Rules for Different Types of Terrain
Let’s talk about terrain and its effects on the game. You’ll find this information on the Terrain Help cards, which give you a quick summary of each terrain type’s key effects. When you set up your scenario, make sure to display the Help Cards that correspond to the terrain types you’re using on the side of the board.
The Effect section is where you’ll find all the details about what the terrain does in the game.
In the Effect section, you’ll see soldier and tank icons. These icons tell you how the terrain affects defense. For example, in this case, if you are attacking with infantry units, you’ll roll 1 less die. If you’re attacking with armor units, you’ll roll 2 less dice.
Movement: When you move a unit onto a Forest hex, it has to stop and can’t go any further on that turn.
Battle: If a unit moves onto a Forest hex, it can’t battle on that turn.
When you’re fighting an enemy unit on a Forest hex, Infantry units decrease the number of Battle dice they roll by 1, Armor units decrease it by 2, and Artillery units don’t get any reduction.
Line of Sight: A Forest hex blocks your line of sight, which means you can’t see through it.
Normandy, with its picturesque hedgerows, features small fields bordered by tall shrubs, tree lines, or fences. These hedgerows presented a significant challenge for the Allies, as they concealed unknown dangers behind their leafy barricades.
Movement: To traverse a hedgerow hex, your unit must be adjacent to it. Once a unit enters a hedgerow hex, it must halt and can’t move any farther during that turn. If a unit leaves a hedgerow hex, it can only move to an adjacent hex.
Battle: You cannot engage in battle during the same turn your unit moves onto a hedgerow hex.
When battling an enemy on a hedgerow hex, infantry units have one fewer battle dice, armored units have two fewer battle dice, and artillery units aren’t affected, allowing them to roll their normal number of battle dice.
Line of Sight: A hedgerow blocks your line of sight, obstructing your view.
When it comes to movement, there are no restrictions on the terrain.
In battle, things get interesting. If I’m fighting an enemy unit on a Hill, my Infantry and Armor will have to roll one fewer Battle die, and my Artillery won’t be affected at all. However, if I’m battling an enemy unit at the same height as mine, there won’t be any reduction in Battle dice.
Line of Sight can be tricky when it involves Hills. If I’m trying to see over a Hill, it will block my line of sight. But if I’m on the same Hill as the enemy unit, or if we’re at the same height, then line of sight won’t be blocked. It’s like a plateau effect.
Towns & Villages
Movement: When I’m playing the game, if one of my units enters a Town hex, I have to stop and can’t move any further on that turn.
Battle: If I want to battle an enemy unit that is on a Town hex, I can’t do it the same turn I move onto that hex.
Now, when it comes to battling on a Town hex, things get a little more interesting. If I have infantry, they will reduce the number of Battle dice rolled by 1. Armor, on the other hand, will reduce the number of Battle dice rolled by 2. Artillery, however, doesn’t have any reduction. But if I have armor on the Town hex, it will still reduce the number of Battle dice it rolls by 2.
Line of Sight: Remember, when I’m playing the game, a Town will block my line of sight. So I can’t see anything beyond it.
Rivers & Waterways
Movement: Rivers are tricky to navigate, acting like a barrier. You can’t just waltz right through them. However, there’s a clever little way around that. If there’s a bridge on a River hex, you can cross it and move through.
Battle: Now, here comes the fun part. If you find yourself on a River hex with a bridge, you still get to join in on the action. You can engage in battle just like you would on any other hex.
Line of Sight: Here’s an interesting twist. Rivers don’t actually block your view. They may seem like a solid obstacle, but they don’t mess with your line of sight. So, you can still see what’s happening, even if there’s a River in your way.
Movement: When I move onto a Ocean hex, I can only go one hex at a time. It’s like I’m on a small boat or in shallow waters until I reach the Beach hex. I can’t move past an Ocean hex when I’m retreating since it is impossible.
Battle: If I’m on an Ocean hex, I can’t engage in battle. I can’t fight from there.
Line of Sight: When I look out onto the Ocean, it doesn’t block my view. I can still see what’s beyond it.
Movement: When I move onto a Beach hex, I can only move 2 hexes. It’s like the sand slows me down!
Battle: Good news! There are no restrictions when it comes to fighting on a Beach. I can still Take Ground after a successful Close Assault Combat. So, I have the freedom to strategize and take control of the situation.
Line of Sight: The beauty of a Beach is that it doesn’t block my view. I can see everything clearly, allowing me to plan my next move with precision.