the same kind.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    To achieve this task, you need to have at least 3 Locations in your Scoring Pile.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    To achieve this aim, you need to have at least five tired Mantas in your reserve.

    When playing the game, turns continue until one of three conditions that mark the end of the game occurs. Once triggered, the end-game conditions grant each player, including the one who initiated the condition, one final turn before the game concludes. The three end-game conditions are as follows:

    1. A player successfully completes all four Goals and places their Mantas on them.

    2. The Location deck is completely depleted.

    3. The Ocean Character deck is completely depleted.

    At the end of the game, Prosperity Points are counted to determine each player’s score. You earn points based on the following:

    – You receive one Prosperity Point for each Character card in your hand, including your King, with the exception of those in your Discard pile.

    When it comes to tallying up your Prosperity Points in the game, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to look at the number of Prosperity Points displayed above your Mantas on the Goal Tracks. This will give you an indication of how well you’re doing.

    Next, take into account the total number of Prosperity Points shown on the Locations in your Scoring Pile. It’s important to note that Locations on your player board do not contribute to your Prosperity Points.

    To make counting your Prosperity Points easier, we recommend using the Score Pad provided.

    Now, let’s talk about winning the game. The player with the most Prosperity Points is the winner! So, strive to earn as many points as possible to secure your victory.

    In the event of a tie, there are a couple of factors to consider. First, the tied player with the most Mantas in their reserve will take the lead. If there is still a tie, the player with the lowest number written on their King card will be crowned the winner.

    Now that you have a better understanding of how Prosperity Points work, get out there and start accumulating them. Good luck, and may the most prosperous player prevail!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Do you ever wonder how to choose the right product? I’m here to help you with that. Let’s talk about some factors to consider when making your decision.

    First, let’s talk about price. It’s no secret that price plays a big role in our decision-making process. After all, who doesn’t like to save money? It’s important to find a product that fits within your budget while still meeting your needs. And don’t forget to take advantage of any discounts or promotions that may be available.

    Next, let’s consider the quality of the product. We all want products that are built to last. Reading reviews and doing research can help you determine if a product is of good quality. Look for products that are made with durable materials and have positive customer feedback.

    Another important factor to consider is the product’s features and functionality. Take a moment to think about what you need the product to do. Does it have all the features you’re looking for? Does it offer any additional benefits that other products don’t? Make a list of the features that are most important to you and use it as a guide during your search.

    Lastly, let’s talk about brand reputation. It’s always a good idea to consider the reputation of the brand before making a purchase. Look for brands that have a history of producing high-quality products and providing excellent customer service. Reading reviews and asking for recommendations from friends and family can help you gauge a brand’s reputation.

    So, when you’re on the hunt for the perfect product, keep these factors in mind. Consider the price, quality, features, and brand reputation to help you make an informed decision. Happy shopping!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Feeling up for a tougher challenge? It’s time to check out the Advanced Mode! This mode spices things up by introducing two new rules:

    Variable Goals: Instead of using the usual 4 basic Goals that are printed on the Ocean board, you’ll shuffle the Goal tokens, select 4 at random, and place them on top of the basic Goals in any order you choose.

    Prepare for a fresh set of challenges that will put your skills to the test!

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    Aquatica Game Rules

    Welcome to the world of Aquatica! Dive into an aquatic adventure filled with vibrant marine life, treacherous challenges, and exciting opportunities. In this game, I invite you to explore the depths of the ocean and strive to build your own underwater realm. Are you ready? Let’s dive in!


    Your primary goal as an underwater ruler is to amass the highest score by the end of the game. You can achieve this by strategically drafting cards, building powerful locations, recruiting skilled leaders, and ensuring a prosperous economy for your underwater kingdom.


    Before we dive in, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the components of the game. Aquatica features a game board depicting the ocean floor, various cards representing locations, leaders, and events, as well as a token to track the current player. Additionally, you’ll have access to a deck of exploration cards and resources to aid you in your journey.

    Turn Structure:

    The game is played over a series of turns. Each turn consists of three main phases: 1) Income Phase, where you collect resources based on your current locations; 2) Actions Phase, where you can perform a range of actions such as playing cards, recruiting leaders, or activating locations; and 3) Clean-up Phase, where you discard excess cards and prepare for the next turn.

    Building Your Kingdom:

    As you navigate through the game, you’ll have the opportunity to acquire and play various cards to enhance your underwater realm. Locations are the backbone of your kingdom, providing you with resources, special abilities, and victory points. With careful planning, you can chain together card abilities to create powerful combos that propel you towards victory.

    Recruiting Leaders:

    Leaders are an essential part of your strategy. They bring unique abilities and bonuses to your kingdom, allowing you to shape the game to your advantage. Hiring the right leaders at the right time can be the key to success.

    Exploring the Depths:

    Aquatica offers you the chance to explore the ocean depths and uncover hidden treasures. Exploration cards provide one-time benefits that can boost your progress or hinder your opponents. Keep an eye out for these valuable cards as they can turn the tide of the game.

    Game End and Scoring:

    The game comes to a close when a specific condition is met, such as exhausting a particular deck. At that point, players calculate their scores based on various factors, including their locations, leaders, and resources. The player with the highest score emerges as the ruler of the underwater realm!


    In Aquatica, you have the opportunity to shape your own underwater kingdom. Through strategic planning, card combinations, and clever decision-making, you can lead your civilization to victory. So, what are you waiting for? Plunge into the world of Aquatica and let the ocean depths reveal their secrets to you!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Did you know that the vast Oceans are home to a multitude of mysteries and creatures? Just beneath the surface, there exists a whole civilization known as the Sea-folk, comprising of sharks, whales, corals, and shrimps.

    For countless centuries, the Great Kingdoms of Aquatica have thrived, developing their own unique society, raising their families, and thriving in their prosperous world. However, their resources have dwindled over time, and now they must venture into the deep Ocean Depths to uncover new sources of sustenance.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Aquatica is a board game that can be played by 1 to 4 players. It comes with several components that are essential to gameplay. Let me tell you about them.

    First, we have the game board, which serves as the main playing area. It’s where all the action happens and where you’ll make your strategic moves.

    Next, we have 56 Location cards. These cards represent different areas of the game world that you can explore and conquer. Each location offers its own unique benefits.

    To help you keep track of your progress and resources, the game includes 4 three-layered player boards. These boards are a handy tool for organizing your game pieces and keeping everything in order.

    You’ll also find 8 King cards in the box. These cards represent the different Ocean Kings that you can play as. Each King has their own special abilities and traits, adding an extra layer of strategy to the game.

    In addition to the King cards, there are 24 Starting Character cards. These cards represent the initial characters that you can recruit for your kingdom. Each character has their own abilities and can help you in different ways.

    To bring the game world to life, Aquatica includes 16 Trained Mantas’ miniatures. These miniatures represent powerful creatures that can aid you in your quest for resources and prosperity.

    As you explore and conquer locations, you’ll come across Goal Tokens. The game includes 6 double-sided Goal Tokens that you can fulfill to earn Prosperity points. These goals add an exciting objective to the game and give you something to strive for.

    Throughout your journey, you’ll encounter various Ocean Character cards. These cards represent unique characters that can be recruited to help you in your quest. Each character has their own abilities and can provide valuable assistance.

    To add a sense of challenge, there are 31 Wild Mantas’ miniatures in the game. These miniatures represent dangerous creatures that can hinder your progress. Be prepared to face them and overcome the obstacles they present.

    To keep track of your progress and resources, Aquatica provides a notepad. This handy tool allows you to jot down important information and keep track of your prosperity points.

    Lastly, the game includes a rulebook that provides detailed instructions on how to play. It’s important to read and understand the rules before diving into the game.

    Now that you’re familiar with the components of Aquatica, let’s talk about the object of the game. As an Ocean King, your main goal is to have the most Prosperity points. You can earn these points by exploring new locations, conquering territories, recruiting characters, and completing goals.

    In Aquatica, the path to prosperity is filled with challenges and decisions. It’s up to you to strategically navigate the game world, make the right choices, and outsmart your opponents.

    So, grab your King card, recruit your characters, and dive into the world of Aquatica. The ocean awaits you, and the race for prosperity begins!

    When the game is over, the one with the most Prosperity Points wins and becomes known as the greatest ruler of the Great Kingdoms of Aquatica!

    Getting Started

    Preparing the Game Board

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    1. First, put the Game Board where everyone can see.
    2. Now, mix up the Ocean Characters deck and put it on the bottom row of the board. Take 6 cards from the top of the deck and fill up the Character’s row (just like you see in the picture). The Ocean Characters deck has 3 sets of the same cards. If there are 3 or 4 people playing, use the whole deck. But if there are only 2 players, take out the cards with the O symbol in the bottom right corner and put them back in the box. That way, you have 2 copies of each Character in the deck.
    3. Next, shuffle the Locations deck and put it in the middle row of the board. Take 6 cards from the top of the deck and fill up the row (just like you see in the picture).
    4. Finally, place all the miniatures of the Wild Mantas with the effect side up next to the board.

    Getting Ready to Play

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    1. First, you’ll need to grab a player board and put it in front of you, face-up.
    2. Next, pick a symbol that you like and grab the set of 6 starting Character cards and 4 Trained Mantas that go along with it.

    This is where the fun begins!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

  • If you want to determine the turn order in a game, a tried and true method is to have everyone dive into the sea and see who comes up first.
  • But if you prefer a more organized approach, you can use King cards. In Basic mode, the player with King card number 1 goes first, followed by the player with King card number 2, and so on.
  • How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! If you’re ready to dive into more games, you can take things up a notch with the Advanced Mode and start drafting your Kings! How cool is that?

    Alright, here’s how the game works: each player gets their very own Character cards and King card. You’ll form your hand, turn all the Manta miniatures effect side up, and then we’re ready to get started!

    So, let’s go over some basic concepts:

    Card Anatomy

    In Aquatics, there are two types of cards you’ll come across:


    Character cards represent all sorts of Sea-folk who are going to help you gain Prosperity. With their help, you’ll explore the vast Ocean, uncover new locations, and gather valuable resources from the Depths. How exciting!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Let’s talk about Character Cards, shall we?

    Character Cards come in three different types:

    1. Starting Characters: At the beginning of your journey, each player gets six starting Characters. These heroes are with you from the start and will help you in your quest for domination!
    2. Ocean Characters: As you explore the vast seas during your reign, you’ll encounter Ocean Characters. Some of them might even decide to join forces with you! Talk about making waves!
    3. Kings: Now, the Kings are something special. With their unique set of powers and abilities, they represent you in the game. Each King brings their own personality to the table, making your reign even more thrilling!
    Now, let’s move on to Locations!

    Locations are like the lands that you’ll uncover and exploit in your quest for power. Each Location can be either bought using Coins or conquered through sheer might using Power. The choice is yours!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Did you know that there are four types of Locations in the game? They are Shark Bays, Sunken Ships, Ocean Volcanoes, and Decayed Civilizations.

    Once you manage to conquer or buy a Location, you’ll get to explore its hidden depths in search of valuable resources.

    But Locations don’t just offer resources. They also come with special effects, as well as creatures called Mantas and Prosperity Points.


    Mantas are fascinating creatures that you’ll often encounter in the Ocean. They are so common that the Sea-folk have learned to tame them. When you start the game, you’ll already have a set of four trained Mantas.

    However, wild Mantas are still out there, waiting to be discovered. In fact, there are 31 of these Free Mantas that you can encounter and train as the game progresses.

    Mantas not only bring you resources but also allow you to perform special effects. They truly are incredible companions on your underwater journey.

    When I’m ready to help you, you can see the symbol on my belly. To gain resources or trigger a special effect, flip me back up. In simpler terms, flip me on my belly.

    When I’m turned back up, I’m tired. A tired me is just resting and can’t do anything. To make me ready again, you need to trigger a special effect.

    The easiest way to activate your resting Mantas is to use the Matrona Starting Character card.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess


    In Aquatica, the resources are not physical tokens but rather symbols on your cards, Mantas, and the Game Board. These resources cannot be carried over. There are two types of resources in the game: Coins and Power.


    Coins can be found in your Locations Depths, and your Mantas can also bring them to you. Coins are used to purchase new Locations and recruit Characters to join your realm.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    The Power Within

    Power is a mysterious force, elusive and enigmatic. It lurks in the depths of Locations, beckoning me to explore its hidden treasures. But there is more to Power than meets the eye – it can also be bestowed upon me by my faithful companions, the Mantas. These majestic creatures carry the essence of Power, delivering it to me when I need it the most.

    With Power in my hands, I am unstoppable. It grants me the strength to conquer new frontiers, paving the way for adventure and discovery. It propels me forward, fueling my ambitions and empowering my dreams. The surge of Power coursing through my veins is electrifying, charging me with an exhilarating mix of anticipation and possibility.

    But like every extraordinary gift, Power comes with great responsibility. It is a double-edged sword, capable of both creation and destruction. I must harness its potential wisely, using it for the greater good. The choices I make with Power determine not only my fate but the fate of the world around me.

    So, how do I wield this formidable force? The answer lies in my understanding of Power’s true nature. It is not simply a means to an end, but a source of enlightenment. By embracing Power, I tap into a wellspring of knowledge and wisdom, allowing me to navigate the treacherous waters of life with clarity and purpose.

    As I embark on my journey, I am reminded of the importance of choosing the right path. Each decision I make, each Location I conquer, shapes my destiny. Power guides me, but it is I who must take the first step. I must trust my instincts, follow my heart, and let the Power within guide me to my ultimate destination.

    So, remember, my friend, that Power is not just a concept, it is a palpable energy that flows through you. Embrace it, respect it, and let it guide you on your path to greatness. With Power as your ally, you have the potential to change the world.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    How to Play the Game

    Okay, so here’s the deal. We all take turns starting from the first player and going in a circle, clockwise. Simple enough, right?

    When it’s your turn, you’ve gotta do one Main action. It’s mandatory. But hey, the good news is, you can also do as many extra actions as you want. It’s like a bonus round!

    Now, here’s a little tip for you: you can do your actions in any order you want. Mix it up, have some fun!

    Once you’re all done with your turn, it’s time to pass the baton to the next player on your left. Don’t worry, they’ll get their chance to shine!

    Alright, Let’s Get into the Main Action

    1. So, during your turn, you’ve gotta play one of your Character cards from your hand. Makes sense, right? And here’s the important part: you’ve gotta do whatever the card says. Those effects are no joke!
    2. Now, let’s say you can do everything the card asks for. Awesome! You’ve gotta do it all, no exceptions. But hold up, what if you can only do some of the effects? Well, hey, you can still play that card. Just use the effects you can actually perform. No shame in that!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Let me tell you about a cool game called Sea Horse. It’s pretty awesome. When you play Sea Horse, you get to do some really cool stuff. Check it out:

    Take a look at this example: Sea Horse lets you do three things. First, you can scout; second, you gain 1 Power; and third, you can conquer a Location. If you can do all three of these things, you have to do them in order. Start with the scouting and then move on to gaining Power and conquering a Location. Cool, right?

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Once you’ve played a Character card, put it into your discard pile with the face facing up.

    II. Extra Actions

    You have two ways to perform an additional action:

    1. Flipping Mantas

    You can use a ready Manta to activate the effect shown on that Manta. When you do, immediately resolve the effect and then flip the Manta to its tired side.

    2. Exploiting Locations’ Depths

    Each location has Depths that you can explore. These Depths are shown along the left side of the card. Within the Depths, you may find:

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    1. Getting Resources – When you play a card, that’s when you can collect coins and power. These resources are important because you can use them to recruit Characters, take over or purchase new Locations, and even activate certain effects.
    2. Using Effects – Before or after your main action, you can use effects. Remember, you can only use the top Depth of a Location card. To get a Resource or activate an effect, you have to slide the Location up by 1 Depth. Once you do that, your player board will cover the top Depth, and now you have access to new Depths! Keep in mind that some Depths don’t have any use at all. You can’t just move those Locations up. You’re not allowed to make use of those Locations unless you use the raise effect.


    An effect gives you an advantage. You can use an effect by playing a Character card, using a ready Manta, or taking advantage of the Depths of your Locations.

    1. Recruit

    While ruling the Ocean, you’ll come across various Characters. If you choose to Recruit them, they’ll join your realm and provide assistance on your journey. To Recruit, follow these steps:

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    1. First, I want you to choose just one Ocean Character from the Ocean Board.
    2. Next, you’ll need to pay the amount of coins that you see below the card you’ve chosen and put that card into your hand.
    3. Then, I want you to slide all the other Ocean Character cards to the left so that there are no spaces in between them.
    4. Finally, turn over the top card from the deck and place it on the rightmost space.

    Don’t worry, you can have as many of each Ocean Character card as you want. So, even if you already have one “The Grabber,” you can still recruit another one.

    2. Buy Location

    If you want to buy one of the Locations that have been discovered, you can do so from the tribes that live there.

    To buy a Location, just follow these simple steps:

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    1. First, pick one spot on the Ocean board.
    2. Then, pay the number of Coins you see at the top of the Location card.
    3. Next, place the Location into an empty slot on your player board, making sure the top Depth is visible in the circle.

    3. Conquer

    If you don’t wanna Buy a Location, you can Conquer it. You just need some Power.

    Select one Location card from the board, pay the Power amount displayed at the top of the card, and put it into an empty spot on your player board so that the highest Depth is in the circle.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you want to buy or conquer a Location, you must make sure you have an empty space on your player board. Your player board can hold up to 5 Location cards at once.

    Don’t forget that if you don’t have enough Coins or Power, you can use your Mantas to assist you.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Have you ever found yourself with a new place to explore but no idea what to do with it? Well, fear not! I’m here to help you navigate the world of Aquatica and make the most of your discoveries.

    If you come across a Location without any Depths icons, don’t worry! Just place it on your player board in a way that only shows the row with Prosperity Points. This way, you can keep track of your progress and enjoy the benefits of your new location.

    4. Raise Location How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    As the ruler of your kingdom, it’s up to you to bring prosperity to your realm. One way to do this is by exploiting the Locations you discover. When you exploit a Location, you “raise” resources from it and add them to your Kingdom.

    Raising Locations has its advantages. It allows you to score them faster and overcome any empty Depths that might be blocking your path. However, there is a catch. When you raise a Location, you have to ignore all the Depth icons that you cover. This means you’ll lose any resources or effects they may have had.

    When I raise a Location, I get to choose which Location on my player board I want to move up. I can move it up a certain number of Depths as shown by the effect icon on the Character card, Manta, or a different Location card that I’m using.

    A Location is considered fully risen when all of its Depths icons are covered. Once a Location is fully risen, I instantly receive the Wild Manta that is shown by the icon at the bottom of the Location card from the common reserve. This Wild Manta is now available for me to use its effects during the same turn.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    When you have a Manta with an effect, you can use it right away – no need to wait for your next turn. Just flip your Manta and activate its effect during your current turn.

    Once you have a fully upgraded Location, you have the opportunity to Score its Prosperity Points. Perform the Score action to move the fully upgraded Location to your Scoring Pile.

    Select any fully upgraded Location on your player board and place it in your Scoring Pile. When the game ends, you will receive the number of Prosperity Points indicated in the bottom-left corner of each Location in your Scoring Pile.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Hey there! Just a quick note before we dive into the details. Remember, a fully risen Location won’t score you any Prosperity Points!

    5. Scouting

    Scouting is all about exploring the vast Ocean and discovering new Locations for you to either buy or conquer. Exciting, right?

    Ready for some adventure? Here are the steps to follow when you scout:

    1. First, let’s count the Locations in the bottom row. We can only scout if there are 4 or fewer Locations there.
    2. Now, take all the Locations from the top row and put them in the discard pile.
    3. Next, move all the Locations from the bottom row to the top row. It’s like shuffling things around!
    4. Lastly, we need to refill the bottom row. To do this, just flip over 6 Location cards from the top of the deck.

    Remember, if you have the chance to scout during your main action, you must take it. Don’t miss out on any opportunities!

    Hey there: Did you know that the spots in the top row are a bit easier to take over? You only need one less Power compared to the other locations. But don’t get too excited – you’ll still have to pay the regular price in coins to make them yours!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    My Goals

    Goals are awesome! They help me earn Prosperity Points, but I’ve got to be quick. The faster I finish a Goal, the more Prosperity Points I’ll get!

    Up there, at the top of the Ocean, are 4 Goals. If it’s my turn and I meet the requirements for a Goal, I can put one of my Mantas (the ones that are my color) on the first available spot for that Goal. It doesn’t matter if my Manta is ready or tired. But I can only complete each Goal once.

    Each Goal Track has 5 spots. Above each spot, there’s a number that tells me how many Prosperity Points I’ll get at the end of the game if my Manta is on that spot. By the way, the fifth spot is for a future game expansion!

    When I finish a Goal, I can only place a Trained Manta of my color on the Goal Track. I can’t use a Wild Manta.

    So here’s the deal, let me break it down for you. You don’t have to put your Manta on the Goal Track just because you achieve a goal. Yeah, it’s true! You have the freedom to choose what you want to do.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Let’s talk about the 4 goals that are important for us to understand:

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    In order to achieve this objective, you need to have 10 Character cards in your hand (not in the Discard pile). The King card also counts towards this total.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    If you want to achieve this goal, you need to have 4 Locations that are all the same type. These Locations can be on your player’s board or in your Scoring Pile. Basically, you just need 4 of the same kind.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    To achieve this task, you need to have at least 3 Locations in your Scoring Pile.

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    To achieve this aim, you need to have at least five tired Mantas in your reserve.

    When playing the game, turns continue until one of three conditions that mark the end of the game occurs. Once triggered, the end-game conditions grant each player, including the one who initiated the condition, one final turn before the game concludes. The three end-game conditions are as follows:

    1. A player successfully completes all four Goals and places their Mantas on them.

    2. The Location deck is completely depleted.

    3. The Ocean Character deck is completely depleted.

    At the end of the game, Prosperity Points are counted to determine each player’s score. You earn points based on the following:

    – You receive one Prosperity Point for each Character card in your hand, including your King, with the exception of those in your Discard pile.

    When it comes to tallying up your Prosperity Points in the game, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll want to look at the number of Prosperity Points displayed above your Mantas on the Goal Tracks. This will give you an indication of how well you’re doing.

    Next, take into account the total number of Prosperity Points shown on the Locations in your Scoring Pile. It’s important to note that Locations on your player board do not contribute to your Prosperity Points.

    To make counting your Prosperity Points easier, we recommend using the Score Pad provided.

    Now, let’s talk about winning the game. The player with the most Prosperity Points is the winner! So, strive to earn as many points as possible to secure your victory.

    In the event of a tie, there are a couple of factors to consider. First, the tied player with the most Mantas in their reserve will take the lead. If there is still a tie, the player with the lowest number written on their King card will be crowned the winner.

    Now that you have a better understanding of how Prosperity Points work, get out there and start accumulating them. Good luck, and may the most prosperous player prevail!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Do you ever wonder how to choose the right product? I’m here to help you with that. Let’s talk about some factors to consider when making your decision.

    First, let’s talk about price. It’s no secret that price plays a big role in our decision-making process. After all, who doesn’t like to save money? It’s important to find a product that fits within your budget while still meeting your needs. And don’t forget to take advantage of any discounts or promotions that may be available.

    Next, let’s consider the quality of the product. We all want products that are built to last. Reading reviews and doing research can help you determine if a product is of good quality. Look for products that are made with durable materials and have positive customer feedback.

    Another important factor to consider is the product’s features and functionality. Take a moment to think about what you need the product to do. Does it have all the features you’re looking for? Does it offer any additional benefits that other products don’t? Make a list of the features that are most important to you and use it as a guide during your search.

    Lastly, let’s talk about brand reputation. It’s always a good idea to consider the reputation of the brand before making a purchase. Look for brands that have a history of producing high-quality products and providing excellent customer service. Reading reviews and asking for recommendations from friends and family can help you gauge a brand’s reputation.

    So, when you’re on the hunt for the perfect product, keep these factors in mind. Consider the price, quality, features, and brand reputation to help you make an informed decision. Happy shopping!

    How to play Aquatica Official Rules UltraFoodMess

    Feeling up for a tougher challenge? It’s time to check out the Advanced Mode! This mode spices things up by introducing two new rules:

    Variable Goals: Instead of using the usual 4 basic Goals that are printed on the Ocean board, you’ll shuffle the Goal tokens, select 4 at random, and place them on top of the basic Goals in any order you choose.

    Prepare for a fresh set of challenges that will put your skills to the test!

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